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Should 'Cabarets' be outlawed

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Should 'cabarets' be outlawed?

no, but they should be regulated more
no way!
Total votes : 44

Postby cypezokyli » Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:51 pm

you people really think that for a woman to sell sex it is "her own decision" ?
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Postby G.Man » Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:36 pm

cypezokyli wrote:you people really think that for a woman to sell sex it is "her own decision" ?

Of course it is... many many countries have poverty and poor women, but not all of them turn to prostitution... Just the same as it is a mans choice to have sex outside of his marriage...

Ones that do, want the easy fast money!

Yes they have reasons, like funding education, 6 months in cabaret here can earn them enough to buy an appt in some parts of ukraine, moldova etc...

But lets not ever think they dont have a choice... admittedly some are brought over under false pretences, and their passports taken, but the law is already there to protect these people.. what there isnt is proper enforcement!

Prostitution is illegal here already, but as long as the senior officials, immigration, police etc etc turn a blind eye to it they will continue!
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Postby osintseva » Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:57 pm

Yes I know several girls from Russia and Ukraine who are kidnapped every six months and brought to Cyprus and forced to earn in a day what their peers back home earn in a month. Its disgusting
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Postby Natty » Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:05 am

I watched a programme recently about the illegal sex trade, and it really upset me...The problem isn't only in Cyprus, it's all over Europe, including England! In Cyprus the demand for foreign 'prostitutes' is higher because it's only a small country, and you won't get many of the local girls going into prostitution ...I've been going back to Cyprus since I was younger, and staying in a village near Larnaca in my Grandparents house, and I've made friends, throughout the years, with some of the local youth. I don't know whether it happens often, but on a few occasions I've heard of lads who before they did their national service were virgins, and simply to say that they weren't when they started, they would visit these clubs just to lose their virginity...but they would never go again...I'm not sure whether the clubs they visited were 'legit' or not..but I doubt it...I think peer pressure plays a big part....

You know I also think it seems like such a huge problem in Cyprus compared to other countries because, again it is such a small country, it's hard to hide these 'cabarets', they're more out in the open...

I think the whole problem of the illegal sex trade needs to addressed more seriously throughout Europe, it's just disgraceful, and it should be stopped as much as possible!
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Postby cypezokyli » Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:30 am

i think i am convinced now, the job is great

(even if you dont like "heavy music" make the effort to watch it)

i would propose that it is offered as an option in school when our daughters are about to choose a proffession. they should also be able to spend their "work experience" week at 11th grade in a cabaret. i mean why not ? perhaps they like it. or maybe they decide to play their part in society.

perhaps we should also lobby for night classes for our sisters and our wives, who werent familiar with the edvantages this great proffession offers. not to mention they might even decide to work voluntarily , in order to fullfill the significant role in the society
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Postby GG » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:30 pm

These places should not be banned. They are illegal in UK and it creates situations where women are standing on street corners, women are getting beaten by pimps. Whilst you may not agree on the concept, you only have 2 choices, make it regulated with regular health checks for the girls and protection or make it illegal and unregulated and unsafer for everyone involved. Do not foll yourselves in thinking outlawing it will benefit in any way.
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Postby cypezokyli » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:39 pm

nobody carries illussion that the problem is the law.

but that doesnt mean that i should accept the macho-attitude. that the chose to do it , and they like it , and .... :evil:
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Postby am.i.will » Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:45 pm

Nobody forced those women. They could find another job and take less money. Nough said!
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Postby G.Man » Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:51 pm

cypezokyli wrote:nobody carries illussion that the problem is the law.

but that doesnt mean that i should accept the macho-attitude. that the chose to do it , and they like it , and .... :evil:

Nobody said they like it, but they think money is important more than the job...

These girls are so desperate at getting it the easy way, they try to make a fat balding middle aged punter believe that a 19-24 yr old beautiful girl really has fallen in love with them...

If they can play with someones emotions like that then they deserve nothing better...

Sorry, but getting screwed physically for money is not half as bad as getting screwed emotionally for nothing..

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Postby raymanuva » Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:03 pm

Without reading previous posts i would like to add my opinion.
Legally Cabarets are basicaly nightclubs with girls performing a dance show just like in any other establishemnts such as Bouzuki etc. Prostitution is illegal but everyone knows whats going on in cabarets, police knows every single hotel where girls are taken after 3:00... its all been setup for years, its a part of Cypriot "cuture". Even former Police chief was involved in a big scandal over providing easy working visas to "dancer" girls. Its all corrupted and it always will be... Now, i am for outlawing this bastards since they've created a layer of criminal "society" which is no good for anyone. But there will be always prostitution etc... i dont see how it will change the situation, but i am for making lifes of those cocksuckers "cabaretzies" a bit more difficult.
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