Sotos wrote: What you say is a "simple truth" only for a simple Turk looking for excuses for the crimes you are commiting.
Actually it is a simple truth of a CYPRIOT seeking to understand how and why we got in the mess we are in today.
Sotos wrote: Nothing of what we wanted for Cyprus was a violation of your human or minority rights.
No because seeking to impose the replacement of foreign rule by Britain with that of foreign rule by Greece on the TC community in their own homeland and with no regard for their wishes using means that included the use of illegal violence and terror against innocent civilians was in no way a violation of TC rights, individual or communal was it. You say stuff like the above and you accuse ME of trying to excuse 'our' crimes ?
Sotos wrote: Even if you accepted EVERYTHING we proposed in 1963 not even a single of your human rights would be violated and as an ethnic minority you would still have more rights than most ethnic minorities and definitely way more rights than what minorities have in Turkey.
If we had simply accepted your illegal unilateral removal of our rights under the signed 60's agreements then it would not have stopped there. The next stage would have been the forced imposition of the ending of our homeland existence as a sovereign nation state, the force imposition of us being made 'Muslim Greeks' unable to even identify ourselves as Turkish in our own homeland if we should wish too and a record on humans rights violations against us that would match those of other 'muslim Greeks' living under Greek rule from 63 to date (which are many and well documented).
Sotos wrote: There was nothing in what we proposed that would make Cyprus a "tyranny of the majority".
The pursuit of enosis without any regard for the wishes of the TC community in the name of a unitary Cypriot people is the definition of 'tyranny of the majority'. It is where a numerical majority seek to impose something on everyone that only benefits those in the numerical majority and harms those not in it. It has been recognised as a danger at least as far back as 1788 when John Adams coined the phrase and the classical means to guarding against such tyranny in democracies are things like constitutional limits and separation of powers , which is why the GC leadership having failed to secure enosis prior to 60 promptly went about dismantling these protections so it could impose enosis via a tyranny of the majority without restriction or limit. It is a text book example. Declare the constitution invalid, unilaterally and illegally alter it to remove any limits and destroy the separation of powers by simply refusing (again illegally) the authority of court to limit the executives excesses.
Sotos wrote: We would simply implement a basic rule of democracy "Majority Rules", something which you never accepted and for which you started wars and conflicts in order to prevent. I wasn't born in 63-74 ... and yet you are trying to excuse crimes against every single Cypriot based on your own distorted version of 11 years of history... this when you have been committing massive atrocities against the Cypriot people almost non stop for more than 4 centuries!
I am not trying to excuse ANYTHİNG I am trying to get you to understand how and why views like
'the GC community, pursuing purely Greek not Cypriot objectives had every right to impose on TC the most fundamental of decisions about their own shared homeland, like if it would exist as a state at all and what nationality they would be and if they would be ruled from Cyprus by Cypriots or from Greece by Greeks in their own homeland, with no regards for TC communal wishes at all and that TC had no other right than to just accept this imposition of Greek (not Cypriot) desires on them in their own homeland because they were (choose from any as u like) numerically smaller, not 'true' Cypriots, or ex colonial invaders'
are not only the kind of views that got us in the mess we are in today they are also the views that stop us from solving the mess we are in today. As long as you believe that you had the right to impose enosis on the TC community with no regard for their communal wishes and TC had nor right to resist such imposition on them in their own homeland then the problem will continue.