by repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:33 pm
...Nikitas, I wish I could agree with you, just settle the percentages and move the Green Line accordingly, because Territory is, the, issue, as you say. we may have two (or more Constituencies, where within, one Language is spoken first before another), but Cyprus is not at Peace divided. even more importantly Cyprus remains impotent in its representation, for the island, it will not be as Cypriots we make our important decisions, if as Territorial Jurisdictions "they" are not subject to a Governance that speaks for all Cypriots as Individuals. without one Cyprus, Free, because it represents, not "Greekness", not "Turkishness" (they would have their representation as Constituencies), but as a European State, we won't even have those pleasures as Liberty, the hatred that must stop will continue, what was and is the malice foisted on the island will remain, just on another scale.
...enclaves, provide a wide benefit, by respecting the meaning has a geographic context, and not only a single political aim for which they were used in the past. they secure the Free Movement, Free Association, and Expression we all seek, regardless, because the Green Line ends, as a "border", and in Cyprus their would be many frontiers.
...again, I suggest the a Greek Constituency, if it existed, would do better than the State in the negotiation for Territorial Jurisdictions. I suggest it would be easier to reform the Republic's Constitution, if it was the Constituencies themselves, (since it is not Sovereignty that is the question) which come forward, in unanimity declaring their needs toward this end, to the Federal Government, accordingly. this is a demonstration of a Bicommunal relationship, of Cypriots. and it allows for Cypriots to express their concerns as Human beings, not as Persons, as Individuals, not based on whether they prefer their children to learn one Language or another first, or to be served at the municipal level in one Language or the other, first; do you get the point?
...without a Cyprus, one Cyprus, we loose our Freedom, to the "Greeks" and "Turks" among us, who offer instead the Liberty of being "Greek", or "Turkish", but not Freedom for Cyprus, not Freedom for Cypriots as Cypriots, or true Freedom itself, "they" will forever hold the Agenda.
@zan, I think you can deduce yourself the idea I have, since it is possible that you remain unclear, I will suggest that whatever map I can draw out for you is as good as any other at this point, but I hope you can see how a Constituency can be made up of geographic components, to have as an electorate self representation, effecting their daily lives through the Institutions they create for themselves with their own tax dollars, having as its electorate Citizens of Cyprus, who vote as a body for a superior governance, to defend Individual Rights based on Universal Principals, and our Sovereignty as a People who stand united to this end; imo, about seven enclaves north, and four south, (all of different sizes (best suited)), with the Green line adjusted only slightly, might be a good start.