Nikitas wrote:Going from a reaffirmation of majority rule, ON SOME POINTS, to asserting that this is tantamount to belief in dead Turks etc is total bullshit.
There is not ONE federal state in the world where the democratic principle of one man one vote has been permanently bypassed or excluded from its basic charter. The principle of equality between the federal states is universal, stretching that to the extent that it results in the minority ruling the majority is nonsense.
The best known federal states are the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, where in any of those is there a rotating presidency or similar veto powers as those demanded in Cyprus? Nowhere. And several of them have civil wars in their past so the conflict bit is not exclusively Cypriot as some like to pretend inorder to differentiate Cyprus from the rest of the world.
In the EU itself, the Commission is numerically represented by state population, as are the seats in the EU parliament. What Anastassiadis was telling the EU ambassadors is that a similar system should apply in Cyprus.
Taking the implied principle that communities are equal regardless of their numbers should be put to an objective test. How many TCs would like a rotating presidency among ALL communities in Cyprus. I really want to see their reaction to having an Armenian president they did not elect for a year or so, followed by a Maronite, then a Latin and finally a Roma.
Worth noting here that all the derogatory names for the Roma in Cyprus are Turkish words, makes you wonder why.
I want the Anal Plan to be re-voted so that I get a Kilinjiro for President