GreekIslandGirl wrote:Robin Hood wrote: A single or sometimes two Russian attack helicopters of the Cyprus Military.
Joint military exercises are perfectly acceptable. Also, it's one thing to attend an Air Show and display (those are by invitation only), but it's quite another to willy-nilly train without permission in another country's sovereign territory!
They are not without permission either.
The Brits always submit their Flight Plans, issue NOTAMS and communicate with Larnaca Approach so that their activities do not endanger Civil Aviation. That actually involves getting a "Airways Clearance" from the RoC. They always have their Transponders on with a Nicosia FIR issued Transponder Code and communicate with Nicosia Centre at all times and appear on their SSR Radar. Furthermore, they Brits have 2 SAR helicopters which are flying in and out of the Nicosia FIR all the time and many times these helicopters are used to assist the RoC with SAR and Law Enforcement as necessary.
They also fly within the Nicosia FIR and have another area where they train which is North West of the Akamas or near Polis and this area is administered by Nicosia Centre. They never fly over occupied Cyprus and if they did, they do not acknowledge the illegitimate Ercan Control or may just pay lip service to it as opposed to Nicosia Centre.
So stop talking rubbish!