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Bad driving at heritage

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Bad driving at heritage

Postby puffik » Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:49 am

I am pissed off by the thoughtless if not completely inconsiderate nature of some (a minority I would stress ) people who perform, bearing in mind the signage, what are probably illegal but certainly dangerous manoeuvres when coming too and from the school. The two major behaviours (and one lesser behaviour) are
1) performing an illegal right turn when heading north on the main road, into the school entrance.
2) performing a u turn at the junction with the Palodia road, so rather than turn right off the main road and then right again down the slip road, they come straight back down the main road.
3) turning right out of the school.

My concern is that one day there will be a serious accident.

It is probably only a question of time for such an accident to happen.

In my opinion and experience, the first is particularly dangerous as it creates a risk of accident involving traffic heading both north and south on the main road, whereby any car heading north and attempting the right turn will, unless there is a gap in the southbound traffic, be forced to slow down and stop, which interferes with the northbound traffic . On several occasions I have nearly rear ended a car which has stopped (without even indicating) to make this prohibited manoeuvre, though I suppose that with the regularity that this happens I should be ready for it.

Then, as they cross the southbound lane, they cause a hazard to southbound traffic, in particular when there is a queue coming into the school and they cannot make the turn cleanly.

Then they are also hazard to cars properly coming into the school. On several occasions when heading south and turning left into the school I have nearly been hit by inconsiderate drivers making the illegal and dangerous right turn, forcing their way in to the queue of cars making the proper approach.

The second is also dangerous, in particular if for some reason the car making the U turn cannot complete the turn: as has happened me recently two cars attempted this Manoeuvre at the same time, so as I pulled round the corner I found myself forced to suddenly stop as the second of the two cars was stopped at right angles to the flow of traffic, as it could not complete the turn, as the first car was stopped by a queue of traffic waiting to turn onto the main Troodos road. They likewise create a hazard to drivers who are approaching the junction from Palodia village. I appreciate there may not be much one can do about that.

The third is the least dangerous but still potentially so, as when stopped at the junction they are not normally obstructing moving traffic on the main road. They are however potentially obstructing the vision of drivers turning left, and there is of course some risk of collision with cars on the main road, which can travel at speed.

These manoeuvres are simply to save a small amount of time yet in the process they expose their children and others to unnecessary risk of accident. In the process , at least in my view, the drivers are not acting as good role models as I think that in performing these dangerous manoeuvres they are teaching their children disrespect for the laws and, more, for the safety of other road users , who obey them.

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Re: Bad driving at heritage

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:45 am

puffik, you’ve got a local problem there so I think it would be more useful if you were to print and hand your observations to the Palodhia Mayor/Muhtar for their perusal and if you like maybe we can also help with a Greek version here.

I lived in Palodhia for about a year ages ago… (ex wife’s hometown) and the only way I could describe them lot is… inconsiderate peasants! :lol:

Glad I'm outta there... :?
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Re: Bad driving at heritage

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:00 am

I'm with you all the way on this. I abhor bad/dangerous driving.

I think you should raise the matter with the school Head who can personally contact all the parents about their dangerous behaviour. The Head can send out a letter with the children or speak to the children at the assembly about telling their parents this is causing a problem. Children disgracing their parents' poor habits are a good way to go as it kills two birds with one stone - highlights the issue for both generations at the same time.
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Re: Bad driving at heritage

Postby puffik » Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:09 pm

already done, as well as complaints to the police....
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