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Who is Muslim?

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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby miltiades » Fri May 23, 2014 5:11 pm

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

11:4-10 The death of all the first-born in Egypt at once: this plague had been the first threatened, but is last executed. See how slow God is to wrath. The plague is foretold, the time is fixed; all their first-born should sleep the sleep of death, not silently, but so as to rouse the families at midnight. The prince was not too high to be reached by it, nor the slaves at the mill too low to be noticed. While ANGELS slew the Egyptians, not so much as a dog should bark at any of the children of Israel. It is an earnest of the difference there shall be in the great day, between God's people and his enemies. Did men know what a difference God puts, and will put to eternity, between those that serve him and those that serve him not, religion would not seem to them an indifferent thing
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby miltiades » Fri May 23, 2014 5:12 pm

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

11:4-10 The death of all the first-born in Egypt at once: this plague had been the first threatened, but is last executed. See how slow God is to wrath. The plague is foretold, the time is fixed; all their first-born should sleep the sleep of death, not silently, but so as to rouse the families at midnight. The prince was not too high to be reached by it, nor the slaves at the mill too low to be noticed. While A N G E L S slew the Egyptians, not so much as a dog should bark at any of the children of Israel. It is an earnest of the difference there shall be in the great day, between God's people and his enemies. Did men know what a difference God puts, and will put to eternity, between those that serve him and those that serve him not, religion would not seem to them an indifferent thing
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 23, 2014 8:05 pm

Tell this Matthew Henry to go get a job and quit polluting the Internet with stupidities.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri May 23, 2014 8:29 pm

Get Real! wrote:Tell this Matthew Henry to go get a job and quit polluting the Internet with stupidities.

I think that could be said of anyone spouting religious mumbo jumbo. Many Religions represent an attempt to explain the universe with out the benefit of science and are corrupted to become a form of thought control used to dominate the masses and maintain power for an elite. Look e.g. at Iran, where free thinking risks getting one tried as an enemy of God. Same in Medieval Europe. The Moslems are still at that stage.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 23, 2014 8:54 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Many Religions represent an attempt to explain the universe with out the benefit of science and are corrupted...

Earthly science is severely limited by mortal man’s pre-configured limitations so don’t ever expect a scientist to pull out a bunch of digital instruments and answer your questions regarding God! :)

Humans expecting other humans to explain non-human things to them is… well, rather inhumane! :lol:

In case you missed the point… Earthly science is completely useless in celestial matters.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 23, 2014 9:21 pm

Come to think of it… it’s actually pretty naïve of us to assume that a fellow human scientist will one day be able to achieve the unachievable (ie: tap into the celestial world to provide the answers to our burning questions) using our plastic/metal and wood based products as manufactured in Germany, Italy, China and the US! :lol:

If there’s a God out there eavesdropping he must be cracking up all the time! :lol:

Maybe our very stupidity is what entertains him… :cry:
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Linichka » Fri May 23, 2014 9:31 pm

Agree without reserve, GR, especially with your closing line.
I have no doubt that I have caused a godly guffaw at times.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri May 23, 2014 10:33 pm

Coming back to the question of
Re: Who is Muslim?

One of the victims, of the many branches of Theology.
Theology is a human invention arising from the fear of death.

Basically each and every aspect of our societies (science included) was developed to counter a specific human fear.
Sociologists claim that any unbalance to those fears may end up to a theocratic society, totalitarian, communism, capitalism etc.
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 24, 2014 12:35 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:I have always been mystified as to why it was apparently necessary for God to dispatch his angels to Egypt in order that they murder all the first born children of the Egyptians, to teach Pharaoh a lesson in refusing to let His people go. Was it really necessary for the angels to be sent, couldn't the creator of the universe use a more ...subtle method to carry out this mass murder, I suggest that the angels must have used strangulation as their means of killing the children. How disgusting!!

:? There were no angels involved… I don’t know where you got that from! :lol:

You’re referring to the 10 plagues of Egypt and specifically the last "Death of the firstborn"…

A gaseous like mist is what killed the firstborns.

Wow this God sounds like a total prick!

Can we have Him up on War Crimes?

From Milti’s imaginary “angels killing children” to your incessant daft comments I’m surprised God hasn’t liquidated the lot of you! :?

At the very least God should be praised for the extraordinary patience he is showing with so many oafs on this planet!

In his place I’d incinerate the lot of you and start all over again only this time I’d make common sense compulsory in the human DNA.

There’d be no dodging it this time Paphitis!

He is probably laughing at all the gullible fools on the planet right now.

I reckon he must have a great sense of humour watching all you fools!
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Re: Who is Muslim?

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 24, 2014 12:37 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Tell this Matthew Henry to go get a job and quit polluting the Internet with stupidities.

I think that could be said of anyone spouting religious mumbo jumbo. Many Religions represent an attempt to explain the universe with out the benefit of science and are corrupted to become a form of thought control used to dominate the masses and maintain power for an elite. Look e.g. at Iran, where free thinking risks getting one tried as an enemy of God. Same in Medieval Europe. The Moslems are still at that stage.

Exact ly, everyone hates a preacher and poor GR is doing a fine job! :lol:
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