miltiades wrote:Britain is obviously a good place to live in, judging by the number of foreigners from all corners of the world who have made it their home.
Foreigners who have contributed nothing to the economy still enjoy welfare benefits that the rest of the people are entitled to.
On balance, the UK is the paradise of the third world as well as to those of impoverished eastern European countries. Not everything is perfect, no such thing as utopia but thousands upon thousands risk their lives to come to this country by any means.
I have always believed strongly that those who on their own accord made the move to the UK have a duty to blend in and embrace the nation that has offered them sanctuary, hope, peace and freedom as well as numerous benefits that in their own countries could only dream about.
I have embraced this nation, although I'm a Cypriot through and through.
I reiterate that I have never experienced any form of racism directed against my person, I do not have a chip on my shoulder as you no doubt have.
I criticize many aspects of life in the UK just as any other citizen does from time to time. I hold a well balanced view and Im a realist, I also despise those that have come here from inferior cultures and try and alter ours. We have freedom of choice, we believe or we do not, we marry who we like, we are not restricted and constrained in age old chains, we progress in every way and prefer life to death.
As for this comment of yours, I can see how distorted your poor brain is " You don't give a moments thought for the phychological effects on children that then think it necessary to go half way around the world to get themselves killed. "
Are you really suggesting that these "children" should be considered by me and others ? They are sick individuals , prisoners who have been mentally raped with distorted ideologies, they are misguided and above all bloody useless to the UK society,they should be prosecuted and where possible kicked out. Shit like these the UK does not need.
Not that I think you know but………….What is it that you want from these people? Blend in! How? Removal of the headscarf suit you? What about the next guy that wants more? Or is it "The world according to Miltiades"? All I see is Asian people working 24 hours a day making a living for themselves. On the council estates the vast majority of people living off the state are white. You have no idea and again are quoting from rubbish news papers. I cant really put too much blame on these white people because they are uneducated to the point of needing medical help. It is a social illness that some people say is designed to keep the poor oppressed. The eastern europeans use the council flats as temporary place to stay and soon move on and soon have mortgages so who exactly are you talking about? Of course there are those that cheat the system but the foreigners have been taught well. First it was the Jews that taught the Greek and Turkish Cypriots how to cheat the system and avoid VAT who then taught the Asian people. I think you know what I mean with company directors bankrupting a company every six months and then opening a new company the very next day on the same premises. Can you say that your shop pays everything it owes? I can because I have had the mother of all audits recently and they found nothing because there was nothing to find. Now its GCs and TCs in dry cleaning shops that do not declare for VAT and the government is after them. This tax witch hunt is so hypocritical because the government has known about it for decades but it all depends who is doing it and how they come after them. Creative accounting is what they laughingly call it. So what is it that you want? I worked in Dagenham for years, on and off, and when I first went there it was an all white area with most on the dole. I witnessed the first black and Asian families moving in and the resistance they had to deal with. I saw them as the first pioneers taming the wilderness and it was not easy for them so how do they just blend? Now its a miss mash of people with again little or no money so who is to blame? It is strange to see black and Asian families walking along looking as bad as the white people that lived there before them so I would say that is one place they have blended……For the worse.
I have no chip on my shoulder. I am a Brit and as a Brit I expect more from my country. I don't blame others for my failings in a jingoistic brainless way. I want what was promised to me whilst growing up and being educated in the UK. A British sense of fair play.
I have already said that these children should NOT be allowed back in the country. What I asked you to do is think about what caused it so we can possibly avoid it in the future.
OH! If you are brave enough……Get yourself down to Dagenham to the Heathway just near the junction with Church Elm Lane. There is a seat opposite the Mall. Take a seat and observe for a few hours. Who knows…..The old dog might learn something………………….And stop listening to Nick Ferrari on LBC as well. He IS the SUN personified He worked for them after all