Every now and then some smart Alec usually a foreigner comes to the realization that Cyprus might be better off split. I agree, figure out which land belongs to TC's and split it off. You can't touch Morphou, because that's where I come from, oh and you've got my agreement if you don't touch Kyrenia which is where my grandparents come from...and I'll definitely vote for it if you leave Famagusta out of this split because my wife and her family are from there so that's a no-go. Would also appreciate you stay out of Rizokarpasso because that's where my dad comes from.
Other than that I'm cool with this idea

Oh and if I'm presenting too many obstacles in someone's opinion of this master plan then I'd gladly listen to their ideas of compensating me with their dad's land in Athens, wives home in Istanbul or even their grandparents cottage in London. I'm all ears!
Exactly how many thousands of years does Cyprus need to be whole in order for some idiots to feel the least bit ashamed at thinking they're the chosen generation that walked this land in those thousands of years and it's ok for them to split it in two parts.