denizaksulu wrote:If there is a God why doesn't she protect children?
Some quick numbered notes that may help answer your question:
1. Number 7 is important in the biblical world...
2. Six days of creation + 1 Sabbath (sanctified resting day) = 7 days
3. But each day = 1000 years:
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (King James - 2 Peter 3:8)
4. Also... God has what is called a 7,000 year plan for man.
5. Man has been granted dominion over the Earth to rule
uninterrupted for 6,000 years after which Jesus returns for 1,000 years = Total 7,000
6. Man's physical presence on Earth is temporary because the average lifespan is around 70 years and we then expire in a variety of ways, but God's plan is to grant man a celestial existence (somewhere in the heavens) whereby man will live for eternity in the form of a spirit. Conclusion= Physical presence temporary and not important but spirit... important!
7. Dead children automatically inherit eternal life with God for they are without sin other than the sin inherited through Adam & Eve ancestry for which Jesus already paid the price via crucifixion.
8. You and I being adults are full of sin... therefore only through repentance can we secure our "ticket" to the celestial afterlife.
I hope that helps…
Btw, God doesn't have a gender but we refer to "him" out of respect.