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Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

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Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:45 pm

"Full Spectrum Dominance, the European Press and the Impending Demise of the EU"

Last Saturday, Angela Merkel went to Kiev to pledge increased financial and political support for the coup-installed regime’s war against separatist forces in the eastern and largely Russian-speaking part of Ukraine.

Seldom in recent history – and that is saying a lot – have we witnessed a more transparently stupid, and in the final analysis, suicidal act of statecraft.

Despite what you might have heard or read over the last six months, the goings on in Ukraine have virtually nothing to do with democracy or Putin’s supposed desire to reconstruct the Soviet Union, and everything to do with the US need to eke out a few more years of world hegemony by sowing chaos among the nations, or emerging coalitions of nations, it sees as having any ability to put a check on its now largely unchecked military and financial power.

As Putin’s advisor, Sergei Glaziev, said in a wonderfully succinct manner a few days ago, this is all about the US desire to destroy the peaceful, and until now, quite mutually beneficial set of relations between post-Soviet (and post-Yeltsin) Russia and the nations of the EU.

Why would the US want to do that?

Because the idea of an increasingly integrated economic space stretching from Lisbon to the Kamchatka Peninsula, scares the daylights out of the geopolitical strategists in Washington and New York, as well as their friends in the London poodle pound.

They realize that if peace and commerce were to continue to break out in this way, it could lead, in a relatively short period of time, to the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency, a change that would lead, in turn, to the end of the US’s ability to bully others, especially the Chinese, into pumping up our economy by buying our increasingly valueless – on the level of intrinsic economic production – financial instruments.

The answer? Drive a wedge between Putin and the Europeans by instigating a Civil War in Ukraine, a war which, for readily evident historical and cultural reasons, is virtually guaranteed to provoke the vigorous involvement of Russia. With Russia bogged down in this way, the emerging system of Eurasian integration, sketched out briefly above, will be stopped in its tracks, letting the militarily straightjacketed and grossly indebted US ignore the fact of its terminal decline for another day.

One can see how the pack of cocksure and deeply ignorant arrivistes making foreign policy in the Obama administration, entranced by the apparent urbanity of the geriatric and preternaturally Russian-hating Brzezinski, might sign on to such a scheme. ... of-the-eu/
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:48 pm

Hey Psycho, why don't you shut the fuck up and go meet your creator, first you blow your useless self up :lol:
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:04 pm

Putin i wish, would make a deal and buy the Crimea, and Peace, doesn't Russia have such a mighty social-economy, ultimately, just as a matter of dollars and sense, isn't that the American (read: Capitalist) way? It would not surprise me, that such an act, would not be so difficult to understand what with the facts, financially speaking, the Ukraine faces. What of, what this says about Russian preeminence (as a world power); money, isn't it what it's all about? what are you trying to say GR, that Russia, it's acts are the wag of some dog? their soldiers are in the Ukraine to hasten the demise of "Capitalism" as we know it today, because at the helm of America's leadership there is a vanguard of criminal psychopaths hell-bent and as corrupt he competes against, who move this Agenda forward as quickly as possible, like him (against a bumbling EU, at its advent)?

Money talks; you spend it on: Guns, or, Butter. Putin knows this, but so far he has demonstrated that he is good at a brutal Realpolitik, and not at new thinking.

...quite frankly, like Erdogan, i have higher expectations of him, and as such, i am sadly impressed by his performance.
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:28 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Putin i wish, would make a deal and buy the Crimea, and Peace, doesn't Russia have such a mighty social-economy, ultimately, just as a matter of dollars and sense, isn't that the American (read: Capitalist) way? It would not surprise me, that such an act, would not be so difficult to understand what with the facts, financially speaking, the Ukraine faces. What of, what this says about Russian preeminence (as a world power); money, isn't it what it's all about? what are you trying to say GR, that Russia, it's acts are the wag of some dog? their soldiers are in the Ukraine to hasten the demise of "Capitalism" as we know it today, because at the helm of America's leadership there is a vanguard of criminal psychopaths hell-bent and as corrupt he competes against, who move this Agenda forward as quickly as possible, like him (against a bumbling EU, at its advent)?

Money talks; you spend it on: Guns, or, Butter. Putin knows this, but so far he has demonstrated that he is good at a brutal Realpolitik, and not at new thinking.

...quite frankly, like Erdogan, i have higher expectations of him, and as such, i am sadly impressed by his performance.

not a surprise to anyone the Russians have always been an expansive for more moves in other parts surrounding has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism or any other ism..
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby Paphitis » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:38 am

repulsewarrior wrote:Putin i wish, would make a deal and buy the Crimea, and Peace, doesn't Russia have such a mighty social-economy, ultimately, just as a matter of dollars and sense, isn't that the American (read: Capitalist) way? It would not surprise me, that such an act, would not be so difficult to understand what with the facts, financially speaking, the Ukraine faces. What of, what this says about Russian preeminence (as a world power); money, isn't it what it's all about? what are you trying to say GR, that Russia, it's acts are the wag of some dog? their soldiers are in the Ukraine to hasten the demise of "Capitalism" as we know it today, because at the helm of America's leadership there is a vanguard of criminal psychopaths hell-bent and as corrupt he competes against, who move this Agenda forward as quickly as possible, like him (against a bumbling EU, at its advent)?

Money talks; you spend it on: Guns, or, Butter. Putin knows this, but so far he has demonstrated that he is good at a brutal Realpolitik, and not at new thinking.

...quite frankly, like Erdogan, i have higher expectations of him, and as such, i am sadly impressed by his performance.

Did Ukraine say that Crimea was up for sale? Am I missing something here?

I want Australia to cut a deal with Anastasiades and buy the entire island of Cyprus and then bomb the crap out of Turkey! :lol:

How many billions does it take?

BTW, Russia is probably the flagship of Capitalism today! I don't think they want its demise when there are millions of mercedes and BMWs circulating when only 20 years ago they only had a horse and cart! :lol:
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:07 am

Russia is probably the flagship of Capitalism today! is why i suggest that Cyprus has a very important role to play, as a facilitator, and as a crossroad, for the work, where if the US, EU, and the Russians got together, there would be no more problem, the world would be a safer place.
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby Paphitis » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:40 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Russia is probably the flagship of Capitalism today! is why i suggest that Cyprus has a very important role to play, as a facilitator, and as a crossroad, for the work, where if the US, EU, and the Russians got together, there would be no more problem, the world would be a safer place.

It's not possible for the US, EU to get together with Russia at present.

They have invaded a country that is a candidate member of the EU and NATO. This can't be condoned much like the invasion of Cyprus can't be condoned. The EU or some of the countries in the EU are hypocrites for condoning Turkey's presence in Cyprus and Russia's presence in Ukraine.

And the RoC can't facilitate or be a broker for Russia over this issue. It would be a very grave political mistake.

Once the Russians get out of Ukraine, then no worries at all.
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:"Full Spectrum Dominance, the European Press and the Impending Demise of the EU"

Last Saturday, Angela Merkel went to Kiev to pledge increased financial and political support for the coup-installed regime’s war against separatist forces in the eastern and largely Russian-speaking part of Ukraine.

Seldom in recent history – and that is saying a lot – have we witnessed a more transparently stupid, and in the final analysis, suicidal act of statecraft.

Despite what you might have heard or read over the last six months, the goings on in Ukraine have virtually nothing to do with democracy or Putin’s supposed desire to reconstruct the Soviet Union, and everything to do with the US need to eke out a few more years of world hegemony by sowing chaos among the nations, or emerging coalitions of nations, it sees as having any ability to put a check on its now largely unchecked military and financial power.

As Putin’s advisor, Sergei Glaziev, said in a wonderfully succinct manner a few days ago, this is all about the US desire to destroy the peaceful, and until now, quite mutually beneficial set of relations between post-Soviet (and post-Yeltsin) Russia and the nations of the EU.

Why would the US want to do that?

Because the idea of an increasingly integrated economic space stretching from Lisbon to the Kamchatka Peninsula, scares the daylights out of the geopolitical strategists in Washington and New York, as well as their friends in the London poodle pound.

They realize that if peace and commerce were to continue to break out in this way, it could lead, in a relatively short period of time, to the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency, a change that would lead, in turn, to the end of the US’s ability to bully others, especially the Chinese, into pumping up our economy by buying our increasingly valueless – on the level of intrinsic economic production – financial instruments.

The answer? Drive a wedge between Putin and the Europeans by instigating a Civil War in Ukraine, a war which, for readily evident historical and cultural reasons, is virtually guaranteed to provoke the vigorous involvement of Russia. With Russia bogged down in this way, the emerging system of Eurasian integration, sketched out briefly above, will be stopped in its tracks, letting the militarily straightjacketed and grossly indebted US ignore the fact of its terminal decline for another day.

One can see how the pack of cocksure and deeply ignorant arrivistes making foreign policy in the Obama administration, entranced by the apparent urbanity of the geriatric and preternaturally Russian-hating Brzezinski, might sign on to such a scheme. ... of-the-eu/

If Putin saves Syria, he will save the EU too.
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:05 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Putin i wish, would make a deal and buy the Crimea, and Peace, doesn't Russia have such a mighty social-economy, ultimately, just as a matter of dollars and sense, isn't that the American (read: Capitalist) way? It would not surprise me, that such an act, would not be so difficult to understand what with the facts, financially speaking, the Ukraine faces. What of, what this says about Russian preeminence (as a world power); money, isn't it what it's all about? what are you trying to say GR, that Russia, it's acts are the wag of some dog? their soldiers are in the Ukraine to hasten the demise of "Capitalism" as we know it today, because at the helm of America's leadership there is a vanguard of criminal psychopaths hell-bent and as corrupt he competes against, who move this Agenda forward as quickly as possible, like him (against a bumbling EU, at its advent)?

Money talks; you spend it on: Guns, or, Butter. Putin knows this, but so far he has demonstrated that he is good at a brutal Realpolitik, and not at new thinking.

...quite frankly, like Erdogan, i have higher expectations of him, and as such, i am sadly impressed by his performance.

Russia's economy is in disarray! They are in a major depression.
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Re: Criminal America’s destruction of the EU

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:08 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Get Real! wrote:"Full Spectrum Dominance, the European Press and the Impending Demise of the EU"

Last Saturday, Angela Merkel went to Kiev to pledge increased financial and political support for the coup-installed regime’s war against separatist forces in the eastern and largely Russian-speaking part of Ukraine.

Seldom in recent history – and that is saying a lot – have we witnessed a more transparently stupid, and in the final analysis, suicidal act of statecraft.

Despite what you might have heard or read over the last six months, the goings on in Ukraine have virtually nothing to do with democracy or Putin’s supposed desire to reconstruct the Soviet Union, and everything to do with the US need to eke out a few more years of world hegemony by sowing chaos among the nations, or emerging coalitions of nations, it sees as having any ability to put a check on its now largely unchecked military and financial power.

As Putin’s advisor, Sergei Glaziev, said in a wonderfully succinct manner a few days ago, this is all about the US desire to destroy the peaceful, and until now, quite mutually beneficial set of relations between post-Soviet (and post-Yeltsin) Russia and the nations of the EU.

Why would the US want to do that?

Because the idea of an increasingly integrated economic space stretching from Lisbon to the Kamchatka Peninsula, scares the daylights out of the geopolitical strategists in Washington and New York, as well as their friends in the London poodle pound.

They realize that if peace and commerce were to continue to break out in this way, it could lead, in a relatively short period of time, to the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency, a change that would lead, in turn, to the end of the US’s ability to bully others, especially the Chinese, into pumping up our economy by buying our increasingly valueless – on the level of intrinsic economic production – financial instruments.

The answer? Drive a wedge between Putin and the Europeans by instigating a Civil War in Ukraine, a war which, for readily evident historical and cultural reasons, is virtually guaranteed to provoke the vigorous involvement of Russia. With Russia bogged down in this way, the emerging system of Eurasian integration, sketched out briefly above, will be stopped in its tracks, letting the militarily straightjacketed and grossly indebted US ignore the fact of its terminal decline for another day.

One can see how the pack of cocksure and deeply ignorant arrivistes making foreign policy in the Obama administration, entranced by the apparent urbanity of the geriatric and preternaturally Russian-hating Brzezinski, might sign on to such a scheme. ... of-the-eu/

If Putin saves Syria, he will save the EU too.

Who is going to save Russia?

The EU is trucking along ok-ish. They are certainly doing a lot better than Russia is.

It's just a downturn but things are going just fine in Asia and North America. When they take off, then Europe does well by default.
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