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Who is Muslim?

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Who is Muslim?

Postby tsukoui » Thu May 22, 2014 11:46 am

Many people in this day and age are thinking that to be Muslim means that one is following a particular religion or set of advice.

They are ignorant of the meaning of the word.

To be Muslim literally means to be one who submits to the will of God.

Nothing more.

But everything is God's will.

So who is Muslim?
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 22, 2014 12:11 pm

Christian = one who submits to the will of God.

What now Karma? You are Karma (the user) right... :lol:
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby miltiades » Thu May 22, 2014 1:14 pm

Since all religions are a complete farce , the important thing is that those that believe in one or other religion ought to stop killing innocent people.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 22, 2014 1:41 pm

miltiades wrote:Since all religions are a complete farce , the important thing is that those that believe in one or other religion ought to stop killing innocent people.

Had they represented God they wouldn’t be killing so that alone should be enough for you to measure their closeness to God.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby CBBB » Thu May 22, 2014 2:48 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Since all religions are a complete farce , the important thing is that those that believe in one or other religion ought to stop killing innocent people.

Had they represented God they wouldn’t be killing so that alone should be enough for you to measure their closeness to God.

Not sure about that GR, in the Old Testament God did a lot of smiting!
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby kurupetos » Thu May 22, 2014 3:45 pm

tsukoui wrote:So who is Muslim?

Perverts and fools.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu May 22, 2014 5:43 pm

tsukoui wrote:So who is Muslim?

Fallen Christians?
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 22, 2014 6:10 pm

...and what is, the way? and what of fear in God, alone? I say the Gnostics got it right, Law of Entropy and all, here is death, where everything comes to an end, yet within a greater cycle seemingly endless like the stars, we were born, we die accordingly. if what was, is what is, with death we return to where we came from.

who is loving, believing in Love's infinite power, is Muslim; one who submits to God's Will.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby denizaksulu » Fri May 23, 2014 1:43 am

If there is a God why doesn't she protect children?
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 23, 2014 3:35 am

denizaksulu wrote:If there is a God why doesn't she protect children?

Some quick numbered notes that may help answer your question:

1. Number 7 is important in the biblical world...

2. Six days of creation + 1 Sabbath (sanctified resting day) = 7 days

3. But each day = 1000 years:

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (King James - 2 Peter 3:8)

4. Also... God has what is called a 7,000 year plan for man.

5. Man has been granted dominion over the Earth to rule uninterrupted for 6,000 years after which Jesus returns for 1,000 years = Total 7,000

6. Man's physical presence on Earth is temporary because the average lifespan is around 70 years and we then expire in a variety of ways, but God's plan is to grant man a celestial existence (somewhere in the heavens) whereby man will live for eternity in the form of a spirit. Conclusion= Physical presence temporary and not important but spirit... important!

7. Dead children automatically inherit eternal life with God for they are without sin other than the sin inherited through Adam & Eve ancestry for which Jesus already paid the price via crucifixion.

8. You and I being adults are full of sin... therefore only through repentance can we secure our "ticket" to the celestial afterlife.

I hope that helps… :lol:

Btw, God doesn't have a gender but we refer to "him" out of respect.
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