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Initiative for a United Cyprus

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Initiative for a United Cyprus

Postby Klik » Wed May 21, 2014 5:27 pm ... ed-cyprus/

In view of recent developments regarding our national issue, we have decided the establishment of the “Initiative for a United Cyprus”, with an aim to promote our positions on a number of issues which have not been adequately discussed in the context of public debate. The “Initiative for a United Cyprus” is an attempt pursued by non-partisan and concerned citizens. This effort has been the outcome of constructive dialogue, as well as common ontological basis concerning the Cyprus issue.

As ‘Initiative for a United Cyprus’ we express our utmost disagreement with the organized groups and personalities who refer to the possible danger of the partition of Cyprus in the event of non-fruition of the ongoing process of solving our national issue while they articulate their arguments based on the logic of the ‘last chance’ . The same phraseology was used during the negotiation of the Annan Plan; however, no disaster has taken place following the rejection of the particular solution plan. Moreover, the Turks themselves have repeatedly stated that they have not been aiming to the partition, but to the federalization of Cyprus.

We believe that the on-going impasse in the Cyprus problem is not accidental and can be attributed to the wrong basis for negotiation. We argue that the current process, as well as the framework for the solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of Bi-zonal Bi-communal Federation (BBF) has failed, nevertheless we have not come anywhere closer to solving the issue. Similarly, we express our disappointment at the inability of drafting a comprehensive alternative management strategy as regards to the Cyprus problem. It is unacceptable to remain hooked and seek a solution that has been prepared by the British and the Turks in the 1950s, with an aim to transform Cyprus into an entity under guardianship.

We believe that the negotiation process for the resolution of the Cyprus issue has failed demonstrably, having led the Republic of Cyprus to a strategic entrapment. Under normal circumstances, this strategic choice of the Republic would have been evaluated and would have been declared as unhelpful towards the fulfilling of the strategic objectives of the Republic. Unfortunately, the lack of basic strategic infrastructure that would assist in the strategic planning of the Republic, normally results to the unacceptable retreat of Cyprus on positions of principle consequently results to the promotion the key objectives and the strategic agenda of Turkey.

We deem it necessary to defend and upgrade the existing force multipliers of the Republic, particularly the Armed Forces, the energy wealth of the Republic, our participation in collective security organizations and multilateral diplomacy in general. We consider any weakening of the force multipliers of the Cyprus Republic to be inadmissible and a direct derivative of the wishful thinking and the obsessions that jeopardize the physical and national survival of Cypriot Hellenism. Since, on the basis of international law, Turkey cannot have any claims on the hydrocarbon reserves that exist in the west and south of Cyprus. Therefore, we must preserve this strategic advantage and employ it in order to upgrade our status in the international arena.

We support the settlement of our national issue on the basis of a unified state where all the basic freedoms and the European acquis communautaire are enshrined in the solution without any geographical, sociological and administrative restrictions. We believe that a settlement of our national issue based on the declared basis of BBF is what will exactly cement the partition of Cyprus as the de jure geographical, sociological and administrative separation of Cyprus on the basis of ethnic, religious and linguistic discrimination and not the abandonment of this proven erroneous strategy. We strive for the creation of a modern European state based on the rule of law, based on the democratic principle, without a weighted vote, separate majorities and guarantor rights that lead to the revival of colonialism and relations of political dependence.

We strive for the reintegration of the occupied areas in the Republic of Cyprus, the deliverance of the Turkish occupying military forces and the creation of the right conditions where all the legal citizens of Cyprus, Greeks, Turks, Armenians, Maronites and Latins, will thrive and control the destiny of the Republic of Cyprus on the basis of the democratic principle and respect to diversity. The international rule of law had always been the spearhead of the

Republic of Cyprus. We believe that is extremely dangerous to accept deviations from fundamental human rights and the acquis communautaire, deluding ourselves that we will succeed in finding a functional arrangement. A simple invocation of the vague concept of “peace” is not enough for the resolution of such a complex issue. An arrangement of the Cyprus problem based on gross violations of basic rules of the international legal order shall inescapably lead to the breakdown of any agreement and will provoke fresh conflicts.

In the context of this effort working groups shall be created that will deal with the main aspects of the Cyprus issue. The established groups will work on the legal aspects, the aspects of defense and security, the sociological aspects and, finally, the economic aspects.
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Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:01 pm

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