erolz66 wrote:Sotos wrote:erolz66 wrote:Sotos wrote: What is "foreign rule" to you? Either you like it or not we are as much Greek as any other Greek. And I am talking about the real Greek Cypriots of Cyprus, not some English Cypriots, Australian Cypriots etc who frequent this forum. Isn't the "rule" of Greek Cypriots, the people that existed in Cyprus long before there was anything Turkish, also a "foreign rule" to you? Is it really different for you being citizens of Greece as an ethnic minority vs being citizens of Cyprus as an ethnic minority?
Can you really be that stupid Sotos ? Can you really not see the difference between being ruled From Nicosia by Cypriots (some of whom may or may not consider themselves Greek) and being ruled from Athens by Greeks the vast majority of which will have never even set foot in Cyprus ever ?
I can see the difference but the question is if that difference matters to TCs. Most TCs would not accept to be ruled by Athens by mostly Greeks (Greece is not made by 100% Greeks either), in the same way they would not accept to be ruled by Nicosia by mostly Greeks. Do you disagree with this?
I do not speak for most TC - I speak for myself. Ruling Cyprus together with other Cypriots, whatever they consider themselves is acceptable to me. Being told I will be ruled by foreigners in my own homeland and that I have no right to any say is such a decision is not acceptable to me. Yet it was this you told me then and what you still try and tell me today. It is why, not solely but at the core of, we are in the situation we are in today and why it remains.
Sotos wrote: You got that reversed. We were not just "told" but actually forced to be ruled by foreigners... for centuries! If you were to be ruled by foreigners it is not because your homeland would be invaded and occupied by foreigners,... as it was the case with us, but because the land that your ancestors invaded would be freed. It wasn't your "right" to use force to AGAIN prevent us to be freed. We fully deserved the freedom to democratically decide for our own island after centuries of foreign oppression. You might claim that enosis was a problem for you ... and I accept that. But you created much bigger problems to us. You didn't just tell us that we have to be ruled by foreigners... you forced it on us for centuries... and now for 40 years you are still occupying a third of our island. Claiming that enosis is at the core of the problem is just your self-centered view that ignores the problems of the majority of Cypriots which didn't start with enosis and didn't end when the enosis cause was long over.
erolz66 wrote:Sotos wrote: You got that reversed. We were not just "told" but actually forced to be ruled by foreigners... for centuries! If you were to be ruled by foreigners it is not because your homeland would be invaded and occupied by foreigners,... as it was the case with us, but because the land that your ancestors invaded would be freed. It wasn't your "right" to use force to AGAIN prevent us to be freed. We fully deserved the freedom to democratically decide for our own island after centuries of foreign oppression. You might claim that enosis was a problem for you ... and I accept that. But you created much bigger problems to us. You didn't just tell us that we have to be ruled by foreigners... you forced it on us for centuries... and now for 40 years you are still occupying a third of our island. Claiming that enosis is at the core of the problem is just your self-centered view that ignores the problems of the majority of Cypriots which didn't start with enosis and didn't end when the enosis cause was long over.
Firstly if you could have got away with ignoring and denying us our rights by force you would have, you certainly tried.
Your argument is, because of what the ottomans did to 'you' in 1571 to 1890 before any legal frame work for human rights existed this justifies you trying to deny us our rights as a community from 1960 onwards when legal framework for such rights did exist. And you accuse me of trying to justify 'my sides' crimes !
So we go round the loop one more time. You can believe the above if you like, you can believe that GC had and have communal rights in Cyprus and TC do not, you can and will believe these things. The plain fact it is exactly these 'beliefs' that have got us to the mess we are in today and prevent us getting out of it. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Sotos wrote:It wasn't your right to continue to deny our freedom ....
erolz66 wrote:Sotos wrote:It wasn't your right to continue to deny our freedom ....
This is exactly the problem. You thought and think your 'freedoms' include a right to impose foreign rule on us in our own homeland against our will and without the need for any consideration for our wants. That is the 'freedom' we denied you. Whilst you continue to think and insist you freedoms include a right to impose foreign rule on us with no regard for our wishes the problem remains.
Sotos wrote: First of all Greek rule in Cyprus is not "foreign rule" because the native people who are also the majority are Greek.
Sotos wrote: It might be foreign to you but that is just because you invaded an island which was the homeland of Greeks...
Sotos wrote: not those foreigners to you for wanting their freedom!
Yeah right and all these 'Greeks' in Cyprus I am sure will be only too happy for Athens to accrue all the future revenue from the oil and gas reserves around Cyprus and decide how and where it is spent and not Cypriots in Nicosia.
Sotos wrote:By definition a Greek rule can not be a foreign rule to Greeks.
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