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Should 'Cabarets' be outlawed

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Should 'cabarets' be outlawed?

no, but they should be regulated more
no way!
Total votes : 44

Postby Hazza » Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:59 pm

pumpernickle wrote:having researched all there is on the Cypriot cabaret problem online, it seems that under pressure from the EU, the government stopped issuing licenses for new cabarets in mid 2004. That's pretty late in the day to stop the legal endorsement to a slave trade. Especially for a country that should be more advanced and stronger on human rights, EU or no EU.

Strange that a new Cabaret club has opened on Dekhelia Road over the past few weeks, forget what its called now, but its definitely a new one. How did they get a licence?

Don't get me wrong, if girls want to sell their bodies to make money, then they should be allowed under certain conditions, such as what Maria said, no pimps/managers, monthly checkups for any form of STD, security cameras on doorways, panic buttons linked to the local police station etc etc etc.

For girls that are forced into this sort of thing, I can't help but feel for the poor girls. They will always be known as hookers, prostitutes or any other demoralising name, through no fault of their own.

Pumpernickle, I've been to parties where I have been offered drinks and I declined because I'm driving only for somebody to tell me that they are in the Police Force and that its ok, not to worry about it. Its a case of not what you know but who you know over here. If the police do it for a complete stranger, then what do known hard criminals get away with? I don't believe it will be long before our cousins from Brussels step in and kick some major backsides into shape!
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Re: Should 'Cabarets' be outlawed

Postby coredump » Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:50 am

pumpernickle wrote:What I can't understand is how a conservative, orthodox and civilised nation as the Greek Cypriots are, tolerate what amounts to a widespread trade in human misery and criminality.

Ever heard of hypocrisy ;) :(
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Postby pumpernickle » Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:40 pm

Also, what is so amazingly titilating about looking at the blurry, neon light obscured images of naked women on a podium, through the sheets of tobacco smoke, shile sitting amidst a gaggle of revoltig cab drivers and bent officials??

The women are miserable as sin (and understandably so) and when they ply their trade, they are thinking "you prick". Nice! Howe alluring!

The mugs who go their must have more money than sense, and I bet they dont have much of that either.


And the way its all don under the guise of government issues "artiste licenses". Buuulllshit. Like they'd ever issue "License to kill linceses" or "licenses to deal crack to 6 year olds and beat up old grannies for their baskets of oranges", so why is it ok to issue licenses to abuse, degrade and destroy young women?

fuckin' bent as a nine bob note, these politicians. Hope the EU kicks them into touch.
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Postby JustAnAmerican » Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:12 pm

I just came out of South America, in the country that is the world’s most popular “sex-industry” destination, where a complete evening with a prostitute may cost $50.00. I have never seen a worse degradation of women than the ones involved in Cyprus’s Cabaret phenomenon.

First of all in the Latin-Hispanic world, prostitution is legalized and the workers are protected by state-laws. They are not allowed to work in certain areas of the cities, but they are treated by most as respected human beings. Anyone can approach a prostitute for any service except for “the purpose of making money off of the act of prostitution.” In other words you can not pimp, film, take photos, or do anything to make money off of the physical act of having sex. Does it happen any way? Oh yeah? Is there pimping? Sure.

But because the industry is recognized, trafficking in persons is non-existent. All of the girls and guys are independent operators and are able to come and work at a South American establishment by paying a small fee. Not so here. The establishments there make money off the fees generated by the girls and the drinks bought by the clients. The businesses have no money invested in the girl, like plane fare and all of that crap, so they are happy with their $2.00 dollar sitting fee.

In Cyprus, the cabaret system is run by Georgian, Ukrainian, and Russian mobsters who will turn out these girls to make a buck. The invested money to get them here and they want it back. The GoC turns a blind eye to these foreigners just like they do all of the rest of us. These girls are not dancers; some of them have never danced on a stage before in their life.

The most ridiculous thing I heard was a statement by one of the Nicosia Police Captains who was concerned about the smuggling of prostitutes from the north by patrons into the south. He said these acts are just ruining the business in the south because the girls from the north will work for so much less.

Excellent thread.
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Postby rotate » Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:06 pm

devil wrote:Candidate for a rough-up while the cops look on and laugh?

I'm no kill joy and would have voted No 'but they should be more carefully regulated'.

"But this is Cyprus so no problem relax" and whilst there's plenty of Law's here getting them enforced depends entirely upon your connections, how much money you have or how evil you want to be!

When forty odd home owning citizens cannot get Larnaca Municipality or the Police to enforce Town planning regulations or civil and criminal laws there is no hope that cabaret's need fear any form of regulation, especially if a Policeman and a person of 'influence' own the place.

"But this is Cyprus so no problem relax" and learn to play dirty within the law such as it is and you to can benefit financially from the degradation of women and the reputation of the island.

It certainly beats working for a living!
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Postby Debowing » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:08 pm

No, I don't think they should be outlawed. I live in the Gulf and one of the things I miss most about Cyprus is the cabarets. I don't usually go there to buy women of course, but I rather enjoy buying drinks to them, having funny and entertaining chats and exploring their bodies, but especially having lots of fun. I have been visiting these 'illicit establishments' since I was a teenager, and from my many conversations with artistes, garcons etc, it is generally the case that the great majority of the girls are there by their own choice and are quite happy about it too. Of course, there are a few that are abused or ill-treated by the patrons and the owners of such clubs, but that is really the minority. I have given drinks to hundreds of girls in cabarets over the years and I have seen quite a lot of them returning to work in cabarets. I enjoy going there and it is fun and I like to think that the majority of the girls enjoy themselves too. I understand that many people feel strongly against the existence and operations of the cabarets. But as a guy who has been in and out of these places a lot I can tell you that lots of fun can be had there. And that is what I like most when I go make that special lady of the night smile and being happy. I usually do a tour around the cabarets and give drinks here and there. I take phone numbers addresses etc. I may meet the girls later after hours...I always practice safe sex and most of the time I not interested in sex per se with these girls. For me what is important is having a good time and that the artiste in question is not just looking for a quick buck. I avoid those types.

But to outlaw cabarets in Cyprus??? No way man...

My opinions may offend many do-gooders and I apologise for that. My intention is not to generate any strong feelings regarding the subject. I actually believe that by bringing some girl a smile and fun is also 'doing good'.

However I agree with you that the owners of these places are not model citizens, in fact many are mafia-types and quasi-criminals, but that is not what I am looking for when I walk down the stairs. Just bring me the girl I want and the drinks I ordered and I am not bothered by these types.

I am also not isolated in my views. Besides, I am not the only one who enjoys cabarets.

One thing I do dislike though, in cabarets, is cigarette smoking... I wish there was a smoking ban in these places.... :lol:
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:52 pm

Debowing, sorry but i think you live in cuckoo land, i have never met a working woman who makes money out of sex ever having anything but contempt for her customers. Its a bit like how nice someone can be if they are expecting finacial gain from there client, how sweet they can be and actually not really liking them and having contempt for their stupidity. Most females who sell sex feel spiritually low and often have to drink alcohol or take drugs to over come their loathing for the job. I worked in England for a drug and alcohol unit in a hospital, and many were prostitutes. How can anyone have any respect for those who only see woman as meat, and how ridiculous to think they even like you. You dont live in reality you only work from what you want and need, women really dont think of sex in those terms, most balanced women, need love and care and respect attached to sex. But hey you will go through life never really knowing love and true intimacy, thats the price you pay for selfishness and degradation..
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:57 pm

Has it ever occured to you that amny of these girls are looking for visa's, maybe you may marry one and get it for them.. True love aaahhh
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Postby G.Man » Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:04 pm

Few customers on this forum I guess...

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Postby humanist » Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:36 pm

Depends what they are referring to when they say "cabaret" ..... my view of cabaret includes dancers, excravagant costumes, dancing and laughter with shows that truly entertain.

If cabaret has become another word fro brothal well that needs to be also looked at.

Brothals also have a place in society. I really don't have a problem with prostitution at all. It serves a purpose and they do not exploit anyone. If parents raise their children according to their values that is excactly what children will practice.

Anyway if only people had more sexx, less hated and no war the world would be a much better place. I do not condemn rape, violence or exploitation of women either. However we have room to educate people on sex and prostitution and create a place where men and women involved can practice safer sex and have fun.

Prostitutes are not to blame for married men haveing sex outside their marriage either. Men are responsible for their actions as are women.
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