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Should 'Cabarets' be outlawed

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Should 'cabarets' be outlawed?

no, but they should be regulated more
no way!
Total votes : 44

Postby GG » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:04 pm

raymanuva wrote:Now, i am for outlawing this bastards since they've created a layer of criminal "society" which is no good for anyone. But there will be always prostitution etc... i dont see how it will change the situation, but i am for making lifes of those cocksuckers "cabaretzies" a bit more difficult.

You say no good for anyone but I would say a prostituite in Cyprus is far more protected and treasured than prostituite in almost any other country this "layer of criminals" that you speak of are indeed scum but they treat these girls like a top farmer would treat his best cow or his best machinery, he is protecting his investment.

Forcing this into the underworld benefits nobody.
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Postby cypezokyli » Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:25 pm

GG wrote:
raymanuva wrote:Now, i am for outlawing this bastards since they've created a layer of criminal "society" which is no good for anyone. But there will be always prostitution etc... i dont see how it will change the situation, but i am for making lifes of those cocksuckers "cabaretzies" a bit more difficult.

You say no good for anyone but I would say a prostituite in Cyprus is far more protected and treasured than prostituite in almost any other country this "layer of criminals" that you speak of are indeed scum but they treat these girls like a top farmer would treat his best cow or his best machinery, he is protecting his investment.

too much faith in the virtues of the free market :roll:

and may i ask how do you know how these m***********rs treat their "investment" ? can you provide any prrof for that ?
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Postby GG » Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:20 pm

cypezokyli wrote:and may i ask how do you know how these m***********rs treat their "investment" ? can you provide any prrof for that ?

I cannot provide proof but anyone that has lived in Central London, around areas like Soho and Kings Cross etc will see what prostitutes look like, they have needle holes in their arm, no teeth, always bruised, always wearing torn clothes and literally being tormented and often having to have sex under bridges and in back of cars. The ones I see in Cyprus may feel like prisoners but they are clearly well fed, protected, they have their own private taxi's to take them home each night and once a month the minibus comes and takes them all for sexual health tests. Now if you had to be a prostitute where would you rather be.
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Postby Snad » Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:47 pm

GG wrote:
raymanuva wrote:Now, i am for outlawing this bastards since they've created a layer of criminal "society" which is no good for anyone. But there will be always prostitution etc... i dont see how it will change the situation, but i am for making lifes of those cocksuckers "cabaretzies" a bit more difficult.

You say no good for anyone but I would say a prostituite in Cyprus is far more protected and treasured than prostituite in almost any other country this "layer of criminals" that you speak of are indeed scum but they treat these girls like a top farmer would treat his best cow or his best machinery, he is protecting his investment.

Forcing this into the underworld benefits nobody.

How can you compare a sentient being to a cow or a tractor. think you ought to do some re-thinking if you are comparing these. :?
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Postby G.Man » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:05 pm

Interesting that the subject of Bazouki was mentioned to compare to cabarets..

After all dont they offer prostitutes as well? Along with some specialist "pubs"

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Postby andri_cy » Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:05 pm

I 've never been to one. I will find out when I go and let you know :wink:
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Postby Cypriotatheart » Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:33 am

When I first went to Cyprus in the late 80's there was no problem in walking along the road from Amathus right into town, now even in the day it can be embarrassing in walking with children. I like the way the call them "Gentleman's Club" - that certainly isn't my idea of a gentleman!
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Postby chrisp » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:33 am

had to join this one!!!
me too, without reading all the posts because i was itching to comment.

i agree with so many different opinions posted.
i think its disgusting and demeaning - for both parties.

however i do actually know someone who runs a 'pub' i have to stress here that the girls are there to try and entice the men to buy them drinks, but 'sex' is non-negotiable on the premises- whatever the girls do in their own time is their business. (i know its hard to believe)
but i do know there are many owners that force the girls into prostitution which is unacceptable, but i too believe the backhanders and corruption more than cover this.

on another note, many girls mactually do this willingly for the money, many return several times, and actually boast of the fact that they can gert what they want from the old men, because they know 'what to do'.
i personally, think its disgusting when you see a 25 year old woman with a 60 year old perverted old man, but in that case scenario i say he gets what he deserves.
heard of many stories where the girls entice the old man into marriage, or putting property into their name and then exploiting them for everything they own.
to this is say WELL DONE GIRL - if the old pervert is so blind to actually believe that someone 40 years younger loves them for their looks, body or personality they deserve everything they get!!!!!!!
me, i think the wives should put their glasses on, divorce the bastards , take everything they can and let them out into the gutter where they belong.

most of these men are self-delusional and think that they look good with a young 'tart' on their arm- do they really not know that most of society is laughing at them , because they look disgusting, pitifull and pathetic.
they have no self-respect, and i feel must have a very low opinion of themselves if they have the need to pay for it!!!
and that goes for men everywhere- if you were so good you wouldn't have to pay!!!!!!!

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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:45 am

Not much i can add to that, well said...
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Postby G.Man » Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:37 am

chrisp wrote:had to join this one!!!
me too, without reading all the posts because i was itching to comment.

i agree with so many different opinions posted.
i think its disgusting and demeaning - for both parties.

however i do actually know someone who runs a 'pub' i have to stress here that the girls are there to try and entice the men to buy them drinks, but 'sex' is non-negotiable on the premises- whatever the girls do in their own time is their business. (i know its hard to believe)
but i do know there are many owners that force the girls into prostitution which is unacceptable, but i too believe the backhanders and corruption more than cover this.

on another note, many girls mactually do this willingly for the money, many return several times, and actually boast of the fact that they can gert what they want from the old men, because they know 'what to do'.
i personally, think its disgusting when you see a 25 year old woman with a 60 year old perverted old man, but in that case scenario i say he gets what he deserves.
heard of many stories where the girls entice the old man into marriage, or putting property into their name and then exploiting them for everything they own.
to this is say WELL DONE GIRL - if the old pervert is so blind to actually believe that someone 40 years younger loves them for their looks, body or personality they deserve everything they get!!!!!!!
me, i think the wives should put their glasses on, divorce the bastards , take everything they can and let them out into the gutter where they belong.

most of these men are self-delusional and think that they look good with a young 'tart' on their arm- do they really not know that most of society is laughing at them , because they look disgusting, pitifull and pathetic.
they have no self-respect, and i feel must have a very low opinion of themselves if they have the need to pay for it!!!
and that goes for men everywhere- if you were so good you wouldn't have to pay!!!!!!!



A certain amount of naivity here really, do you really believe these men dont know that they are being taken for a ride, but do it willingly as they can afford it?

I mean, money is only paper to some people, and if marrying a young beautiful girl and having sex with her for the remainder of their days is so bad, then I cant see the issue...

Yes she may be doing it for money, but there are many young beautiful girls the world over that marry older less attractive men for money fame or power... They just had an easier start to their relationship, ie not via prostitution...

Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession, it will continue to be forever.... so lets not pretend that this is a cyprus issue..

The issue here is that some girls are brought to cyprus under false pretences or against their will, locked up and their passports taken away, and coerced into having sex with strangers to repay debts, or other reasons...

Its the sex trade side of things that are the issue here... you will never stop prostitution or girls marrying for money...

And that goes for men marrying older women for money as well... and they look just as stupid with someone old enough to be their mother!

One final question...

Why is a man of 30-60 a pervert for having sex with a younger beautiful girl?

Answer: He isnt, unless you are gonna sit here and call Bruce Willis a pervert as well...

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