GreekIslandGirl wrote:High time Cyprus had a female President.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:High time Cyprus had a female President.
Paphitis wrote:And since you are all for girl power, then you wouldn't mind me forming an entire female infantry, and mechanized division like this!
Get Real! wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:High time Cyprus had a female President.
I'd vote for you if you weren't half Cypriot... sorry.
Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:And since you are all for girl power, then you wouldn't mind me forming an entire female infantry, and mechanized division like this!
Stop idolizing war criminals you fucking brainless cunt!
Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:And since you are all for girl power, then you wouldn't mind me forming an entire female infantry, and mechanized division like this!
Stop idolizing war criminals you fucking brainless cunt!
We have a lot to learn from them!
get it together you!
Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:I would put both of you on trial for grand treason after I re-introduce capital punishment for such acts!
It’s “high treason”…
Honestly, I’d place you both right back into primary school!
At the very least, your loved ones; if you have any… should be very ecstatic!
Look, with you in charge, Cyprus is really f@#ked!![]()
Look, just take a step back and let the mentally stable take care of business! I guarantee, after 5 years at the helm, I will have many enemies, but things will get done and the RoC will be a militarized superpower in Israel's mould!
Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:And since you are all for girl power, then you wouldn't mind me forming an entire female infantry, and mechanized division like this!
Stop idolizing war criminals you fucking brainless cunt!
We have a lot to learn from them!
get it together you!
You fucking little midget… at moments like this you’re fucking lucky I ain’t next to you cos I’d knock you out silly.
Paphitis wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:High time Cyprus had a female President.
I'll vote for you, only if you give me free reign.
And since you are all for girl power, then you wouldn't mind me forming an entire female infantry, and mechanized division like this!
There will be women infantry, driving tanks and flying planes and lots of female officers commanding them!![]()
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