Tim Drayton wrote:In my opinion, the emergence of the entity calling itself Islamic State and the creation of a broad alliance to combat and destroy it represents a major turning point in history and, given Cyprus' close proximity to the region, these events will have consequences for the island.
As such, it would be good to have a thread where people can discuss the latest developments and try to make sense of what is happening in a spirit of open, mutually respectful discussion. Perhaps those looking for a slanging match could go elsewhere.
Ok, but to participate in your civilized discussion would one need (as a prerequisite) to buy your naïve story that a “Islamic State”…
1. Spawned out of nothing and in the middle of nowhere.
2. Proceeded to manufacture and arm itself with the latest American weapons.
3. Acquired access to military GPS so as to safely traverse corridors in a rather busy and very dangerous war region.
4. Setup an intelligent global recruiting network.
5. Acquired access to seemingly unlimited funds for its operations.
...and a host of other impressive capabilities not mentioned above, all on their own in roughly the space of a year?