How can I find out about schools for my 5 year old daughter near St Lazarus church in Larnaca?
Do all children start at age 6? If she will be 6 in March 2005 then does that mean she would start in the first year from September 2005?
During the past few years, a growing number of pupils, coming mainly from the former
Soviet Union and other foreign countries, were enrolled in Primary Education. About
4,4% of the pupils attending public primary schools do not speak Greek as their
mother language. In response to these demands and the changing social environment,
both national and international, the Ministry of Education and Culture is promoting the
implementation of educational measures and policies that will facilitate the smooth
integration of groups from different cultural identities in a creative environment,
regardless of background. The Department of Primary Education makes provisions so
that bilingual pupils are distributed evenly in the various districts, schools and even
classrooms, so that teachers can support their linguistic and cultural needs more
Multicultural education is currently being practised in Cyprus in the form of various
support measures. These measures can be categorised as measures for language
support, which refer to the learning of Greek as a second language and measures for
facilitating the smooth integration of groups with different cultural identities.
I thought the 1pm finish time was ideal. Is this happening in all schools?
I don't suppose there are any published league tables of schools, as we have here in UK, or reports on individual ones?
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