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Poll ended at Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:50 pm

Total votes : 7


Postby kurupetos » Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:04 pm

Get Real! wrote:
kurupetos wrote:You are an idiot.

You mean the PRESIDENT of the idiots! :lol:

No, Lordo won't resign. Sorry Milti. :cry:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:01 pm

miltiades wrote:Having my operation tomorrow, are you ...humanitarian going to wish me good luck :lol: :lol:

Whatever happens this time tomorrow I shall be in front of my computer, who needs a bloody erection anyway :lol: :lol:

I have not been keeping up too much but I sincerely hope all had gone as well as is possible.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:53 pm

Good post Jerry...
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:05 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
miltiades wrote:Having my operation tomorrow, are you ...humanitarian going to wish me good luck :lol: :lol:

Whatever happens this time tomorrow I shall be in front of my computer, who needs a bloody erection anyway :lol: :lol:

I have not been keeping up too much but I sincerely hope all had gone as well as is possible.

Arrived at St Georges Hospital today at 1pm as arranged. Was not really looking forward to the operation but I just had to go ahead with it.
I had seen the surgeon a week or so ago and he really did inspire confidence in me, a young man with over ten years experience, we interacted well and I requested that he be the one to do the operation.

Something told me that all was not well, my inspirational surgeon was nowhere to be seen, don't worry I was told Mr ,,,, G....R would be carrying out the operation as Mr T P WAS AWAY. :mrgreen:

No bloody way I said, I don't want G...R to operate on m,e, so I discharged my self and requested a new date when Mr T P would be available, some time early September I was told.. This gives me enough time to visit Cyprus in a week or so.

Can you imagine how I felt when the surgeons name was given to me ? Took me a moment or so to click, Mr G...bloody R

So here Im back home with my ....Prostate ..
Thank you T for your good wishes ..
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:24 pm

Well, who knows what would have happened with this replacement doctor/surgeon, Mr G.... R....! :D

Just as well our GR! has gotten up your nose and you stuck to your guns (and b*lls :wink: ) to insist upon the expert you preferred.

September is a better month for ops than August anyway. Fewer holiday locums experimenting on patients.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:07 am

...indeed, life is strange, too many coincidences to deny the fact that there is something to it.

my disappointment, with Israel, is that i hold them in far higher esteem, and so i expect more from them. it is impossible to ignore that for such a tiny country, and with such dysfunctional circumstances, they not only survive, the have created an example of progress that all of us can, in some part, admire. few people as a People have demonstrated their strength for Millennia, i like to think it makes us as Cypriots, the people of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Persia and Egypt, brothers by blood. (it is the Cypriot i think closest in kind) but the Jews are European, in essence, returning to this promised land, they have a knowledge of the Occidental world quite different, as well.

...what is needed is new thinking, boldness based on Faith and Principal, beyond this Realpolitik, a reverence for the lessons learned which has come with a price of millions of lives: Lest we Forget. Love is the Universal Truth in which God plays an essential role. thus, this war is shameless either way, to be loving is to serve, this is Grace, be you Muslim, Christian, or Jewish. more importantly, to be Human, is represented with the very same actions, and intents, i'm sure, Buddhists, and Atheists can agree to that respect for each other too, because there are greater enemies, like Disease, and the Ignorance which makes us cling in fear, to notions that are the cause of such hatred between us, rather than the enemy which is the threat to all. who has the courage to change themselves? who are the truly brave? Erdogan, in his position, Netanyahu, can change the world. it will take an epiphany; i pray for them, too.

...good choice milti, your surgeon will appreciate this conviction in him, rather than 'the system'.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:49 am

some ugly photos, from Syria...

curious, is the link to the photos' source some kind of dangerous code: beware!!
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:34 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Well done to you for bringing some logic.

You and Oracle wouldn't know logic if it hit you in the face... :)

International law is not interested in what parties SAY but what parties DO!


Well from your posts I can only assume that you and Oracle never have! :lol:

So to recap…

When it comes to War Crimes we’re not interested in what Hamas *may* have said at some stage in the past and according to Israeli sources, but we are VERY INTERESTED in what Israelis HAVE DONE and ARE DOING even as we speak and as captured on countless videos! :wink:

And in case you brain still cannot cope with it… War Crimes are NOT words but ACTIONS.

OK then, please post us the evidence or a link stating the particular war crime Israel stands accused from by the ICJ.

I think you will find there is no crime to answer since Israel's right to defend itself from rocket attack is undeniable under International Law.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:41 am

Jerry wrote:Some of us have kept quiet on this matter, without wishing to offend the "adversaries" in this debate I would now like to make my contribution.

The creation the State of Israel was considered following the Balfour declaration but the holocaust was the event that finally determined its establishment. I question the very right of the United Nations to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine without taking into account the consequences for those already living there - what about their human rights as espoused by the UN itself? Logic would suggest that a Jewish homeland should have been set up in Germany with right to visit the holy places in Palestine perhaps, after all most of the early Jewish settlers to Palestine were from Europe. The Palestinians have been, and are still being, kicked off their land on the West Bank, they are in an open prison in Gaza, they are doing what most Greek Cypriots would be doing if they lived in such deprivation and squalor - fighting for their rights.

Hamas knows it can't destroy the Jewish State, it's simply rhetoric to keep the masses on side and a bargaining point for negotiations, the Israelis know this, their response is out of all proportion to the threat faced, they would most likely nuke Gaza if they had suffered 2000 deaths.

Cyprus has, historically, chosen the wrong allies, the consequence is the current occupation by Turkey. Perhaps now it's time to put Cyprus first regardless of our principles but we should be wary of placing too much trust in our new found friend - after all it was Israel that showed Turkey that you can steal someone else's land, colonise it, and probably get away with it.

Actually no,

Israel is more than willing to accept a 2 State Solution at some point under a comprehensive settlement which it will hope will afford it security. Such a situation is however not possible with Hamas, and further to this it is Hamas that has attacked Israel thus provoking Israeli action against it in Gaza.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:57 am

The current impasse in Gaza/Israel conflict , violence and hatred, killings and suffering will continue for many years to come, it is implausible that either side will abandon their ingrained doctrines , on one hand Israel will fight for its right to exist, on the other Hamas will fight for its objectives, the destruction of Israel.

Hamas will not agree to dissarmament and I srael will not agree to the lifting of the blockade. What is the answer, well only their respective god knows.

The only option that I can see that could possibly lead to some sort of peace is a declaraion from both sides to negotiate in an atmospere of good will and, yes, co operation.

On one hand Israel agrees to the lifting of the blockade following the ending of hostilities by Hamas and the termination of rocket firing for one year, during which time negotiations for a lasting peace take place.

The international community join together in offering massive aid to the Palestinians, rebuild Gaza, offer Gazans a way of life that will diminish the influence of Hamas and increase the desire for peace.

Hamas must realize the futility of firing rockets at Israel, carrying out terror acts abductions etc , Israel must also realize that its very existence does not only rely on military acts but diplomacy too.
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