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Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:29 pm

Another commentator who wonders if the USA did not have a hand in creating ISIS, just like they did with the Taliban (whose antecedents were funded and supported by America when they were fighting the Soviet occupation of their country):

Uh-oh! An American officer, a certain General Dempsey, just said that the US would be dropping some more bombs pretty soon, this time on the heads of the ISIS Frankenstein the State Department cooked up that got a little out of control. That’s the problem with these mad scientist projects. The creations get a mind of their own and we lose control over them. Sometimes they even come back to the lab they were made in and try to kill the people who made them! Pity the CIA mad scientists, for their lot is not an easy one!
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:34 pm

You can't strip people of their British citizenship (no such thing really - subjects to the Queen, officially).

If they are born and bred British Nationals then they are Britain's problem and not any other Nation's problem.

Britain has to stand up to her responsibilities and rehabilitate her offenders.

Blooming heck - first they send their colonialists to invade and strip 80% of the world of its resources, then they unleash football thugs all over the world in the 60s and 70s, then Britain offloads drunken tourist slobs all over the beaches of sunny climes ... and now THIS! :roll:

Come on Cameron! Control your people! They are a poor reflection on the rest of the Nation, but they are YOUR responsibility!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:35 pm

miltiades wrote:Just see what these ...children get up to according to the psycho by the name of Zan !!!!
Marauding ISIS militia beheading their way to Baghdad: How jihadist group so extreme even al-Qaeda has distanced itself threatens to take Iraq three years after America left

Fighters from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) took two Iraqi cities
Mosul and Tikrit in the north of the country have fallen in the past few days
Isis used to be part of al-Qaeda terror network, but was cast out this year
al-Qaeda's leader Ayman al-Zawahiri condemned attacks on other jihadists
He distanced al-Qaeda from the group, and said he ordered them to stop
Isis is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who used to be a prisoner of the U.S.
He is their second-most-wanted man, with a price of $10million on his head
Some estimates state Isis has more than 10,000 men, many from the West
Organisation draws resources from Syria - and is closing in on rich oil fields
Isis controls city of Raqqa, Syria - and has been pictured crucifying enemies "

These are the children that this complete and utter IDIOT refers to. Get lost you stupid man !!!

Some commentators think that the real reason the Sunni territory of Iraq has fallen so quickly to ISIS is that a whole host of other forces opposed to the corrupt and blatantly anti-Sunni regime of Al-Malaki are with them, and it won't be long before the latter gang up on this handful of fanatics, because the kind of Islam they are trying to oppose is anathema to this part of the world. Time will tell, but if they are right, a very unkind fate probably awaits these naive kids.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:43 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:You can't strip people of their British citizenship (no such thing really - subjects to the Queen, officially).

If they are born and bred British Nationals then they are Britain's problem and not any other Nation's problem.

Britain has to stand up to her responsibilities and rehabilitate her offenders.

Blooming heck - first they send their colonialists to invade and strip 80% of the world of its resources, then they unleash football thugs all over the world in the 60s and 70s, then Britain offloads drunken tourist slobs all over the beaches of sunny climes ... and now THIS! :roll:

Come on Cameron! Control your people! They are a poor reflection on the rest of the Nation, but they are YOUR responsibility!

Another complete and utter idiot makes a stupid post !!
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Re: I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the d

Postby zan » Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:49 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
zan wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:I find myself in a moral quandary. I have nothing but admiration for the young foreigner volunteers who went off to fight on the Republican side in the Spanish civil war. In fact, the dad of one of the kids I went to school with had done just that. The reason I admire them is because I can identify with and support the cause they fought for. On the other hand, the extreme version of Sharia law that these kids - and and expert on the BBC's Today radio programme this morning estimated that there are about 500 of them from the UK - have gone to fight for is odious to me, so I find what they are doing to be reprehensible. Voltaire said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it," and this makes me stop and think.

On the other hand, when I see footage of ISID people playing football with the skull of a person they executed for being Shiite - whom they consider to be heretics and thus liable to execution under Sharia law - I feel nauseous. Nobody who commits such acts deserves any pardon whatsoever, but you cannot automatically jump to the conclusion that all of the fighters out there are engaged in such heinous conduct.

It is the result of intelligent thinking Tim and I feel the same way. The young lad that spoke on LBC who new people who were going out there and tried to persuade them not to, was a child. He sounded no different to any " you na wat I min" youth. Have you seen the film " Three lions" ? Not much better but he made the decision not to go and persuaded one other. If we as adults can't make up our minds then what chance do they have. We can I suppose close our eyes and go all jingoistic like Milti but I think I'd need a lobotomy as well.

You must have heard the interview with the Cardiff man whose 20-year-old son suddenly turned up on a video from Iraq. The thing is, if I think back to when I was the self same age, 20, I was at university and went through some sort of mental breakdown, then got sucked into left-wing student politics, started mixing with Trotskyites and about a year later was recruited into a small Trotskyist sect for a time (it was only about 10 months). I have another mate who went through a similar process as a young man, except that he was recruited into Scientology! I can honestly say that I never did anything illegal in my time as a Trotskyist and I am actually still quite proud of the small part I played in the opposition to the National Front in the late 70's. One part of me says that this young man should be stripped of his British citizenship and seek refuge in Saudi Arabia after it is all over, if he really likes Sharia law such much, but another part of me says, "Hang on, I've been there and done that, in my own way." This kind of radicalisation among a particular, vulnerable section of youth is perhaps as old as humanity.

I think you are right Tim but we have to deter these young men from going. As they say, prevention is better than cure. We must counter this psychological war. Better the 500 than thousands bombed and killed. I would of course prefer none but but I would also prefer us not to have caused this mess in the first place.
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Postby zan » Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:52 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
miltiades wrote:Just see what these ...children get up to according to the psycho by the name of Zan !!!!
Marauding ISIS militia beheading their way to Baghdad: How jihadist group so extreme even al-Qaeda has distanced itself threatens to take Iraq three years after America left

Fighters from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) took two Iraqi cities
Mosul and Tikrit in the north of the country have fallen in the past few days
Isis used to be part of al-Qaeda terror network, but was cast out this year
al-Qaeda's leader Ayman al-Zawahiri condemned attacks on other jihadists
He distanced al-Qaeda from the group, and said he ordered them to stop
Isis is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who used to be a prisoner of the U.S.
He is their second-most-wanted man, with a price of $10million on his head
Some estimates state Isis has more than 10,000 men, many from the West
Organisation draws resources from Syria - and is closing in on rich oil fields
Isis controls city of Raqqa, Syria - and has been pictured crucifying enemies "

These are the children that this complete and utter IDIOT refers to. Get lost you stupid man !!!

Some commentators think that the real reason the Sunni territory of Iraq has fallen so quickly to ISIS is that a whole host of other forces opposed to the corrupt and blatantly anti-Sunni regime of Al-Malaki are with them, and it won't be long before the latter gang up on this handful of fanatics, because the kind of Islam they are trying to oppose is anathema to this part of the world. Time will tell, but if they are right, a very unkind fate probably awaits these naive kids.

I am sorry to over simplify it but it seems like American gangsters fighting eastern gangsters as ever disguised as religious wars.
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Postby zan » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:00 pm

miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:You can't strip people of their British citizenship (no such thing really - subjects to the Queen, officially).

If they are born and bred British Nationals then they are Britain's problem and not any other Nation's problem.

Britain has to stand up to her responsibilities and rehabilitate her offenders.

Blooming heck - first they send their colonialists to invade and strip 80% of the world of its resources, then they unleash football thugs all over the world in the 60s and 70s, then Britain offloads drunken tourist slobs all over the beaches of sunny climes ... and now THIS! :roll:

Come on Cameron! Control your people! They are a poor reflection on the rest of the Nation, but they are YOUR responsibility!

Another complete and utter idiot makes a stupid post !!

What are you talking about GiG. It didn't happen outside Miltis shop so it didn't happen at all :lol:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:16 pm

ah reh milti, this is why I call you dr., you make me laugh. me too, skirting around the issue, because it has an ethical aspect hard to get around. you with the scalpel see it surgically, knowing the dealing with "it" will be yours, after the doctors have stopped their piddling around. yet, even if these "children" are considered sick, it would be up to them to ask for help. looking at it from an even bigger perspective, maybe it is they that will drive the deep state (if there is a "world" deep state) to look at its own stagnation; it is new thinking that comes out of need, "they" will have to adapt or resist, extremes provide equal and opposite effects: Prevention is always worth more than Cure ...

...I like to think as "children" we all change. pardon me if I use an EOKA example, because we all know Grivas, but so little of his brother, to me that is telling, because both fought for the Liberation of Cyprus (as fiercely), but one went on, to "success'' with the coup. I like to think of Nicos, son of Kostas my dear friend, who was as a teenager, a white supremist, who rejected his father and his family because of it, who became a security guard and even joined the Army, he is no longer a Nazi supporter, in fact he understands very clearly that such thinking is just plain wrong (and he is active, he volunteers, to discuss his experience with younger people who are interested in the dialog), still not a father yet, he has returned to be very much a family person, and an individual who respects the fact that diversity is what makes Canada a great country, ultimately, requiring greater skill as a Human being, because the choices, as Individuals, are far greater.

...I remember, what started with an idea that made Heroes of a few, because they stood for Justice seen, against Injustice. I remember Che, and Castro calling his (Grivas) band of men their inspiration, I remember the terror (and fascination) as a child, I remember with Grivas it continued (against Communists and against his personal enemies), and I see Terrorism today. it is the Hatred that must stop, or be redirected if it is endless, somewhere where Hatred is a good thing. in any case I would find it odd if a Jihadist wanted to return to Britain, and very unprincipled. unless they have changed, or seek help toward changing, they should not expect a welcome beyond jail. the difference with the fighters in the Spanish War, Tim, is that these men join the forces who fought for (not against) the life they love, and to which they would return to.
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Postby zan » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:56 pm

You can moralise with a touch of reality or have a healthy dose of reality with a side of morality RW. Welcome home.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:42 pm

These " children" :lol: :lol: are not fighting for a noble cause, inspired by freedom and justice but driven to the war fields inspired by a sick and distorted ideology, an ideology that convinced them that those not sharing their beliefs must perish, killed, beheaded murdered in cold blood. Modern day savages, dangerous barbarians, hope they all perish in the killing fields and that none return to the UK to put my life and that of millions of others in danger by blowing themselves up on a train a bus or anywhere else. They are sick barbarians, good riddance to them,may they enjoy their time in hell !!
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