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Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby boulio » Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:09 am

Something kifeas had posted a while ago at the end about EU even reading the plan and accepting it

What Askimows has mentioned above is only some of the deficiencies of the final version(s) of the Annan plan. There are some other ones even more serious and unacceptable for the GC side, pertaining to philosophy of the final political arrangement. Whereas the initial version(s) of the plan (even though unlike the final version they were not fully completed) were based on a philosophy that resembled more to a federal State arrangement, with balanced bi-zonality and bi-communality characteristics; the later version(s) (thanks to the scandalous idea of introducing a so-called virgin birth approach,) shifted dramatically and were based on a philosophy that resembled more to a confederative arrangement between two separate and “legitimately pre-existing nation-states,” with very strong bi-zonality and bi-communality characteristics.

This shifting was done gradually, from version to version, and essentially (in the spirit of the “final” plan,) for the sake expediency, the RoC -from a recognized nation-state with de-jure sovereignty over the entire island and all its people, was silently and indirectly de-legitimized from its existing international status and was demoted to a mere Greek Cypriot state representing only the GCs and the south non-occupied areas; and the Turkish occupation regime in the north (“TRNC”) was silently legitimized and promoted to a Turkish Cypriot State on the basis of the same occupied territory that would represent and belong only to the TC community (and the settlers,) as if the north 29% of Cyprus was the Turkish Cypriot’s exclusive and historically inherited part of Cyprus, alone, and as if no Turkish invasion, ethnic cleansing of the majority of the population there (Greek Cypriots,) occupation and colonization from Turkey ever occurred.

What this would have meant in practice was firstly the effective brushing aside and eradication of the Greek Cypriot’s existential, cultural and historical rights associated with the north part of their country, as if they have never been the indigenous and lawful inhabitants of the north before their ethnic cleansing by Turkey in 1974, and the legalization of the assumption that the Turkish Cypriot community, alone, was historically the exclusive owner of the north 29% of Cyprus; contrary to any and all senses of the historical realities. The limiting by the plan’s provisions Greek Cypriots that would have been allowed and would have chosen to return in the north, would have been regarded and treated as mere immigrants (new-comers) into a foreign country, more or less just like a Polish or any other EU national would come and settle anywhere in Cyprus, with limited cultural and political rights (unless s/he would accept his /her Turkification after a number of years, since the North federal state would essentially legally function and an autonomous mini-Turkish Republic.) Unlike the GC indigenous population that would return in the north, the mainland Turkish settlers that were illegally allowed to colonize the north of Cyprus would almost all have been regarded as fully fletched legitimate citizens of the North State (and Cyprus,) enjoying full political and cultural rights from day one, as if they were the indigenous people of the north of Cyprus since time and memorial. Property rights would have been "settled" on the basis of expediency and primarily if not exclusivelly in favor of the properties' current legitimate but also in favor of all the illegitimate (the majority) current occupiers, with the end result of turning the TC community members (plus the mainland colonizers) from (since even before 1960) having been the owners of the average 17% of the private land in Cyprus, to becoming the "legal" or "legitimate" owners (or in absolute control) of the 24% of the most expensive (representing almost 40% of all the potential real-estate value) of Cyprus’s total private land.

These are just a few of the “side-effects” of this expedient arrangement. The myth that the EU studied the plan and approved it as a balanced and legitimate arrangement, is another scandalous and brain insulting assumption and /or claim. What the EU has basically only "said" is that as long as the trick occurs before Cyprus’s EU accession, and the crime is already "pre-legalized," I am willing to accommodate it (for the sake expediency) as an EU primary law (i.e. a unique situation that pre-existed in the acceding country and which was accepted by the EU as the fact of the matter pertaining to that country alone –just like the case of Latvia and it’s 40% of Russian speaking population that were not regarded by the country as it’s citizens because they couldn’t speak the official language.) If the case was any different, then why all the rush, the agony, the pressure and the anguish to get the Annan plan-5 passed even until the 24 hours minus 5 minutes before Cyprus’s EU accession. If the Annan plan was in compliance with legitimacy, human rights, international legality and EU principles and values, then why all the rush to have it quickly and swiftly adopted before accession. The reason is simple and obvious. You can commit such a trick and a crime to a small and a weak country and its people, but you cannot easily do so to an EU member state.

What kills me most is not to hear the above cynical claims by the foreigners and the Turkish side. What kills me most is to hear these so-called EU approval claims from the mouth of some Greek Cypriots, who in the absence of any stronger arguments as to why we should have accepted the final version of the A-plan, repeat the above same nonsense!
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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:59 am

erolz66 wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote: Are you kidding?...the plan gave the Gc no gave them no right of appeal in all cases involving Gc.. It gave them no rights to their properties for any use whatsoever..there are many more derogations but just from these two alone, an apartheid regime would have been created singling out the Gc as Sputh Africa singled out the for the above mentioned ...they fell for the hype rather then the substance.. Surmise on your own, would the suspension of habius corpus against Gc be appropriate in today's Europe and the free western world.

Yet the UN supported a yes vote. The EU supported a yes vote. Greece supported a yes vote. USA supported a yes vote. Your current president supported a yes vote. Does this not seem even a little bit incongruous to you ?

Erolz, conversely, after the AP failed in 2004, none of the above characters you have mentioned have supported the AP ever since, except for the TCs and Turkey. So what does it say to you as to what was going on before the AP referendum in 2004 that these characters supported the AP, or at least that's the impression they gave in public. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq played a major part to try and appease Turkey in public by some of the characters you have mentioned and some were just playing silly politics if not morally corrupted. We don't know any of the details that went on behind the scenes that must have been in force to have the AP rejected since it went against almost everything the EU stands for, and for many other good reasons too, and not just for the sake of the GCs future, but the TCs also.
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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:32 pm

erolz66 wrote:
boulio wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote: What everything should be based on is the rule of law not some jokers idea of a solution. The majority of the Annan plan was a joke. Where in the western world and in the heart of Europe does anyone see restrictions and derogations other then the joke Annan plan that wasn't even worth the paper it was printed on. Seeing the mention of the Annan plan as a solution is an insult to the intelligence of every western progressive citizen in this world. Try going back a few centuries and maybe you'll find someone that would take that plan seriously.

One might be given to think, based on the above description, that GC had no part at all in the creation of the Annan plan. That is was not drafted under the auspices of an body like the UN but by some 'bloody jokers' with no regard or understanding of the rule of law.

Did the gc have any real input erol?or did Haney and de soto really have the input,even annan who put his name to the plan most likely had no idea what the plan contained.

Sigh :(

I am reluctant to get into another long pointless debate to be honest. I know that GC rejected the Annan plan and I accept totally it was their right to do so. However this 'idea' that it was clearly the work of 'jokers and not based on the rule of law' does beg the (imo vaild) question that if this is so clearly the case then why did the UN, the EU, Greece , USA and pretty much everyone other than the 70% odd of GC that rejected it, including I might add your current RoC president support its adoption ? Were all of these parties unable to see it was the work of 'jokers and not based on the rule of law' ?

Errol's the plan failed because it was not rooted in justice or human rights.. It was rooted upon creating an apartheid situation where on ethnic group had more rights then another
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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:52 pm

...indeed, it seems if the UN had stuck to its Principals, the result would not have been Annan 5 so to speak. the Annan Plan in fact, represents Turkish Foreign Policy, and after fifty years, defunct is this policy which ended in failure. if the issue changes, it is because Turkey does not want to repeat their error again. should expect better from the Turkish State, Turkey being a very great country, Cyprus being so small. it makes me wonder sometime, why the occupied north is not a paradise, compared to the south...
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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:31 pm

Oh look… Sotos’ relatives are suing Cyprus because they want more money!

Apparently, the 4 billion they stole from us recently wasn’t enough so they’ve come back for more… :wink: ... 2014-07-14
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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby kurupetos » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:40 pm

Get Real! wrote:Oh look… Sotos’ relatives are suing Cyprus because they want more money!

Apparently, the 4 billion they stole from us recently wasn’t enough so they’ve come back for more… :wink: ... 2014-07-14

It's simple, yet stupid, to generalise like that. The Greek government has been controlled by the Zionists since 1974. :twisted:

But don't lose hope because GD is coming... :wink:
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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:21 am

kurupetos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Oh look… Sotos’ relatives are suing Cyprus because they want more money!

Apparently, the 4 billion they stole from us recently wasn’t enough so they’ve come back for more… :wink: ... 2014-07-14

It's simple, yet stupid, to generalise like that. The Greek government has been controlled by the Zionists since 1974. :twisted:

But don't lose hope because GD is coming... :wink:

By the time GD comes you’ll be left with the sovrako! :lol:
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Re: Venizelos and Turkish Cypriot Proposal

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:57 pm

naaah he will lose even his sovrago what ever that may be to the terks.
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