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U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Nikitas » Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:09 pm

You are either equal or not, you cannot be equal with special needs because you are a minority which you continually deny.

Kikapu is spot on when he mentions that Biden maybe was thinking of the USA, the most succesful federal nation in the world. New York state fought in the civil war against the less populated state of Georgia. Now they are equal, neither one claims "special sensitivities".

Most people who opposed the Annan plan had other worries, not the issue of equality. Look beyond the end of your nose for once. After 1974 GCs trust no one with their collective fate. The RoC is vital for our communal survival, this was the reason of the rejection. An intelligent negotiator would have caught on to that simple fact years ago and used it to their benefit. Not the Turks though.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:44 pm

You really lack understand of the fact the "RoC" never accepted protected TCs it was used as a tool by the GCs to manipulate and erase TCs rights agreed none other then themselves only 3 years previously. Your demand for its continuation is a non starter you have unilaterally changed it to suit yourselves pushing us to one side, how lont would it take you to demand that our veto rights be erased completly? thats why a new agreement is vital which will be based on BBF and political equality of the 2 states, why is it so hard for you GCs to grasp this basic fact as the rest of the world appears to have not only understtod it but supports us with a 50% right in agreeing a new solution as the old was opposed again by yourselves. The majority of provisions that you oppose in any new solution are only demanded because of mistrust between TCs and GCs, TCs take your demands as a rights to do as you wish as you did in the past and take away our rights forcing us into just another minority in our own country.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Nikitas » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:00 am

VP I agree with you re the use of the RoC by the GCs against the TCs. But you totally miss the radical change brought about in the GC community in July 1974.

It was then that the GCs realised, in a most direct and crude way that as a community they have no other means to survive than their existence as a state. Greece is not a guarantee for the GCs nor are the other guarantors.

That does not mean that TCs must return to the RoC umbrella. There might be other ways to pursue BBF without abolishing the RoC or forcing the TCs to join it.

Turkey insists on abolishing the RoC, and that is just not on for us. If, as Soysal wrote a few years back, the new deal does not work, there must be alternative safety nets for the TCs, the same goes for the GCs and that net is the RoC, not some second rate piece of land in Greece named New Cyprus, in the manner that they have New Smyrni, New Ionia etc.

Look at it this way: GC might be better expressed as gC. Good negotiating sometimes involves understanding the essence of the other side's position and not its superficial packaging.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:56 am

Your sides position is very obvious, their sole aim is to reduce us to minority status therefore giving them to the freedom to use their numerical advantage to shit on us at every opportunity. We want the opposite plenty of safeguards and measure that the Gcs will share with us eaually and not shit all over us.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Nikitas » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:14 pm

Vp you must be a rotten poker player.

Abolishing the RoC does nothing to further equality. Insisting on it simply reveals the Turkish end game which has been described by Soysal and Gul (in one of his lucid moments). Abolish the RoC, then orchestrate a deadlock and secession and that would leave the GCs with no national status, a mere "community" with no international standing. And that is definitely not going to happen. We learned our 1974 lesson very well.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:39 pm

Nikitas wrote:Vp you must be a rotten poker player.

Abolishing the RoC does nothing to further equality. Insisting on it simply reveals the Turkish end game which has been described by Soysal and Gul (in one of his lucid moments). Abolish the RoC, then orchestrate a deadlock and secession and that would leave the GCs with no national status, a mere "community" with no international standing. And that is definitely not going to happen. We learned our 1974 lesson very well.

You have learned absolutely nothing, you still want to deny us our rights and force us into minority status in a GC state united to Greece via the EU. Not gonna happen so stale mate the divide continues.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:42 am

...of course, what you are refusing to accept vp, is the fact that beside the existence of two states, there exists a Federal Government, itself. Cyprus, exists, like Turkey, Greece, or the United States: a Turkish Constituency can only exist if there exists other Cypriot Constituencies, they are equal, and the Federal Government is superior to them. you/"you", can have your flag, if there is a Greek flag (and i hope, others), but, one flag flies higher, that which we can identify as a purpose which goes beyond being a Person, and as an Individual, as a Human Beings, because we defend each other, a People.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:07 am

The majority of provisions that you oppose in any new solution are only demanded because of mistrust between TCs and GCs, TCs take your demands as a rights to do as you wish as you did in the past and take away our rights forcing us into just another m


Isn't this whole mess a catch state that the Tc don't trust the Gc, but for 40 years the Tc and Turkey have been using our lands, destroying our churches and desecrating our(Gc)cemeteries ...the list is endless..that's how the Gc see the Tc..what have the Tc leaders ever said about all this in the past and present that would make the Gc have faith in the Tc and Tutkey?...
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:38 am

Oceanside50 wrote:
The majority of provisions that you oppose in any new solution are only demanded because of mistrust between TCs and GCs, TCs take your demands as a rights to do as you wish as you did in the past and take away our rights forcing us into just another m


Isn't this whole mess a catch state that the Tc don't trust the Gc, but for 40 years the Tc and Turkey have been using our lands, destroying our churches and desecrating our(Gc)cemeteries ...the list is endless..that's how the Gc see the Tc..what have the Tc leaders ever said about all this in the past and present that would make the Gc have faith in the Tc and Tutkey?...

We are not asking you to take a leap pf faith you have a numerical advantage and clear intent to remove our rights via 1960 agreements, we are not asking you to take a leap of faith and trust Turkey because Turkey as you demand will be gone.
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Re: U.S Say, "BBF with Political Equality"

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:44 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
The majority of provisions that you oppose in any new solution are only demanded because of mistrust between TCs and GCs, TCs take your demands as a rights to do as you wish as you did in the past and take away our rights forcing us into just another m


Isn't this whole mess a catch state that the Tc don't trust the Gc, but for 40 years the Tc and Turkey have been using our lands, destroying our churches and desecrating our(Gc)cemeteries ...the list is endless..that's how the Gc see the Tc..what have the Tc leaders ever said about all this in the past and present that would make the Gc have faith in the Tc and Tutkey?...

We are not asking you to take a leap pf faith you have a numerical advantage and clear intent to remove our rights via 1960 agreements, we are not asking you to take a leap of faith and trust Turkey because Turkey as you demand will be gone.

But the new BBF removes everything in the 1960 agreements, does it not? Everything needs to be re-negotiated. Some things may stay the same and some things will not. It depends what the EU has to say about it, since Cyprus is in the EU.
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