Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:No I don't see the problem in some immaculate creator not existing because no one created the creator! See the problem?
No but I certainly see your hard-headedness!
It's just common sense and reason!
My dear Paphitis… although you certainly have the ability to use common sense you’re one of those billions of individuals who haven’t tapped into it yet!![]()
For common sense would tell you that neither the chicken nor the egg can come first so something or someone must INTENTIONALLY place the very first specimen or two down on the game board so that the reproduction process may begin!
The same goes for every single species on Earth including humans… the very first male and female of each species *MUST* have been placed on the theater by a superpower!
You know as well as I do that religion, all religions, are making everything up as they go along. They have absolutely no clue except for those who have absolute blind faith. They are 100% sure but how that can be I have absolutely no idea. They are looking for explanations for things which can't be explained yet. All this because they have a need to know that life does not end when they die. It's the same thing over and over. The Ancients, Aboriginals and American Indians all believed in God/s and spirits. Nothing has changed from the time we were living in caves as hunter gatherers.
Just because there are some things Humans are unable to answer at present is no justification to make things up and create a deity that explains all in their minds no matter how flawed the thinking is because there are massive flaws in this as well - who created this Deity?
As for the existence of living organisms, including humans, this has been explained by Biologists and Science is now able to replicate, clone and grow stem cells. Nothing special there really. Also, you might be interested to know that it is EXTREMELY (in fact it is a certainty) likely that micro organisms are being hosted on other planets outside our Solar System. Some planets have a similar climate or temperatures to ours and have ice and water. There is a planet that is just completely water or ocean and who knows what is beneath the surface. The mere fact it is a water planet would indicate climatic temperatures above freezing and below 100 degrees.