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Wanting to move to Cyprus

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Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby Kim stone90 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:25 am

Just looking for some advise, I currently live in the UK with my Husband and two small children. We have discussed moving to cyprus (paphos area) for a while now and have done lots I research on this! Just wondering if anyone else has moved from Uk to Cyprus can give me some info about how you found the move. Was it easy enough with children etc!
Any help/advise would be appriciated :D
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby puffik » Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:07 pm

My children were born here, but if you gained this idea from holidays then life on the ground is not the same. The key questions you should ask yourself are why do I wish to leave the UK and what are the positive benefits of moving overseas, and in particular of the specific place I am thinking of moving too.

I would suggest reading the online version of local papers. If you use google chrome browser then some of the Greek Language papers will translate, though often badly.
Thinks to think about.. do not grow on trees and most are very badly paid compared to the UK.
Education....choice between state schools where language will be an issue or private English language / syllabus schools...
Health care.... No NHS for many...
Cost of living, in particular the high price of electric and of English imported food and white goods, compared to UK.
Be prepared to eat differently...
Heat in Summer.....
Baby sitters.....until you grow a circle of nearby friends...
Current Friends and family.....distance to travel.
Property and the risks of any event rent first to check you are happy here.
Car purchase....relative high a cost of s/h cars...
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:25 am

If financially you are OK then Cyprus is Paradise on Earth. On the other hand if finances are not healthy then it will be a little difficult settling in. Schools are fine and in many respects much better than the UK's so called multicultural.

The weather is fabulous each season with its own character.

Much has changed in Cyprus and particularly in Paphos but quality of life is still good.

Prices are higher than in the UK on most things so shopping wisely is advisable.

Utilities are more expensive than in the UK but do take into account that you will not be spending much on heating but more in air con.

Personal safety is good although the influx of some undesirable immigrants has affected this aspect somewhat. Gone are the days when you would leave your doors and windows open. The "Paphites" are on the whole a friendly lot, family orientated and considerate.

Children are an integral part of Cypriot life, family bonds are still strong.

Driving is bad, at times reckless, the Cypriots have yet to realise the purpose of a motorised vehicle is to transport you from A to B and not a status symbol. The children must be made aware that Zebra crossings are not entirely without risk, extra care must always be exercised when crossing roads.

My late wife, borne and bread in London and as English as a cup of tea spent much time in Cyprus , never once during our 46 years together did she experience any animosity or unpleasantness from the Cypriots on her very regular visits to the island.

My daughter now lives in Cyprus and would never dream of returning to the UK, her children, 3 of them, go to state schools as well as private English schools.

Your prime consideration has to be the financial aspects, getting a job is not easy and the pay not excellent, but quality of life, in my opinion, far more rewarding than that of the UK.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby Kim stone90 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:28 am

Thank you both for your reply! A lot of things there I will take in to account!! Financially I think we would be fine but we would look at one of us trying to get a job before we fully move! I have done a lot of research on nhs, schools etc but just wanted people's opinions! Think we will still look through pros and cons again and have a good think!! Thank you for your replays was very helpful :)
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:50 pm

I would say that getting a job is going to be the major issue. If you are financially independent and have no need to work, that is one thing, but if you need to get a job and earn enough to support a family, that is another. You are talking of moving to Paphos, which is a rural backwater whose economy is mostly dependent on tourism, so the jobs there are mostly seasonal and low paid. I hope you realise that you are contemplating moving to a Greek-speaking place. Do you speak any Greek? What chance does a person who speaks no English have of getting a decent job in the UK? Turn the question round and ask it about the Greek-speaking part of Cyprus. Then, you have to realise that Cyrpus has suffered a banking crisis that has bankrupted the state and forced it to turn to the Troika for a bail-out. As a result of this, there is a huge crisis and unemployment levels here at record levels. I would say that unless you have a special skill that is in great demand on the local job market (and I would be curious to know what that is in Paphos just at the moment - although I think that a few such niches do exist in Limassol and Nicosia), you can forget about getting a job unless you want to work in a hotel kitchen for the summer only at rates of pay acceptable to a Bulgarian.
You do also realise, I hope, that the public school system teaches in Greek and if you want to send your children to an English-speaking school you will have to go private.
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:38 pm

Cyprus is not a country I would seriously consider migrating to with a young family.

I have looked at it, and believe it is too difficult and the future too uncertain economically and politically. I am a Greek Speaker and as a result I believe I would face less challenges than you would, but still could not justify or consider the prospect as seriously viable or in the best interests of my children.

If you want to migrate to another country with nice weather, a great climate and lifestyle, then consider Australia or New Zealand. Also, maybe consider the US or Canada. If not, then stay put in the UK.

Many Cypriots are looking for a way out and to migrate out of Cyprus. 3 families have approached my partner just in the last few weeks. They paint a gloomy picture.

Cyprus may not be a good option for you at all.

You have to ask yourself why you want to migrate to Cyprus. Then analyze whether you can find those things in another country and look at those options too. Migrating to any of the 4 countries I mentioned above would be a heck of a lot easier on you and your children.
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby kurupetos » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:Cyprus is not a country I would seriously consider migrating to with a young family.

I have looked at it, and believe it is too difficult and the future too uncertain economically and politically. I am a Greek Speaker and as a result I believe I would face less challenges than you would, but still could not justify or consider the prospect as seriously viable or in the best interests of my children.

If you want to migrate to another country with nice weather, a great climate and lifestyle, then consider Australia or New Zealand. Also, maybe consider the US or Canada. If not, then stay put in the UK.

Many Cypriots are looking for a way out and to migrate out of Cyprus. 3 families have approached my partner just in the last few weeks. They paint a gloomy picture.

Cyprus may not be a good option for you at all.

You have to ask yourself why you want to migrate to Cyprus. Then analyze whether you can find those things in another country and look at those options too. Migrating to any of the 4 countries I mentioned above would be a heck of a lot easier on you and your children.

It's funny Paphitis, because some days ago I applied for a job in Australia.

Is 100 000 AUD good pay? :?
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:35 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Cyprus is not a country I would seriously consider migrating to with a young family.

I have looked at it, and believe it is too difficult and the future too uncertain economically and politically. I am a Greek Speaker and as a result I believe I would face less challenges than you would, but still could not justify or consider the prospect as seriously viable or in the best interests of my children.

If you want to migrate to another country with nice weather, a great climate and lifestyle, then consider Australia or New Zealand. Also, maybe consider the US or Canada. If not, then stay put in the UK.

Many Cypriots are looking for a way out and to migrate out of Cyprus. 3 families have approached my partner just in the last few weeks. They paint a gloomy picture.

Cyprus may not be a good option for you at all.

You have to ask yourself why you want to migrate to Cyprus. Then analyze whether you can find those things in another country and look at those options too. Migrating to any of the 4 countries I mentioned above would be a heck of a lot easier on you and your children.

It's funny Paphitis, because some days ago I applied for a job in Australia.

Is 100 000 AUD good pay? :?

It's not bad. It's above average. Corresponds to 70000 euro or 6000 per month.

It's a very expensive place. Easier to find a job though and raise a family.

Btw, you can't just apply for work. You need a 457 visa and find a company to sponsor you unless you have certain sought after qualifications.
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:45 pm

And to get a 457 visa, you have to arrange for a face to face interview in Beirut, Lebanon. They won't do it in Cyprus. I have no idea why.

My partner had to arrange one for someone else in Cyprus.
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Re: Wanting to move to Cyprus

Postby kurupetos » Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:13 pm

Paphitis wrote:It's not bad. It's above average. Corresponds to 70000 euro or 6000 per month.

It's a very expensive place. Easier to find a job though and raise a family.

Btw, you can't just apply for work. You need a 457 visa and find a company to sponsor you unless you have certain sought after qualifications.

OK, Paphitis, thanks. I mostly applied out of curiosity. :)
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