...I remember the café my grandpa played his tavli in. on one wall was a very large map of the world, on the other were three photos, the Queen as a young lady, Makarios to one side, and Kutchuk on the other; what we were part of I thought, as Cypriots, was a greater Commonwealth.
...indeed erolz there is a realisation denied by Greeks as a Community, not a mention of it anywhere, and frankly I have never understood how it is that Turcophones do/did not press their case if they are Cypriots, I ask (and I don't know anyone else who asks the question loudly), where were the Greeks when there existed a Communal Chamber, where are the Greeks today with the same need, for representation as Persons, as well as Individuals; if there is to be a State, a Republic, where are the Cypriot Constituencies, where have Greeks as Greeks represented themselves for things "Greek", if it is an absolute necessity, a Turkish Constituency per se, and its equal?
...it is a misdirection to take on the Republic as the adversery, it is exactly what needs to be freed, for Freedom, not just (the) Liberty, (that as a Person is important to you), and if it is as you say, the "Greeks" who hold the Agenda, while Greeks (as in the vast majority of the island's population) continue to remain silent, then it should be even more imperative to fight what is a hostage taking by Imperialistic forces "Turkish", and "Greek", for Cyprus, against any status quo where this enmity grows, against Cypriots (call it Cypriotness, if you like) to be precise, denying "us" this existence, to favor "Greekness", or "Turkishness" alone.