Robin Hood wrote:Now we know why after 40 years Cyprus is still no nearer a settlement than it was all those years ago. Have you ever heard of the word ‘compromise’?
Yes Russian Troops are in Ukraine, and they are leading the insurgency
Robin Hood,
Cyprus is nowhere near a solution because a power (a superpower relative to Cyprus) has invaded and occupied the island illegally.
This is exactly the same situation in Ukraine. A superpower has invaded and annexed Crimea, and now they are eyeing regions in the East and West of the country. I fear that the Ukraine will find itself in a similar predicament to Cyprus, because once again, a powerful country is carving a far smaller and weaker country and holding it to ransom.
What compromise do you want? Do you want Ukraine to compromise and accept this status quo? In other words might is right as far as Turkey and Russia are concerned.
Robin Hood wrote:Russian troops are in Crimea and by treaty they have a right to be there whether it is still part of Ukraine or not. As for the rest of Ukraine ...... I have asked you for some proof and as you have not come up with any (Even the White House can’t) so I have to assume you are just repeating what you see on BBC or read in the Sydney Herald. No evidence ...... no crime! Simple.
No it's not that simple at all. The Russians have a right to remain in their Sovereign Base Areas but they do not have a right to leave their barracks and annex Crimea. 16,000 Russian Troops have illegally invaded and there are probably a lot more than that since it is likely that Russia will have its covert agents and professional soldiers leading and supplying Russian Insurgents within Ukraine.
Robin Hood wrote:They have no troops to withdraw. There are ‘Brits’ fighting with the rebels in Syria/Iraq, they all carry British passports but they are not there on behest of the British Government. So, the British Government has no control over them. Ukraine is no different ......... there may well be ethnic Russians fighting there but not under the orders of Moscow.
What of the 16,000 troops in Crimea? They have left their bases. They must withdraw and accept the Ukraine's legitimate and sovereign authority.
Robin Hood wrote:Is that so?
• UK is a sovereign State and Scotland wants to become independent ..... referendum? .... no problem!
That is an issue for the UK. But, in every other normal state this can't happen. You can't meddle within a State and prop up a particular minority so that they can conduct an uprising and secede from the country. Just about every single country in the world will be in the shit if that was the case.
Robin Hood wrote:• Canada is a sovereign State and Quebec wants to become independent ..... referendum? .... no problem!
Once again, that is a matter for Canada. Obviosly, these countries allow a degree of freedom and tolerance and that seems to work in their benefit because at the end of the day, it also means that the referendum is defeated and Canada and UK will remain intact.
Robin Hood wrote:• Former Yugoslavia was a Sovereign State, Bosnia wanted independence ..... referendum ..... no problem! NATO even bombed Serbia to ensure the result.
Different situation altogether!
Robin Hood wrote:That is a decision for the people of Ukraine as a whole and if the decision by referendum was for a collection of Federal States under a Ukraine flag (Like the EU wants for the member states and of course the US has already) but with each State having autonomy ..... then that is their choice not one to be made for them by the EU/US/NATO. Once a State has autonomy ..... as Scotland does in the UK, then they can decide whether to remain in such a Union of States by referendum and may make other allegiances. Boundaries are drawn up by former colonial powers and/or as a result of wars of conquest. It should be the people, by self determination that have the right to decide their own future.
Actually its not up to the people to dismember a Sovereign State. If that is the case, then Turkey can dismember Russia as well, because there are millions of Turkic Peoples in regions of Russia. Give them a referendum as well and let them be a part of Turkey. Yeh well, I bet it doesn't apply in this case! Right?
Robin Hood wrote:So where is the evidence that there are Russian Troops in Ukraine? Of course the same sort of story that the CIA and FBI have people in Kiev and that ‘Blackwater’ have mercenaries on the ground in Eastern Ukraine has also been claimed but, as I have never seen anything that proves it, I regard that as simply hypothesis and without foundation.
16000 + invading troops in Crimea!
So if Cyprus has a friggin Coup tomorrow, by the same logic, British Troops are able to invade the island from their 2 SBAs because the Military Regime of the RoC is illegitimate and fascist! Yeh right!
Robin Hood wrote:You mean to tell me they have reversed the orbit of Earth and nobody told us. West to East says the video...... that’s my evidence.
you're an intelligent guy and you come up with good points, but you must understand that Journalists are not particularly intelligent. Before the crisis, some of them wouldn't even know the Capital of Ukraine, and their photos could be archival. They just take photos of a convoy heading East or West to illustrate their story that Russian forces are moving towards the Ukrainian Border which is actually the case. These forces will travel East and West for a variety of reasons. Perhaps some of the tanks have become unserviceable, maybe they are not as suitable as the newer and more capable ones that have arrived. I can literally tell you a dozen reasons.
Robin Hood wrote:And your evidence for that is? Simple to prove ..... show us the Satellite images and the videos!
The Satellite Imagery from NATO.
Robin Hood wrote:They have the right to be there .... in fact they could invite another 9000 to join them and they are still there legally. After all it is you that says Crimea is still part of Ukraine in which case .... what is the problem?
The problem is they only have the right to remain within their defined areas just like the British Forces have a right to remain within the SBAs in Cyprus.
Robin Hood wrote:Why do you only answer questions with more questions? There is never a clear answer from you.

I just have RH. Your logic in my opinion is a very dangerous one for many countries since it makes for very dangerous precedences which can be used to bring suffering and despair to smaller countries that do not have the military capability to defend themselves against countries such as the US, Russia, and Turkey for instance.