...if this continues, from my perspective, it will be Eroglu who will bring down his own deck of cards. in any case, there will be elections soon, Mr. Eroglu may have other things on his mind, and it seems that he is not a man to run on his record (what has he done for the people he serves), but on the promise to resist any change that is not "Turkish".
...at best he is no Statesman, but the Leader of a Constituency; if he had an equal we would not, as Cypriots, be having this discussion, (i think everyone agrees, except one). and since he has doggedly resisted the notion of a Cyprus because of its "Greekness", he should be happy to discuss "Turkishness", that which is within his realm, if Sovereignty were not in the equation, or the Rule of Law, and Human Rights, within a set of Cypriot Constituencies to divvy up their Territorial Jurisdictions in unanimity, toward reform (i suggest the most he can hope for) if there existed this level of government, within, a Republic of Cyprus: this is Bicommunal.
...yes, let Eroglu stand, a Cypriot Flag behind him.