Hi all...
CYTA was my provider for many years and I was mad with their high prices (compared to the rest of the Europe anyway). Ok, we are in an island and it's expensive to throw a wire in the water and connect with the main land, but still, the price difference is to high.
But at that time, there was no other solution, so I wend with CYTA.
When Cablenet came into the game they offered a direct cable connection (fiberoptics) with a steady connection and much less pricing.
I had to wait for a couple of years to be able to connect with them, since their cable is only going around the highway and not in all streets (Limassol)
As a matter of fact, I was able get Cablenet after I moved to another address where I got lucky! (Well, I didn't know then)
So, finally I had Cablenet. To tell you the truth, I was a little skeptical about this "upto 6MBits/sec" but I did not give too much attention, since I thought that they would not drift too far away from that number. Wrong!
To make the story sort, I will tell you the end. I am back with CYTA now after paying Cablenet for 9 months and receiving the worse service I ever received in my life from a service provider of any kind of business. Their speed was over 5Mbits/sec only after midnight when everybody was sleeping (including myself most of the times). Whenever I measured the speed in the evening, the result was never over 2Mbits/sec and in most cases it was not over 1Mb! I spoke many times with the technicians and I got better results for a few days, but after that, back to the dark ages. One of them was actually honest and gave me the obvious answer. "We have to distribute our bandwidth to too many the customers!!"
The bottom line here is. They buy some bandwidth and try to distribute that according to the users need, but it is not enough to give all of them what they promise. It's simple mathematics. If they have 100 customers with 6Mb contract, they must have 600Mb, right? Wrong! They buy 200Mb and try to keep everyone happy by taking a little from here and give it there and so for. Now when almost everyone watches movies online (XBMC), or is connected to a video streamer, the demand is there, so there is no more fooling.
CYTA is still more expensive, but the difference with Cablenet is not that big anymore. However, they can give you now internet with no obligation for a telephone line (which was required previously) and most important, they are honest. When they say 4MB, it is always that. Ok, for me all providers are thieves, because the price we are paying for Internet is way, way too much (never mind this island shit), but when we don't have another choice, we have to go with the one that does not make fool out of us. And of course we must go with the cheapest one. Don't just read the advertisements and this big numbers like 24MBits/sec. It's all lies.
Cablenet made a fool out of me. I paid the highest price for Internet (speedwise) for the last 9 months!! I was paying 25 euros per month for 1MBit/sec !!
Stay away from them!!!!!!!!!!!