by repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:58 am
...sadly, it is as though Turkey is still at the advent of the Modern Age. I feel as though they remain fixed in time, when it comes to Cyprus, since the Treaty of Lausanne. nothing else makes sense, given her demands. Cypriots, all Cypriots are the victims of this Foreign Policy in essence, (in this state, unrecognised, no more than chattel), yet, it is the British that Turkey has claims with.
...we will wait another ten years with the criminal psychosis of one Erdogan, or he will do himself in; I am counting on better fortunes, because I believe in the People, and in Turkey they are proving themselves to be very creative in opposition to, his, authority. Bicommunal (and Bizonal) (for Cyprus) is an idea that evolved from Turkey. I think, like the European Bankers recently, their intention is/was to test their ideas as a template, for their own needs. if there was a Turkish Constituency in Turkey, I imagine that the idea of "one Flag, higher" would result in a Turkey much stronger, where in its diversity, there is a reason to unite, as Individuals, and as Citizens, a reason to defend each other. I think "Turks" think if "Greeks" try it, and it works, in Cyprus, then it is a "Perfect Solution", to the Problem, but more importantly to them a way forward in their own stagnation, in Turkey.
...never mind Varosha, the Turkish Army should just give it back outright, they can at least admit to that harm, (even if it is actually a War Crime), to great applause I'm sure, Internationally, because it would be big of Turkey, in any case, to recognise she is not blameless. indeed, she wants an Airport to be a benefit to the regime, I say, demand an equal, at least demand what is not impossible, demand the Greek Constituency that for so long the Greeks have resisted to form, as a voice for their needs, not as Cypriots, but as Greeks, exists; that is a fair tribute, from "them", if Turkey is for a Cyprus, neither "Greek", or "Turkish", whole. have this equal, the representation as Persons, and it would be possible for the Federal Government to consider the needs of both (or many), since it's aim is to serve them all, without distinction, or discrimination, but as Citizens; I say, let Greeks decide the makings of Greek schools, I say the Federal Government should be more concerned about schooling itself. the same is as relevant for Hospital Care, and Social Programs as well. The point being, that Airports are International, and represented by a Country, in that sense the argument is that the Turkish Constituency remains unrecognised, yet, it is what a Greek Constituency (even though it doesn't exist as an actual Corporation), that benefits exclusively from what is (as in all of them) their State. not unlike Cyprus itself, is the claim, which remains unrecognised by Turkey, and as such exploited to serve their purpose. if Greeks represented themselves, (as a Constituency (as well)), then, as Cypriots, they would provide for their needs differently, and others regardless of their size could be provided the same support, yes a Cypriot Port of Entry, in the north, (no different to an International Airport in the south) demonstrating the same respect having the same needs.