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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:29 pm

zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
boomerang wrote:these are the animals we are talking about...these are the animals turkey supports...


:? When does the "disturbing" part begin? :lol:

In the meantime here’s some family entertainment…

The closet jihadist presents another barbaric act committed by savages in order to justify the atrocities committed by his brothers in arms.

A savage is a savage regardless of religion or ethnicity, the drug barons are well known for their barbarity, does this mean that we justify, as you do, the barbarity of jihadists ?

You should never have posted this clip, only a psychopath like you would do so. I have watched beheadings, stonings and much more savage acts.

You are a sick basket, go join your mates you ignorant son of a jihadi !

I am- hic- gonna talk- your-hic- language-burp- too. Simples

Jihadists bad

Muslims good---------hic

West good

Cameron, bush, Obama bad-----Buuuuuurp

zan good

Mitliaadezz-hic- mad

Oki doh-ki

Were you born stupid or have you taken a degree in stupidity.!
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Postby zan » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:30 pm

insan wrote:I'm questioning the roots/causes of terrorism and barbaric acts of people/groups under this related thread in hope of we could engage into a serious intellectual brainstorming but unfortunately, The attitude of some members write under this thread is discouraging me... Their attitudes are like "listen to me and shut up; i know everything, you know nothing..."... This is nonsense imo... What's your conclusion? Kill'em all and get rid of the beasts? Or big fish eats the lil fish however it wishes... alive, slaugtered or cooked? Or there are unjust, wrong policies being carried out both nationally and internationally which cause these people to radicalize and become a terrorist or barbarian?

Gave that up a while back insan. I am not trying to persuade an EOKA thug that screams racism and doesn't pay his PATRIOTIC taxes or a bitter dinosaur who thinks he knows it all but all he can offer is……Thats the way it is….and then contradicts himself with the very next sentence of a 150,000 refugees. It either is or it isn't…….but then that is the way right thinking people think and these two are not right thinking….. :lol: Just post for people reading all of this that have the capability to distinguish between right and wrong and can see how wrong these two can be. We should thank them really……In fact I will……Mr.T Style……(Gruff voice) Thank you fools!!!!!!
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Postby zan » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:32 pm

miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
boomerang wrote:these are the animals we are talking about...these are the animals turkey supports...


:? When does the "disturbing" part begin? :lol:

In the meantime here’s some family entertainment…

The closet jihadist presents another barbaric act committed by savages in order to justify the atrocities committed by his brothers in arms.

A savage is a savage regardless of religion or ethnicity, the drug barons are well known for their barbarity, does this mean that we justify, as you do, the barbarity of jihadists ?

You should never have posted this clip, only a psychopath like you would do so. I have watched beheadings, stonings and much more savage acts.

You are a sick basket, go join your mates you ignorant son of a jihadi !

I am- hic- gonna talk- your-hic- language-burp- too. Simples

Jihadists bad

Muslims good---------hic

West good

Cameron, bush, Obama bad-----Buuuuuurp

zan good

Mitliaadezz-hic- mad

Oki doh-ki

Were you born stupid or have you taken a degree in stupidity.!

Yo--you--yooou got me ttthere big guy…hic Gooood comeba-ak
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:37 pm

...I understand the intolerance you are talking about (insan), living in fear almost guilt ridden because as miserable as life is anywhere else, in their countries of origin (whatever a Jihadist would say as his "home"), the result of daily life includes death in the most horrible way, or displacement (for his/her "own"). there is an elite, "there", they are connected, being elite to other elites, they are not seen to "suffer". and without a connection that these "states'' are opposed (Britain vs. "X"), based on action, to Injustice, for Justice, some are apt to take matters in their own hands, with the murderous reaction, that serves no purpose but to create more blood, spilled; revenge.

...if anything, we are as Cypriots not the same kind of "terrorists'', but like the willful hatred in all these cases, you harm yourself, you cannot avoid more harm, harming others. meanwhile, as I've said before, this Hatred is only to be redirected, (Lest we Forget), feed starving people, and tend to their ailment, save the African Continent, from the enemies of us all, Disease, and Hunger, (there must be a "Coalition of the Willing" in that), Ignorance will naturally fall. no one as a believer in God would stop such Grace, and those who do, may well be the Intolerant exposed. we (whoever are not like Jihadists) can do better, they need to compete to survive, we can dial it up a notch when it comes to the work done in the name of Humanity, by "us" as a Family, maybe not less "Guns" per se, but more "Butter".
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Postby zan » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:49 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...I understand the intolerance you are talking about (insan), living in fear almost guilt ridden because as miserable as life is anywhere else, in their countries of origin (whatever a Jihadist would say as his "home"), the result of daily life includes death in the most horrible way, or displacement (for his/her "own"). there is an elite, "there", they are connected, being elite to other elites, they are not seen to "suffer". and without a connection that these "states'' are opposed (Britain vs. "X"), based on action, to Injustice, for Justice, some are apt to take matters in their own hands, with the murderous reaction, that serves no purpose but to create more blood, spilled; revenge.

...if anything, we are as Cypriots not the same kind of "terrorists'', but like the willful hatred in all these cases, you harm yourself, you cannot avoid more harm, harming others. meanwhile, as I've said before, this Hatred is only to be redirected, (Lest we Forget), feed starving people, and tend to their ailment, save the African Continent, from the enemies of us all, Disease, and Hunger, (there must be a "Coalition of the Willing" in that), Ignorance will naturally fall. no one as a believer in God would stop such Grace, and those who do, may well be the Intolerant exposed. we (whoever are not like Jihadists) can do better, they need to compete to survive, we can dial it up a notch when it comes to the work done in the name of Humanity, by "us" as a Family, maybe not less "Guns" per se, but more "Butter".

Exactly RW but we are not evolved enough and the Caveman and his drunk sidekick are testament to that.

I remember a wildlife program in which a lioness killed a mother gazelle (or something) and then found that there was a fawn near by and basically adopted it. But where do loins hang out…..With other lions…The inevitable happened...
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Postby insan » Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:46 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...I understand the intolerance you are talking about (insan), living in fear almost guilt ridden because as miserable as life is anywhere else, in their countries of origin (whatever a Jihadist would say as his "home"), the result of daily life includes death in the most horrible way, or displacement (for his/her "own"). there is an elite, "there", they are connected, being elite to other elites, they are not seen to "suffer". and without a connection that these "states'' are opposed (Britain vs. "X"), based on action, to Injustice, for Justice, some are apt to take matters in their own hands, with the murderous reaction, that serves no purpose but to create more blood, spilled; revenge.

...if anything, we are as Cypriots not the same kind of "terrorists'', but like the willful hatred in all these cases, you harm yourself, you cannot avoid more harm, harming others. meanwhile, as I've said before, this Hatred is only to be redirected, (Lest we Forget), feed starving people, and tend to their ailment, save the African Continent, from the enemies of us all, Disease, and Hunger, (there must be a "Coalition of the Willing" in that), Ignorance will naturally fall. no one as a believer in God would stop such Grace, and those who do, may well be the Intolerant exposed. we (whoever are not like Jihadists) can do better, they need to compete to survive, we can dial it up a notch when it comes to the work done in the name of Humanity, by "us" as a Family, maybe not less "Guns" per se, but more "Butter".

RW, you well sumed up the situation but have no conlusion... as for us Cypriots; we don't have to forget anything... i'll remmeber all what has been done by all relevant parties but I took my lessons... i well analyzed the mistakes done by all relevant parties... I questioned almost everything related to cyprob in a cause and effect relation... I don't have a one sided, personal view point on any of the relevant parties of cyprob... knowing all these and not forgeting, isn't an obstacle before me to build good relations with the people of all relevant parties of cyprob... I'm not anti-anything other than anti-bad... we have hundreds of so-called NGO2s that r all pro-something... so... i have personal relations with many GCs... especially villagers who are more friendly and natural in their relations...
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:19 am

This thread was meant to highlight the dangers posed by "British" jihadists returning back to the UK from Syria and Iraq, as expressed by the British PM, the security services, the media as a whole and international political leaders. It was not a thread persecuting a religion and its followers.

Zan, as always , as well as Ihsan and the psychopath jump in to defend these savages because of their intense and antipathy of the West

All 3 would justify and excuse any barbaric act by these savages and would, as GR has , post other savagery acts perpetrated by savages of other faiths to show that you don't have to be an islamist to be a savage ||||

The difference here is that the Columbian drug barons do not pose a threat to the UK in that they would come to the UK and blow themselves up or commit other atrocities and indiscriminately kill and maim innocent people, the jihadists will come back and as every one says they are a real threat to the security of the UK.

All 3 "would be jihadists" blinded by their hatred of the West fail to see this. Zan brings in EOKA, calls me a killer, by the way at the start of the EOKA struggle I was 9 years old, I was born in 1946 !!!

He has stated that in the UK he has experienced racism and discrimination. I have stated that having lived, and still do, in the UK for 53 years I have never experienced what he says he has. The British are a very tolerant, live and let live, society, tolerant to the level of allowing amongst them people who not only despise our way of life but are indent on destroying it and introducing their own medieval culture.

Jihadists are for Britain what cancer is to a human, a dreadful disease that must be challenged and not allowed to spread. They are driven by theocratic and dangerous ideologies and can only be detrimental to the interests and security not only of the UK but the entire world.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:53 am

" To put Mr Cameron’s warning into context, we should consider that over the past 10 years 34 terrorist plots connected to Pakistan have been foiled in Britain. Several would have caused mass casualties had they succeeded. The security services think the potential threat from Isis is greater. And, in any case, as the July 7 bombings in London showed in 2005, it only needs four extremists prepared to commit suicide to cause carnage on the transport system of Europe’s biggest city.

In Syria and now Iraq, al-Qaeda recruiters are on the look-out for the next generation of terrorists. Finding out who they are is the main preoccupation of British intelligence. To some extent this requires the use of old-fashioned techniques like surveillance, informers and painstaking investigative work to match up information about suspected jihadists known to have left home with border information and airline data. A big problem in tracking them is the ease with which it has been possible to get to the civil war zone. An easyJet flight to Istanbul or another Turkish airport and a car to the border is the favoured option, though the Turks have recently been tightening up their frontier security under pressure from Western governments. The job of intelligence is to differentiate between people who might just be going on holiday and the “terrorist tourists”. ... on-us.html
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Postby insan » Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:14 am

miltiades wrote:This thread was meant to highlight the dangers posed by "British" jihadists returning back to the UK from Syria and Iraq, as expressed by the British PM, the security services, the media as a whole and international political leaders. It was not a thread persecuting a religion and its followers.

Zan, as always , as well as Ihsan and the psychopath jump in to defend these savages because of their intense and antipathy of the West

All 3 would justify and excuse any barbaric act by these savages and would, as GR has , post other savagery acts perpetrated by savages of other faiths to show that you don't have to be an islamist to be a savage ||||

The difference here is that the Columbian drug barons do not pose a threat to the UK in that they would come to the UK and blow themselves up or commit other atrocities and indiscriminately kill and maim innocent people, the jihadists will come back and as every one says they are a real threat to the security of the UK.

All 3 "would be jihadists" blinded by their hatred of the West fail to see this. Zan brings in EOKA, calls me a killer, by the way at the start of the EOKA struggle I was 9 years old, I was born in 1946 !!!

He has stated that in the UK he has experienced racism and discrimination. I have stated that having lived, and still do, in the UK for 53 years I have never experienced what he says he has. The British are a very tolerant, live and let live, society, tolerant to the level of allowing amongst them people who not only despise our way of life but are indent on destroying it and introducing their own medieval culture.

Jihadists are for Britain what cancer is to a human, a dreadful disease that must be challenged and not allowed to spread. They are driven by theocratic and dangerous ideologies and can only be detrimental to the interests and security not only of the UK but the entire world.

I'm only against the bad people all around the world... especially the silent killers... who first kill the people's brain and soul... otherwise, the forumers well know my extreme love towards Britis pop of 70s and 80s... could an anti-western person be into Brit pop that much? Milti, give uo talking as how it suits you...
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:59 am

I came to the UK on my own accord in 1961. The freedom to exercise the option of going back to where I came from has always been available. Many immigrants, including many of their off springs not only detest our way of life but want to establish their brand of culture which would take Britain back to medieval times.

Misguided and brainwashed, mentally raped individuals who consider their culture as supreme have the same option I had and still have. Back to their own countries, don't like it, out you go.

The vast majority by large are peaceful law abiding citizens and want nothing to do with the extremists who one day will wreak havoc in Britain with devastating consequences. Four such fanatics brought London to a standstill in July 2005 causing 52 deaths, including their useless selves, and 700 injuries, imagine what 100 such fanatics would do.

The UK has now, I believe, elevated the risk posed by extremists to the highest level , I just hope its not too late, time will tell.

" In an interview with the Portuguese newspaper Público a month after the 2004 Madrid train bombings, Syrian-born cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad warned that "a very well-organised" London-based group which he called "al-Qaeda Europe" was "on the verge of launching a big operation.In December 2004, Bakri vowed that, if Western governments did not change their policies, Muslims would give them "a 9/11, day after day after day."

They are real risks, not imaginary, anyone in denial is a fool.
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