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Who is Muslim?

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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun May 25, 2014 5:52 pm

Get Real! wrote:But nobody in the right mind can say… “But who created God” because God is everlasting (infinite), has no beginning an no end so he doesn’t need a creator!

But you are still trying to explain God or Creator with humanly defined logic, which you accepted as being not suitable to do so on the first place.
I would prefer the simpler version of T-C's explanation which clearly says we cannot explain or understand God with human logic.

We could as well accept the view that God is everything that exists or seized to exist, and that God has the need to project itself in this world as LIFE.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 25, 2014 6:07 pm

We're not that special that we need a Creator. We're just bags of chemicals, very simply fashioned from the elements . We can recreate our beginnings in a test tube. It doesn't need a God to do that part.

Biologists have found the answer to that mystery which has puzzled humanity for eons. Now, it's up to Physicists to do their bit and explain the birth of the Universe in a little more sophisticated fashion than just a "Big Bang" theory. Where's the proof for such a start?
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Cap » Sun May 25, 2014 6:26 pm

Greatest nation on earth according to Milti. America after Cyprus.

Cyprus: 70% Christian (Orthodox)
USA: 73% Christian
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby T_C » Sun May 25, 2014 7:44 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:We're not that special that we need a Creator......

If that were the case then the big bang would have culminated in - NOTHING!

Believe you me Oracle, somewhere in the universe, must lie a giant skid-mark... :lol:
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 25, 2014 8:01 pm

...indeed it is the Big Bang theorists that found that God does not, not exist.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 25, 2014 8:39 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:But you are still trying to explain God or Creator with humanly defined logic,

All the things I say about God (ie: everlasting with no beginning or end etc) come straight from the bible.

which you accepted as being not suitable to do so on the first place.

I did? :?

I would prefer the simpler version of T-C's explanation which clearly says we cannot explain or understand God with human logic.

It was all nonsense to me. Sorry Levent... :)

We could as well accept the view that God is everything that exists or seized to exist, and that God has the need to project itself in this world as LIFE.

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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 25, 2014 8:48 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:We're not that special that we need a Creator.

We're a small part of a greater package... the Universe.

Biologists have found the answer to that mystery which has puzzled humanity for eons. Now, it's up to Physicists to do their bit and explain the birth of the Universe in a little more sophisticated fashion than just a "Big Bang" theory. Where's the proof for such a start?

A more colorful story is still of no value because your physicists would just hang (crash) in the infinite loop I described earlier. Only a supernatural power can break the infinite loop of creators.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 25, 2014 9:01 pm

God is beyond religion. God is everything, and everyone. God is the harmony the comes from infinite Love.

...a rock sings, a rock still sings carved as a thing of beauty, or as dust. not creatures, I ask are they closest to God, unlike living creatures who express themselves, and Humans, who must choose. Vibes, it's all vibes.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Cap » Sun May 25, 2014 9:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:No I don't see the problem in some immaculate creator not existing because no one created the creator! See the problem? :wink:

No but I certainly see your hard-headedness! :lol:

It's just common sense and reason! :lol:

My dear Paphitis… although you certainly have the ability to use common sense you’re one of those billions of individuals who haven’t tapped into it yet! :)

For common sense would tell you that neither the chicken nor the egg can come first so something or someone must INTENTIONALLY place the very first specimen or two down on the game board so that the reproduction process may begin!

The same goes for every single species on Earth including humans… the very first male and female of each species *MUST* have been placed on the theater by a superpower!

Nah, the big bang theory explains how the specimens were supposedly created, but can't explain where this mysterious consciousness instinct to hump and procreate came from.
What govderns the circle of life? Consciousness?
Yeah, we understand protons, molecular structure and their evolutionary history but what drives them?
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby T_C » Mon May 26, 2014 12:40 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...indeed it is the Big Bang theorists that found that God does not, not exist.

Exactly. If the big bang were true then we should not exist...yet we what accounts for the inconsistency, and what happened to all the antimatter... Image
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