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Poll ended at Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:50 pm

Total votes : 7


Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:24 pm

DT. wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The three of you have the combined dignity of a cheap prostitute!

It’s no surprise that you’re not living in Cyprus and have spent most of your lives in the West!

Real Cypriots are family oriented people with compassion and empathy for others and do not approve of the callous slaughter of women and children by Israel, regardless of the victim’s color or religion.

I too have spent some years overseas but I NEVER allowed the criminal West to steal my dignity and turn me into another dehumanized drone.

There’s just not enough propaganda emanating from the criminal fools to covert me into a dehumanized crime-loving drone, and there are not enough goods & services they can offer to bribe me out of my common sense, self respect and dignity.

This pillar of justice CANNOT be toppled for it is proudly made 100% in Cyprus! :wink:

Don't the Israelis have the same family values as Cypriots Get Real? They do! Their family units are strong and they do have a load of empathy in my experience.

But when do they have the right to defend themselves? Once again, Hamas has launched numerous rockets into Israel. The IDF had withdrawn 3 days ago. I just got off the plane, but I bet they are heading back to Gaza for another offensive.

A few days ago, were you the one gloating about the downing of MH17? You couldn't give a damn about the Dutch, Aussies and Brits killed there. If there were Americans, you would be into your JD! Where are your family values Get Real?

An Aussie coupled from Perth holidaying in Amsterdam with 3 little Bueatiful children and their grandad were sent home early on that flight whilst the parents stayed in Holland for 3 extra days. That one really got to me.

This is my last comment on this here psycho. POU TO POLLIN TO KLAMA ESHIESTIKEN PANO TOU !!
This guy who would rather have Turkey occupying Cyprus for eternity should Israel or the USA intervened is a mad man . Anyone who fails to see that he is a lunatic must be blind. He does not give a shit about anyone apart from his Islamic brothers, the fact that he has the same god as them, ie Allah, is neither here nor there.

Milt every time you quote what he said you take it a little further from the truth.

GR said "If the liberation of my country (through some geopolitical mess) depended on the slaughter of the Palestinians to their extinction, then I’d rather NOT liberate my country for I’d refuse to exist on such a dirty piece of land!"

Something that stands to reason, I also find it hard to swallow in this hypothetical situation when an entire race gets exterminated so that I can get the other half of my island back.

Good luck with your op tomorrow sir.

What GR! said is as far from the truth as you could possibly get, also.

Have the Israelis declared they are about to exterminate all the Palestinians?


In fact, the reverse is actually true in that Hamas (and most other Arabs-Islamists of that ilk) have openly declared or would be happy with the extinction not only of Jews but Christians too.

So it would seem GR! would support the wholesale slaughter and extinction of the Jews (as supported openly by Hamas). His only objection seems to be on the hypothetical extinction (since it has never been an aim) of Palestinians.
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Postby Cap » Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:02 pm


GiGs nailed it.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:38 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:What GR! said is as far from the truth as you could possibly get, also.

Have the Israelis declared they are about to exterminate all the Palestinians?


In fact, the reverse is actually true in that Hamas (and most other Arabs-Islamists of that ilk) have openly declared or would be happy with the extinction not only of Jews but Christians too.

So it would seem GR! would support the wholesale slaughter and extinction of the Jews (as supported openly by Hamas). His only objection seems to be on the hypothetical extinction (since it has never been an aim) of Palestinians.

:? Must be some kind of female logic at work here... I swear I tried to understand you. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:44 pm

Lets get one FACT straight. The Israelis have not declared at any time that their goal is the destruction of the Palestinians or of any other race. Since 1948 they have fought many wars, wars of survival against hostile nations, their very survival dependant on their military strength and their determination to preserve the state of Israel.

Hamas manifesto calls for the destruction of Israel, it does not call for the establishment of peace and co existence in this troublesome region where most killings are carried out, as they always were, by Islamists against Muslims.

Take a look at Syria where more than 150,000 have perished, not killed by Israel, the USA or any other nation, killed by Islamists and Muslims.

Im very surprised that what I can see clearly as regards this psychopath , some of you don't. This guy has never uttered one word of condemnation directed at Islamists, fooling himself that he is a ....humanitarian when in fact he is a sick man infested with a tremendous amount of hatred for Israel and the USA as well as the western world in general.

I have been on this forum for more than 8 years, I have on numerous occasions challenged his perverted views and his obsessive hatred of nations that can be of help to Cyprus, he searches the net digging out any snippets that portray America as an evil nation, something that he is convinced of in his perverted mind.

Some years back I posted that I liked his wit, this barbarian however not only insulted my dead mother but also my late wife. He is a successful bully with those susceptible to his intimidating rhetoric, not with this 68 year old, I have sussed him out, did so years ago, he is SICK;

The quicker he gets his arse out of Cyprus and into Gaza or any other ...of his loved nations the better.

Humanitarian, my rear !!!
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Postby kurupetos » Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:18 pm

miltiades wrote:"We Must Behead All Jews"

You are an idiot.

I genuinely feel sorry for anyone that actually thinks those are the real subtitles ....
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:29 pm

kurupetos wrote:You are an idiot.

You mean the PRESIDENT of the idiots! :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:53 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DT. wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The three of you have the combined dignity of a cheap prostitute!

It’s no surprise that you’re not living in Cyprus and have spent most of your lives in the West!

Real Cypriots are family oriented people with compassion and empathy for others and do not approve of the callous slaughter of women and children by Israel, regardless of the victim’s color or religion.

I too have spent some years overseas but I NEVER allowed the criminal West to steal my dignity and turn me into another dehumanized drone.

There’s just not enough propaganda emanating from the criminal fools to covert me into a dehumanized crime-loving drone, and there are not enough goods & services they can offer to bribe me out of my common sense, self respect and dignity.

This pillar of justice CANNOT be toppled for it is proudly made 100% in Cyprus! :wink:

Don't the Israelis have the same family values as Cypriots Get Real? They do! Their family units are strong and they do have a load of empathy in my experience.

But when do they have the right to defend themselves? Once again, Hamas has launched numerous rockets into Israel. The IDF had withdrawn 3 days ago. I just got off the plane, but I bet they are heading back to Gaza for another offensive.

A few days ago, were you the one gloating about the downing of MH17? You couldn't give a damn about the Dutch, Aussies and Brits killed there. If there were Americans, you would be into your JD! Where are your family values Get Real?

An Aussie coupled from Perth holidaying in Amsterdam with 3 little Bueatiful children and their grandad were sent home early on that flight whilst the parents stayed in Holland for 3 extra days. That one really got to me.

This is my last comment on this here psycho. POU TO POLLIN TO KLAMA ESHIESTIKEN PANO TOU !!
This guy who would rather have Turkey occupying Cyprus for eternity should Israel or the USA intervened is a mad man . Anyone who fails to see that he is a lunatic must be blind. He does not give a shit about anyone apart from his Islamic brothers, the fact that he has the same god as them, ie Allah, is neither here nor there.

Milt every time you quote what he said you take it a little further from the truth.

GR said "If the liberation of my country (through some geopolitical mess) depended on the slaughter of the Palestinians to their extinction, then I’d rather NOT liberate my country for I’d refuse to exist on such a dirty piece of land!"

Something that stands to reason, I also find it hard to swallow in this hypothetical situation when an entire race gets exterminated so that I can get the other half of my island back.

Good luck with your op tomorrow sir.

What GR! said is as far from the truth as you could possibly get, also.

Have the Israelis declared they are about to exterminate all the Palestinians?


In fact, the reverse is actually true in that Hamas (and most other Arabs-Islamists of that ilk) have openly declared or would be happy with the extinction not only of Jews but Christians too.

So it would seem GR! would support the wholesale slaughter and extinction of the Jews (as supported openly by Hamas). His only objection seems to be on the hypothetical extinction (since it has never been an aim) of Palestinians.

Well done to you for bringing some logic.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:08 pm

Paphitis wrote:Well done to you for bringing some logic.

You and Oracle wouldn't know logic if it hit you in the face... :)

International law is not interested in what parties SAY but what parties DO!


Well from your posts I can only assume that you and Oracle never have! :lol:

So to recap…

When it comes to War Crimes we’re not interested in what Hamas *may* have said at some stage in the past and according to Israeli sources, but we are VERY INTERESTED in what Israelis HAVE DONE and ARE DOING even as we speak and as captured on countless videos! :wink:

And in case you brain still cannot cope with it… War Crimes are NOT words but ACTIONS.
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Postby Jerry » Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:25 pm

Some of us have kept quiet on this matter, without wishing to offend the "adversaries" in this debate I would now like to make my contribution.

The creation the State of Israel was considered following the Balfour declaration but the holocaust was the event that finally determined its establishment. I question the very right of the United Nations to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine without taking into account the consequences for those already living there - what about their human rights as espoused by the UN itself? Logic would suggest that a Jewish homeland should have been set up in Germany with right to visit the holy places in Palestine perhaps, after all most of the early Jewish settlers to Palestine were from Europe. The Palestinians have been, and are still being, kicked off their land on the West Bank, they are in an open prison in Gaza, they are doing what most Greek Cypriots would be doing if they lived in such deprivation and squalor - fighting for their rights.

Hamas knows it can't destroy the Jewish State, it's simply rhetoric to keep the masses on side and a bargaining point for negotiations, the Israelis know this, their response is out of all proportion to the threat faced, they would most likely nuke Gaza if they had suffered 2000 deaths.

Cyprus has, historically, chosen the wrong allies, the consequence is the current occupation by Turkey. Perhaps now it's time to put Cyprus first regardless of our principles but we should be wary of placing too much trust in our new found friend - after all it was Israel that showed Turkey that you can steal someone else's land, colonise it, and probably get away with it.
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Postby Cap » Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:44 pm

And although I will not dogmatically support anyone as a trusted or loyal ally, other than our own Greek blood-brothers

:lol: :lol:

You kidding us right?
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