Robin Hood wrote:Maximus/Paphitis,
I have followed your exchange with interest but one of the problems with the Forum is that every world event seems to come back to the Greece/Turkey/Cyprus argument. This thread started with a video from Ukraine , for me an upsetting video that showed the futility of war, any war. Wars are started by Governments and government agencies.
My apologies mate.
Sorry for side tracking your thread. I agree that wars are awful and that many innocent people suffer as a result of them.
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis, I admire your stubborn belief in the integrity of the US but, I really do feel the foundation of that support is at best tenuous and misdirected. The evidence is far too substantive to be disregarded that the US is, without question, behind almost every destabilisation in the world today. As a Nation they are the biggest threat to World peace and the greatest creators of terrorist’s by a long way. I feel you are looking at the US from the perspective of the US of the 1920’s and 1930’s a country that at that time could only be admired and envied by the rest of the world. Even in those days the US had begun a slow change that accelerated around 1948 and it was then the people of the US had their government hi-jacked but it was so slow and insidious that by certain sectors having control of the media, the American people got to know only what was necessary for their government to embark on a course aimed at world domination (hegemony).
I do not believe 100% in the integrity of the US. In fact i do not believe 100% in the integrity of all countries, including Australia, Greece and Cyprus.
Each country has its own agenda, and very often the Governments of those countries lie to the people, mismanage things and are even corrupt.
I do not believe the US destabilized Ukraine. I believe Russia has in order to intervene and annex Crimea. This is the illegal action here.
Robin Hood wrote:The evidence is now available in a way it has never been before. The US and its Allies create scenes that demonise people like Assad, Saddam, Ghadaffi, not that these people are angels but, they were better for a stable world than the US alternative. But the US has now met their match and have woken a hibernating bear ......... they have yet to learn that it is not a wise move to poke a sleepy Russian bear with a stick.
To be frank, Assad, Qadaffi, and Saddam did a fine job of demonizing themselves before the International Community. There is however a far bigger demon today in my opinion and I believe that is North Korea and that issue will come to a head one day (hopefully without war).
Robin Hood wrote:I feel Maximus has reached very sound conclusions and, as I have myself found out, unless you sift through the available information you will never realise the simple fact that virtually everything that is gradually destabilising our planet is intricately related and that at the fore front of all of it is the USA, its Military Industrial Complex, the US dominated World Banking/financial systems and the multinational US Corporations. .... (BTW: My observation applies to the Administration of the US not the people. I am not anti-American per se, I just see nothing good about their leaders.)
I don't think so.
The US has also been very good to the vast majority of Nations and been a very big Stabilizing force, and it will even offer its allies with Security if required.
Robin Hood wrote:Unfortunately the US population knows very little about what is being done in their name by the people they believe they elected to work for their benefit within the Constitution as laid down by the founding Fathers of that the Nation. I am afraid it is a sad fact that the average American could not find Ukraine or Cyprus on the map .......... apart from Israel, the rest of the world does not exist to most Americans other than being a bunch of troublemakers that their Government goes to great length to protect them and US Allies from. However, I do believe that The People are beginning to awake from their slumber ...... as you remarked Paphitis, the Internet has been a blessing to many of us, without it I would know no more now than when I retired in 2000. Maybe you just need the time and wisdom of old age to work all this out ........... but IMO Maximus is on the right track.

Yes I do believe the US Government runs the country far better than most and in most cases they do a fairly good job but they are not perfect. I certainly have more faith in their Governments than the Governments of Greece and Cyprus so go figure.
My issue here RH is that the Americans are always blamed for every single scenario that comes to fruition, from Coups to economic collapse when in reality we only have ourselves to blame and the US has had very little to do with any of it.