Nikitas wrote:The Australian embassy in Athens has operatives that travel the country and locate people who receive pensions. It is a service copied from US and Canadian practices. The person's ID is checked at least once per year to make sure they are still alive. So where is the ripoff?
I interviewed for a job like that many years ago. Even took a driving test to make sure I would not smash their car while out in the boonies looking for those wily pensioners.
Under Australian Law, you are not allowed to live in a foreign country and claim a pension. You are only allowed to be overseas for 3 months, then they cut your benefit until you return back to Australia. If you do not return, then the Australian Government will not pay you. There are variations such as Veterans, and Service pensions etc.
Another thing they would look for are Greek Australians who have property in Greece, and do not declare their asset which is a blatant rip off because Social Security in Australia is asset means tested. Also, there are some who rent their property and do not declare their income. Another blatant rip off because they must pay tax and their benefits could be effected.
Unfortunately, Australia is very suspicious of the General Greek population because from experience they know that Greeks will try and pull every con job off under the sun!