zan wrote:That child that was holding the banner, is there no law that prevents that type of thing in Australia. There is in the UK and they should be arrested for inciting violence not go half way round the world and bomb innocent people because they have the power to so. You are glad they give you a life off the back and lives of innocent people are you and " that's the way it is" then take everything " the way it is" and stop moaning. If you don't want to make a difference then you deserve nothing. THATS THE WAY IT IS.
1...we have laws...after a searching for her, she came forward with the excuse someone gave it to the child and she did not know what it meant...they let her go just so not to escalate the situation...or maybe she flashed out the golden era of islam on them and they thought oh yeah here a free pass for you, carry on and you are exempt...ffs...

2...what would you like me to do zan, become a keyboard jihadist just like you?...I explained to you there is a new chief in town and this is how they want to run the show...either with us or against us...looking at my way of life and "theirs" I chose what I have...they can keep theirs...I do not see your point of view when you say they give me a life on the back of others...
superpowers on any given day are brutal...the greeks were brutal, the romans were brutal, the british were brutal, the ottomans were brutal, the us is brutal...and the future superpower will be brutal...there is nothing you can do, it's history repeating the mean time my ancestors worked for a living, I work for a living, my parents worked, so everyone works for is wild idea, why not send own YOUR kids on a jihad if you feel so strongly about it...why not huh?...this way you can deserve everything and who knows maybe yourself or your kids might get their 72 I do not want 72 virgins...

you sitting behind a keyboard telling me not to moan and groan and do not deserve anything, well the simple truth of the matter is, zan, in their country of origin of these juhadis you cannot even be a Christian and needless to say no is a million dollar question for you...why don't they fuck off back to their own country if they think our way of life is insulting them?...or if they think the system is insulting them...
look man what I am asking is for everyone to accept the rules in the country they live in, be it my society or theirs, what I do not accept is bringing their shit in my country of that too much to ask?...especially when they look at my society with disdain...why come here in the first place...
usually migrants migrate for a better way of the lady in in the picture she migrated for a better way of life but brought their way of bullshit with her...she is indoctrinating her kids at an early age and the problem will repeat itself...where is the tolerance...
1...what was she doing there in the first place
2...why teach your kids intolerance.
the film was not played in Australia, it was rightfully condemned, but did not stop these morons going on a rampage smashing everything up and at the same time teaching young kids intolerance...why are these morons making it into a problem...
I do not mind peacefull demonstrations to drive the point, but this was not peaceful...can't you see their actions are actually bringing down the whole of the muslim community and making it dirty...BTW muslim leaders condemned it as well...
coming back to your broad statement, zan, this is super powers work, domination in one way or another...I am sure the otto boys did enough when they reached Cyprus...but I do not hear you condemning them...I do not hear you condemning turkey for forcing 150,000 off their ancestral lands...but here we are YOUR community has done so and you are getting a free ride on the back of 150,000 people...come on condemn as well...