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Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

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Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 05, 2014 2:54 am

Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin will again be forced to appear at what pass as "courts" in the Occupied Areas this coming Tuesday 6 May.

As we've covered before, their "crime" ...??? Flying the Flags of the Republic outside their shop in Occupied Famagusta.

Here's the background to the case.

" ...Press Release to the Media, produced by Elisa Papageorgiou .... One year ago, on June 21, 2013, couple Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin were arrested in occupied Famagusta, when they unfurled and flew three Republic of Cyprus flags in front of their shop, proclaiming their non recognition of the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and their sole recognition of the Republic of Cyprus and its legitimate national flag.

One day earlier, the RoC flag had been ceremoniously flown in Mersin, Turkey, for the Mediterranean Games, in the very presence of Turkish PM Mr Recep Tayip Erdogan, while TRNC did not participate in the athletic event.

Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin, who self-define as Turkish speaking Cypriots and not Turkish Cypriots, were protesting the fact that one can fly the legitimate RoC flag in Turkey, but not in Cyprus. They were also making a case against the Turkish occupation of Cyprus and Turkey’s role in the destructive embargo and isolation of the occupied part of the island.

Despite the fact that in the so-called TRNC there is no law regarding flags, the three RoC flags were confiscated by the “police” and Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin were arrested and charged with disturbing the peace and not recognizing the TRNC and its flag.

The case has already been taken to court four times and each time the judging has been adjourned. The last time, on April 9, Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin were asked to offer their apology, for the case to be closed and for only a small fine to be imposed. Both Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin refused to apologize so the trial has been set for this coming Tuesday, May 6th, at 8.30 am in Famagusta, with the accused couple being warned with the imposition of a much steeper fine or even a jail term.

Koray and Cinel have bravely reiterated their position, stating that they will refuse to pay whichever fine, will gladly go to jail, then will proceed with taking their case against Turkey as an illegitimate occupying force to the European Court of Justice. ..."
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon May 05, 2014 12:04 pm

Never was Franklin's aphorism more apt ...

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

- Good luck to these people in their demand for Freedom from Turkish oppression.
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 05, 2014 3:35 pm

Some more views from a "friend" on the scurrilous "charges" of "trnc" against the CYs Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin ...

"... Friends, I know you are probably fed up of me and my crusades over the years but tomorrow's courtcase for Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin is one in which we, as the grassroots of Cyprus, can make a difference.

Two Cypriots have been taken to task with trumped up charges of 'disturbing the peace' but their real crime was flying 3 CYPRIOT flags outside their shop in Famagusta.

Apparently 5 mainland Turks complained to the police and Koray and Cinel were arrested and their flags confiscated.

They have been 5 times to court and each time the case has been postponed.

On Good Friday outside the church in which Cypriots went to in Famagusta to be witness to a historical service at Agios Georgios within the walled city, a nationalistic fanatic hung two military size Turkish flags outside his home. The police asked him to remove them, he refused. He was not arrested.

This is double standards by any account.

Tomorrow this couple need our support as CYPRIOTS, to stand alongside them and show we are with them.

They are willing to suffer the consequences, they are willing to take it further to the European Court of Human Rights, don't they deserve us standing next to them?

I for one, will be, I do hope some of you who are able to will also, if however you are out of the country, simply posting this status on your timeline lets more people know of the injustice that is being done.

This case should never have come to court in the first place, it has to be thrown out and the charges dismissed.

It's time we as the people of Cyprus irrespective of which ethnic background you come from, irrespective of which country you were born in, if you feel Cypriot then now is your chance to do something for this small island. Stand beside us and show the world, Cypriots stand together. ..."
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 05, 2014 9:29 pm

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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 05, 2014 9:48 pm

For greek-speakers, tomorrow"s "trial" has made it in to ANT1, who refer to the harassed couple as turkish-speaking CYs (that's nice).

Headline and first para...

Δικάζονται αύριο οι Τουρκόφωνοι Κύπριοι που ύψωσαν την σημαία της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

Πριν ένα χρόνο, στις 21 Ιουνίου 2013, το ζεύγος Koray Basdogrultmaci και Cinel Senem Husseyin συνελήφθη στην κατεχόμενη Αμμόχωστο, όταν ύψωσε τρεις σημαίες της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας μπροστά από το κατάστημά του, διακηρύσσοντας την εκ μέρους τους μη αναγνώριση της ούτω καλουμένης "Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας της Βόρειας Κύπρου" και την αναγνώριση μόνο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας και της νόμιμης εθνικής σημαίας της.

Rest at... ... s=og.likes
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 06, 2014 6:17 pm

waiting eagerly for news...
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby Cap » Tue May 06, 2014 6:52 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:waiting eagerly for news...

Next court case will be on the 11th of June....



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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby Cap » Tue May 06, 2014 6:56 pm

A handful of GC's actually drove up to the north and supported them .
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Tue May 06, 2014 7:00 pm

yes... good on them and one has given this account...

"... Today was the court case in Famagusta for Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin. Their crime? Flying 3 Cypriot flags outside their shop in Famagusta. This was such a bad crime, to fly the flag of Cyprus, the one that they feel represents them, that they were subsequently arrested on 21st June 2013. The case has been postponed several times. Today's excuse was that the Police witnesses were not in court, so it has to be heard again on 11th June 2014. Last time the excuse was that the judge who was to hear the case was on maternity leave. I wonder what the next excuse will be....

There are no laws pertaining to flying the Cypriot flag. So the trumped up charges on 'disturbing the peace' are the charges that this couple will have to face. Question is, whose peace are they disturbing? The 5 apparent mainland Turks who complained to the Police? If that is the case on Good Friday when the church of Agios Georgios within the walled city of Famagusta had its historic service, two huge military size flags were flown provocatively outside the church and even upon the Police asking the nationalistic owner of the house to remove them, he refused. He, however, has neither been arrested nor taken to court.

Koray and Cinel call themselves CYPRIOTS. No label attached before or after, just plain simple CYPRIOTS. For their belief they are being victimized and are standing proud stating they are willing to go to jail and then a battle at the European Court of Human Rights to protect their basic human right. Their Freedom of Expression.

In Afrika newspaper today the front page headline read 'Forbidden Flag' and wrote an article about the many Cypriots in the north who had Cypriot passports and hospital cards, which in reality means they recognise the Republic of Cyprus. Where were they today?????? ..."
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby B25 » Tue May 06, 2014 8:19 pm

Those scrounging parasites are only there for the freebies, fuck if they care about the RoC. Do you expect anything different from these criminals.
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