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Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby Cap » Wed May 07, 2014 10:11 pm

Flying Horse wrote:One small stone, it took to bring down Goliath.

Can two insignificant people bring a change in the tide?

I'd like to hope so.


indeed we are FH.
And we only have ourselves to blame.
Dude, we've been played so bad.
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby Flying Horse » Wed May 07, 2014 10:31 pm

Maximus wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:One small stone, it took to bring down Goliath.

Can two insignificant people bring a change in the tide?

I'd like to hope so.


And you can chop down an oak tree with a pen knife if you keep hitting the same spot for long enough.

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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby Flying Horse » Wed May 07, 2014 10:36 pm

Cap wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:One small stone, it took to bring down Goliath.

Can two insignificant people bring a change in the tide?

I'd like to hope so.


indeed we are FH.
And we only have ourselves to blame.
Dude, we've been played so bad.

I had to say insignificant, because after all, them at the top of the trees don't know them, nor do they care.

However, to those people, who are like you and me, they are VERY significant. They stood up for their beliefs, and I.hope many more do the same.

For then, the rot will set in that oak tree Maximus refers to, and the little penknife will find the right spot to cut it down quicker ;-)
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Thu May 08, 2014 2:38 pm

Yes, always good to see very ordinary people set us all an example with their principals and courage.

Here's a video we haven't posted for a while, from about three years ago, with other CYs flying Flags of the Republic and the thuggish reaction of the "police" of "trnc"...

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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 09, 2014 3:22 pm

Try as they might to ignore it, the CY Snail finally catches up with the story of the persecution of these courageous CYs by "trnc"... ... prus-flag/
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby Flying Horse » Fri May 09, 2014 3:48 pm

Finally the evidence begins to find it's way out.

Turkish Cypriot arrested for displaying Cyprus fl…:

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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby B25 » Fri May 09, 2014 4:52 pm

And why did they arrest him?? Because some settlers objected so what we are saying the settler gypsies have a great right than TCs, so who will Levent actually be representing. Today he says this tomorrow when he is in he says something else.
let the TCs vote, in fact MEP should be from a bone fide EU member state not hiding in some illegally occupied area and having representation in the EU. This is all fucked up and the RoC pillocks that have agreed to this need to be shot. WTF.
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:27 am

The trumped up case against the CY couple, for their outspoken criticism of Occupation and "trnc" and for flying the Flag of the Republic, is up at the pseudo-courts of the pseudo-"trnc" later this morning.

This is what one of the "accused", the brave CY Cinel Senem Husseyin, posts elsewhere today...

"... today Turkey is usıng the Turkish speaking Cypriots or Turkish Cypriots by making us sleep with a fake state by camouflaged ( improved ) the invasion and occupation . And from the other colourfull photos we can understand that the one that they say we do not recognıze they do and the one that they say we do recognıze TRNC fake republıc is a blanket for the under control for Turkey


Even chıckens brake their shells to survive



What a Woman..!!! ... What a CY...!!!

One CY, One Republic and One Flag...
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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:54 am

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Re: Arrested For Flying Flags of the Republic

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:26 pm

A friend, who attended the "court" and who has given massive support to the harassed CY couple, writes elsewhere about the case...

By Tina Adamidou

It is always believed that the Courts in any land uphold justice. Can one question this however given obvious delaying tactics entertained by the Administrative Authorities upholding the Laws in the North of Cyprus?
Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin, a young couple who call themselves Turkish Speaking Cypriots were once again in ‘Court’ this morning in the North for a case that has been ongoing for over a year now. In June 2013 the couple were arrested after complaints from 5 settlers to the ‘Police’ that they were flying the Republic of Cyprus’s flag outside Koray’s shop in Famagusta. Refusing to take down the flags they were subsequently arrested and as there is no law pertaining to flying the Cypriot flag, they were charged with ‘non-recognition of the TRNC’ and ‘disturbing the peace’ “I am a Cypriot”, states Koray, “my flag is the Republic of Cyprus’s flag, it is my shop, if I want to hang it up outside, then it is a basic human right that I do. It is okay for Turkish Speaking Cypriots to have the Republic’s passports, health cards and Identity Cards, so what is wrong with flying the flag that I believe represents me?” For this reason they have been shuttling backwards and forwards to the ‘Courts’ in the North for nearly a year and a half with postponement after postponement, it appears that the ‘Authorities’ do not know how to handle this case.

Sitting in the ‘Courtroom’ this morning there were a number of cases that were heard. A female Judge, a female Prosecutor. A man who drove over a garbage can after a 3 car back to back accident, a fine that had to be paid by lunchtime. A driver who lost control of his car and ended up on the opposite side of the road injuring 2 pedestrians and damaging a bicycle. The worse of all he was driving without a Drivers License, MOT, no Road Tax and was speeding, again his punishment was a fine. Also a man who beat up a Police Officer after he stormed in the Accident and Emergency Unit of a hospital to help his father escape. Countless postponements of cases till the New Year. The ‘Prosecutor’ too tired to argue any cases, the various Defence Lawyers strutting in and out of the courtroom for less than a few minutes for their clients. Yet the couple’s case which should not have even come to Court is not just a matter of ‘breaking the law’ as there does not appear to be a Law that they are breaking. It is an issue that is very politically based and yet not one politician either in the north or south has bothered to approach the couple to listen and help these two Cypriots.

The only person that seemed to show any respect for the procedures in the courtroom was the armed with a handgun ‘Police’ Officer who made sure everybody was called to the stand on time and dealt with the paperwork. I asked him outside whether the gun was loaded, he said it had to be loaded at all times. Asked whether he had ever used it, he smiled and said ‘it is always a last resort and no I have not had to use it, yet.’

Koray Basdogrultmaci and Cinel Senem Husseyin ’s case was amongst the first to be heard. Apparently a ‘misunderstanding’ resulted in the judge thinking that they were not to be represented by their solicitor. The reality being that their solicitor was unable to attend the case and he was sending his son from Nicosia to represent them, thus the Judge thought that they were not having representation. The Police Officer who was going to give his statement at today’s hearing had not been called to attend either. Either this was a misunderstanding as the Judge stated, or it was highly suspicious and mysterious how once again this trial did not come into being. Koray and Cinel were again disappointed that their case had not even begun with witnesses and evidence. It has become a living nightmare for the couple. The case has now been postponed till 12th January 2015.

Koray Basdogrultmaci, “we are waiting for the trial to begin and for justice to be served. If justice is not served in the courts in the north, then we are prepared to take our case to the Court of Human Rights.” Yet Cinel, emotionally stressed with the ongoing trial, let the tears escape from her eyes with the uncertainty of what was going to happen, especially with what will become of their two young daughters, the youngest just a few months old, in the case of imprisonment. “We have done nothing wrong, we will not just admit guilty to these charges, our only crime was flying the Cyprus flag, what law says we can’t?”

Delays, postponements, the uncertainty, this young couple have a lot to contend with. Their future, the future of their young daughters. They have risked a lot to call themselves Cypriots yet physical support seems to be missing from their own compatriots north and south. The 12th January is not that far away, maybe it is about time that many of us who call ourselves Cypriots stand alongside the couple and show the support that this couple need. I for one will be there next to them. ..."
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