These clearly spurious votes , with the exemption of your own and perhaps two others , were created by none other than your self. You are after all a computer expert being I believe your job.
I have a PM in my possession from you sometime back in which you give me a step by step guide as to how to bring a site down. Since I consider that private messages are private I will not post it on this forum, as you know it is a criminal offence, the site owners might very well wish to take legal action against you.
I have always considered your views and ranting against the USA and Israel as anathema to the interests of Cyprus. Having now established that you are a psychopath I shall stay on this forum to keep you in check. I will also learn how to use a spell checker so when referring "Ahbar " I will know that the h should be a k.

May I again ask you, how tall are you psycho ?
Will respond further when at work, in the meantime I suggest that some of your artificial voters come to the defence of your perverted views.