kurupetos wrote: We should arrest every dirty homo. No they are not 2nd class people... they are perverts!
Kurupetos stop trying to be publically correct and just come straight out and say what you mean.
kurupetos wrote: We should arrest every dirty homo. No they are not 2nd class people... they are perverts!
kurupetos wrote:Mikiko wrote:It will be a long way until we see a gay marriage like in france .Unless it is enforced from EU like the recent Bail IN.
Without the EU legislation homosexuals would still be considered second class people.
We should arrest every dirty homo. No they are not 2nd class people... they are perverts!
GreekIslandGirl wrote:T_C wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:T_C wrote:They are equals in every sense, so why should they not have equal rights?
I don't know what you mean by "equal in every sense" because that doesn't apply to any other aspect of life. All anyone can ask for is for their individual needs to be met wih equal fairness.
Is this rally really about "equal rights? Because in that case it is superfluous.
Equal rights have been won and now it's about effectively assuming their place in "normal society". It's here where the resistance lies, I'm afraid. Too often "normality" shows its human side, which means diligence, work, social responsibility etc and those things might not appeal to everyone.
So of course, the backlash is that they think there must be something "more" that is missing in their lives ...
BTW - Despite not being religious, I welcome the strong stance the Church of England has taken on keeping "marriage" as a traditional enterprise because heterosexual Christians deserve equal rights too. I hope the Church of Cyprus supports this position.
I meant equal in terms of family unit. I find it bizarre you see it this way..![]()
What's bizarre about my saying they deserve "equal fairness" just like everyone else?
But now you've qualified your point with specifically meaning a "family unit" then I have to ask you what you understand by that term ?T_C wrote:I'm no fan of the gay lobby groups, and I agree they can be distasteful,
I'm sorry you feel they "can be distasteful" and, I must say, I do not agree with your view, nor have I ever expressed such a negative assessment. Distasteful to me is murder, theft etc - and in that respect, I'm sure they are (unfortunately) as prone as any other human beings.
T_C wrote:Family means different things to different people, but a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit, I would say is the traditional depiction of a family. Though in 2014 there are many different arrangements which people would consider a legitimate family. They are not any less of a family because the parents are 2 men, or women. They are still fulfilling the same responsibilities as heterosexual parents at the end of the day..that's what I meant by claiming them to be equal.
I can't help but think the marriage you wish to save no longer exists...these days it's the law which gives marriage it's standing. It's otherwise just a traditional ritual which has little religious meaning, even for the heterosexuals who are now less inclined to get married, let alone stay married.
Mikiko wrote:kurupetos wrote:Mikiko wrote:It will be a long way until we see a gay marriage like in france .Unless it is enforced from EU like the recent Bail IN.
Without the EU legislation homosexuals would still be considered second class people.
We should arrest every dirty homo. No they are not 2nd class people... they are perverts!
They have not done any unatural act to be considered like that! They are part of nature because they are born . Everything that is born is nature and no one can do anything not the law and not the rest of the society.And Society is not perfect and for sure not black and white!
Kurupettos likes lesbians but not the gay men am I correct ?
Pyrpolizer wrote:i TOTALLY disagree with you guys on the matter of homosexual couples having the right to adopt children.
Children need both female and male parents to grow up correctly for 2 basic reasons
a)For Emotional stability: they get that from the mother.
b)For learning their limits/drawing up the line: They get that from the father
The argument that there are heterosexual couples that can provide less of the above to children compared to some homosexual couples, is NOT a valid excuse to rule in favor of homo couples.
Those societies that have allowed this have in my opinion committed a crime at those adopted children, it is an experiment destined to fail, and it will fail miserably and proven so, when those adopted children grow up and turn against everybody.
B25 wrote:Paphiti you sound like you are a fag.
B25 wrote:Male and female were created for a reason, people, animals, plugs and sockets even. Being a fag just ain't right.
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