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Poll ended at Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:50 pm

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Postby Paphitis » Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:04 am

DT. wrote:Doesn't really matter who controls a govt. The real power is elsewhere :wink:

Only in Cyprus, because your stupid politicians let it and made things worse through inaction (Christofias).
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Postby DT. » Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:44 am

Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:Doesn't really matter who controls a govt. The real power is elsewhere :wink:

Only in Cyprus, because your stupid politicians let it and made things worse through inaction (Christofias).

Take it easy paphiti and don't idealize your lot so much. The filth is everywhere.

On 29th July 2014 WikiLeaks released an unprecedented suppression order by the Australian Supreme Court in Melbourne, Victoria, made on June 19th 2014, with regards to a multi-country, multi-million dollar corruption case. The supression order forbids any discloures, by publication or otherwise, of any information relating to the court case by anyone, including the Australian media, ensuring complete secrecy around the largest corruption case in Australia. The order also forbids any disclosures about the order itself, and specifically commands no mention be made of the affirmed affidavit submitted to the court by Gillian Bird, a career diplomat, currently appointed as a deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Bird is one of Australia's most senior and experienced diplomats and is responsible for relations with South East Asia which is why her affidavit, currently held sealed by the court, is so important.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:10 am

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:My "campaign " is to expose you for what you are. A sick jihadist full of crocodile tears and crap. You are a disaster for Cyprus to the extend that one can safely say that with friends such as you who needs enemies. Take your arse out of your brain you psycho, better still go to Gaza, Iraq or Syria and blow your useless self up. Hurry up you midget !!! :lol: :lol:

For starters, you need to learn how to SPELL properly. Uneducated people can NEVER take on the educated… do you understand this simple premise?

Your best bet is to take your computer back and tell them you’re too stupid to own one.

The world is full of self proclaimed "educated" men, one such being you.

Intellectually, having " known" you for more than 8 years , I have considered you as an intellectually deficient blockhead, obsessed with a ravenous and self inflicted caustic repugnance aimed at the West, in particualr the USA and Israel, never missing an opportunity to lambast either America, Israel and the West in general.

You told us some years back that you have never met your mother, presumably she took one look at you and abandoned you, and how right she was, you have turned out to be one nasty, vulgar, repugnant psychopathic bully.

Always ready to denigrate and vilify the western world whilst supporing the savages that you appear to be so related to. You can intimidate many but never think that Miltiades can be intimidated. If all Cypriots, or in your case half Cypriots were like you , I would most empatically have doubts as to my roots.

Get lost you imperious little man, Gaza, Irag, Afghanistan, Syria are ready to welcome scum like you.

Now, as spelling, I will try and make use of the tool that you use, spell checker :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:40 am

DT. wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
DT. wrote:Doesn't really matter who controls a govt. The real power is elsewhere :wink:

Only in Cyprus, because your stupid politicians let it and made things worse through inaction (Christofias).

Take it easy paphiti and don't idealize your lot so much. The filth is everywhere.

On 29th July 2014 WikiLeaks released an unprecedented suppression order by the Australian Supreme Court in Melbourne, Victoria, made on June 19th 2014, with regards to a multi-country, multi-million dollar corruption case. The supression order forbids any discloures, by publication or otherwise, of any information relating to the court case by anyone, including the Australian media, ensuring complete secrecy around the largest corruption case in Australia. The order also forbids any disclosures about the order itself, and specifically commands no mention be made of the affirmed affidavit submitted to the court by Gillian Bird, a career diplomat, currently appointed as a deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Bird is one of Australia's most senior and experienced diplomats and is responsible for relations with South East Asia which is why her affidavit, currently held sealed by the court, is so important.

Who cares about Wikilieaks!

The differance is one country is very much functional whilst the other isn't so much.

I am aware of the Federal Court suppression Order. The reason is, there was a Royal Commussion under way. The suppression order was temporary and valid.

The problem with Wikileaks is that the founder is wanted by the Australian Feds with numerous arrest warrants. So there is a lot disdain. ASIC would be waiting in front of the Ecuadorian Embassy.

Bird is an ASIC attachment working at Foreign Embassies. Every year, these guys spend millions on open Government Credit Cards, bribing foreign officials for information. It is quite legit.

For instance, if they wanted to track an Australian Citizen in Cyprus, then they might pay a corrupt Cypriot Official for information. The Federal Courts have the power to suppress this.

It's common knowledge that DFAT, Department of Immigration, ASIC and ASIO bribe and pay foreign officials, diplomats and Public Servants around the globe. Some Cypriot Officials would be on the Aussie payroll as well. But it ain't corruption mate. It can only be corruption on the Cypriot side but the Aussie bribery are just doing their job. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:58 pm

"Cypriot underwater gas and oil discoveries follow directly on ones found earlier in Israeli seas, located adjacent to them and uncovered by the same American (Noble) and Israeli (Delek, Avner) companies. The current estimate of 5 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas as well as some oil has a value estimated at US$800 billion, a huge amount for a small country whose current GDP is a mere $24 billion "

This is where our focus should be directed at for the interests of Cyprus and our future generations to come.

"Unlike nearby Israel, which is also surrounded by opponents, Cyprus lacks either a military option or protective fences: the personnel of the Turkish armed forces, about 700,000, approximate the size of the entire population in the Republic of Cyprus, about 850,000. Put differently, Turkey's population outnumbers that of Cyprus by nearly 100 times. BUT NICOSIA CAN CREATE ALLIANCES, ESPECCIALLY WITH ISRAEL, to enhance its security. Israel, in turn, by pursuing combined gas operations, gains strategic depth for its air force and a diplomatic friend. As an aide to Cyprus' President Nicos Anastasiades told me, "We are Israel's ambassador in the European Union."
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:30 pm

miltiades wrote:The world is full of self proclaimed "educated" men, one such being you. etc etc etc...

Your opinion is worthless because you are UNEDUCATED. In fact, by today’s standards you’re a HILLBILLY that should not be entitled to an opinion or the right to vote in any elections.

The only right people like you should have, is a right to a free education. Upon achieving that then every other privilege should gradually unlock before you.

You see, I don’t believe in democracies that allow fools like you to have a say because there are far too many fools that bring and keep corrupt criminals in power the world around. That is the world’s main problem… the daftness of the masses granting and sustaining power to criminals!

But opinions should be EARNED, and the right to vote should be EARNED!

Uneducated people cannot tap into fundamental properties of human intelligence like common sense, the ability to foresee and predict situations, COMPASSION and EMPATHY for others and so forth. The latter btw, is what makes us different to animals!

But fools like you are only driven by instinct; the instinct to acquire wealth, the instinct to copulate with as many females as possible, the instinct to exercise power over others, the instinct to fill up your stomach, and never mind the guy next to you and you want to be a President? <- :roll:

Let’s face it… the only “great President” a selfish fool like you would make is that of your own pocket! :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:The world is full of self proclaimed "educated" men, one such being you. etc etc etc...

Your opinion is worthless because you are UNEDUCATED. In fact, by today’s standards you’re a HILLBILLY that should not be entitled to an opinion or the right to vote in any elections.

The only right people like you should have, is a right to a free education. Upon achieving that then every other privilege should gradually unlock before you.

You see, I don’t believe in democracies that allow fools like you to have a say because there are far too many fools that bring and keep corrupt criminals in power the world around. That is the world’s main problem… the daftness of the masses granting and sustaining power to criminals!

But opinions should be EARNED, and the right to vote should be EARNED!

Uneducated people cannot tap into fundamental properties of human intelligence like common sense, the ability to foresee and predict situations, COMPASSION and EMPATHY for others and so forth. The latter btw, is what makes us different to animals!

But fools like you are only driven by instinct; the instinct to acquire wealth, the instinct to copulate with as many females as possible, the instinct to exercise power over others, the instinct to fill up your stomach, and never mind the guy next to you and you want to be a President? <- :roll:

Let’s face it… the only “great President” a selfish fool like you would make is that of your own pocket! :lol:

Pou tin polli tin morfosin eshieses pano sou :lol: :lol:
Lets face it, your crudeness encompassing each and every post that you make is indicative of your ....elevated level :lol:

In reality you are a perfect example of a poorly educated fool who has been indoctrinated with his own shit in beleiving that he is cultured or schooled when in fact you are a confirmed and incurably so Psychopath.

If I were you I would seek qualified help and not rely upon a thouroughly defunct shit of a brain :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:22 pm

miltiades wrote:Pou tin polli tin morfosin eshieses pano sou :lol: :lol:
Lets face it, your crudeness encompassing each and every post that you make is indicative of your ....elevated level :lol:

In reality you are a perfect example of a poorly educated fool who has been indoctrinated with his own shit in beleiving that he is cultured or schooled when in fact you are a confirmed and incurably so Psychopath.

If I were you I would seek qualified help and not rely upon a thouroughly defunct shit of a brain :lol:

Now flush the toilet and kindly return to your tavli and billotta!

Because they’re the only things you may ever excel at…
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:28 pm

So, the ...educated psychopath gives up !
Boy I can take you on educationally intellectually or even physically while I'm ...asleep !!
Now off you go join your relations in Gaza, Syria or Iraq and blow your useless ...educated self up !!
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Postby Cap » Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:40 pm

Truth is, we've always been anti West.
Our historically commie dominated, Soviet Union loving brainwashing has contributed to this anti West mindset.

The Soviets never lifted a finger in 74.
Not so much as a verbal bollocking against the foreign Anatolian savages.

It drives them Anatolian bastards crazy with this CY Israeli alliance.
Although it's purely interest based.
Anatolians accuse Israel of illegal occupation of Gaza.
Israeli's accuse Anatolians of illegal occupation of Cyprus.

It's all good. :)
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