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Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:45 am

Way back in August of 2011, being a diabetic, I had the recommended quarterly blood test that every diabetic must have. My glucose levels had been steadily rising and on that occasion I resigned my self to the idea that I had, like my older brother, go on daily insulin injections.

The doctor read out my results and my glucose quarterly levels had risen to 12.9 ( 232.2 Cyprus ).

Stand on the scales he commanded, what for I responded gingerly. I want to weigh you he said in order to determine the quantity of daily insulin injections, you are going on insulin as from today.

Now you see I hate injections ever since 1991 when I had an injection, one that I did not expect, in my right eye, quite a big injection administering a large amount of gas into the eye to correct, after 3 previous attempts, a detached retina that simply refused to attach. I did not expect it although I should have realized when my head was securely attached to a surgical pillow and my eye was held open by a spring having had local anesthetic. Don't move the surgeon said, as a nurse was making certain that my head was firmly attached to the surgical pillow. Suddenly in it went, making a pop sound as it penetrated the eye layer. I froze, took me days to recover, like an injured pussy cat I cowled and commiserated my self, even gave up the wine ! But it worked, the retina is still attached after 23 years. Ever since then I have this phobia of injections anywhere in my body.

Well you may say, what does all this have to do with Green Tea, Diabetes and an old Plonker !

I will tell you soon, but since I'm a considerate man, not wanting to bore you, I shall continue if enough interest is generated.....Needless to say that the information I will give on diabetes is worth its weight in gold...
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Postby miltiades » Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:10 pm

Doctor, give me three months I murmured, just 3 months and then put me on insulin injections.

I don't advice it he responded, but OK come back in three months .

The very thought of having to inject 2 or 3 times a day scared the pants off me, besides what would my other 1/3 think :lol:

Out the surgery I trotted convinced that I had to do my utmost to get this wretched disease under controland that's when I Hours upon hours, when not drinking, searching and digesting info I gathered from many forums where diabetics outline their own experiences, and bingo, GREEN TEA LEAVES !!!

Up to then I had my tea the English way, with milk!! But where in London can you get green tea leaves, nowhere it seemed, so off I went to central London in search of green tea leaves, and found it in a well known establishment in Oxford street, at almost £8.00 for 100 grms , wasn't cheap but bought a few packets, a day or so later I was off to Belarus and made sure I took some GTL with me.

Green tea leaves was not the only thing I found out that is good for diabetics, but Quails eggs too, plenty of them, well I knew that in Belarus I could buy a pack of 20 for under a quid. Other "good for diabetes" things I discovered was that potatoes, white bread, rice, melons, pasta were BAD for diabetics. So I stopped eating all of the above and indulged in scoffing a dozen quails eggs a day, ( I have since discovered that quails eggs are not only good for diabetes but a booster to your ....libido , making the use of ....Viagra obsolete :lol: :lol:
Well in my opening post I did promise that if enough interest is forthcoming I shall continue, 50 or so views was my intended figure to continue, so if 100 views are generated then I shall reveal a lot more....
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu May 01, 2014 6:20 pm

Milty, I hope you manage to get diabetes under control by dietary means. It's not something I have to worry about but we all have one cross to bear. Basically, you just have to stay away from carbohydrates (definitely no loukoumia! ).

The green tea won't help any more than other teas (without sugar) but you can get it a lot cheaper than that from most supermarkets. Flavoured varieties like Green Tea and Jasmine are drinkable. Otherwise, just make Cypriot teas like garden mint, chamomile, aniseed etc
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 01, 2014 6:27 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Milty, I hope you manage to get diabetes under control by dietary means. It's not something I have to worry about but we all have one cross to bear. Basically, you just have to stay away from carbohydrates (definitely no loukoumia! ).

The green tea won't help any more than other teas (without sugar) but you can get it a lot cheaper than that from most supermarkets. Flavoured varieties like Green Tea and Jasmine are drinkable. Otherwise, just make Cypriot teas like garden mint, chamomile, aniseed etc

I have done an enormous amount of research, all my findings are based on extensive work. By the way, the tea I'm referring to is the LEAF type and not the loose type you are probably stating.

I would never recommend anything to anyone that has this serious condition unless based on my extensive research and personal results that I will soon elaborate.
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 01, 2014 7:03 pm

Before continuing I would to stress that I have no medical training, neither do I consider my self as a specialist in matters relating to diabetes, all that I shall reveal are based on my own personal experience in trying to control my diabetes, and the ensuing results following my OWN research.

You may recall that I said way back in 2011 my glucose levels were just under 13 ( CY just under 234) a level that was much too high and warranted my commencing on insulin injections.

After much effort and study, I went back for blood tests some 4 months later in early 2012.

My doctor informed me rather apologetically that I had to go back for more blood samples as my glucose QUARTERLY level now stood at 6.9 ( CY 124 ).

Some mix up he said, no way can it be almost halved in 4 months. Well I went back a week later to hear the results of the second blood test, and guess what...6.9.

I felt so relieved and delirious at not having to inject, not only this but my doctor reduced my daily Metformin from 3x850mg a day to 3x 500 mg per day.

I went on to explain how I managed to reduce it to this reasonable level.
I explained about the green tea leaves and that on average I would drink 3 to 4 pots a day, no milk or sugar of course. Told him about my daily consumption of quails eggs, he listened carefully, IDOU I RODOS IDOU TO PIDIMA.

On my visit to Belarus I took some GTL with me only to be told by my other third that it is widely available in Belarus at a cost of about £1 for 100gms. Fantastic, I was able to bring back to the UK a suitcase load !!

Also discovered that you can get GTLs in AW in Limassol for about 3 euros, so I always bring back some from Cyprus.
Will continue and reveal more...
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 01, 2014 9:00 pm

Subsequent quarterly tests have confirmed that my research into the benefits of GTLs and diabetes has been worthwhile, my recent test a few weeks stood at 6.8.

Of course GTL alone has not been the only factor. No white bread, no potatoes, rice or pasta, plenty of vegetables and general healthy eating all washed down with a bottle of red :lol:

You may now wonder what Plonker has to do with Green tea leaves and diabetes, I will tell you, but first let me again say to any diabetic reading this, I'm not a diabetic specialist but I'm a diabetic specialist for my own diabetes, its working and the proof is my consistent readings over 2 and half years.

Will tell you soon about the ...plonker angle.
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Postby miltiades » Fri May 02, 2014 9:09 am

Every few Sundays I would get on the bus and go to John Lewis in Oxford street to replenish my supplies of Green Tea Leaves, on my regular visits to Belarus and Cyprus I would stock up my supplies, you just can not get GTLs in any supermarket , loose tea yes but not the GTLs, which basically is dried up tea leaves that when immersed in hot water they expand and acquire their original leaf state.

It was last Wednesday early morning when an Afghanistan customer came in to see me at about 8am, I was having my usual pot of green tea and he asked what was it. I explained at length the value of this tea to diabetics and also told him that I bring it from either Belarus or Cyprus. We drink it all the time he said. Where do you get it from I asked. Try the Halal Butcher shop, two doors away from my office, he replied, they sell it!!

Off I went and bingo, a plentiful supply and bloody cheap. £2.49 FOR 500 grms !!!
Half the price of the Belarus one and 1/3 of the Cyprus price!!

Now for almost two and a half years I have been buying from Belarus, Cyprus and from Central London and all the time this precious commodity was available 2 doors away !!!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun May 04, 2014 11:17 pm

No you are not a plonker reh Milti, not in this case at least if that's a comfort for you. :wink:
Interesting read !.
I am personally what you could call "anti-diabetic" ! I eat a hell lot of sweets on daily basis and when nothing else is available I open the fridge and eat a couple of glyko karydaki. My problem is I don't feel OK without this consumption i feel sort of dry, can't think clearly, feel tired etc. Perhaps I should mention that I consume huge amounts of water too perhaps 3 times more than an average person.
Yet I am a average weight and whenever I had to do blood tests everything was normal
Someone told me I could get diabetes if I continue like that. Is that possible?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon May 05, 2014 4:33 am

...nice story, doc.
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 05, 2014 7:42 am

Diabetes is predominantly a hereditary condition, a very serious disease that can cause a myriad of medical conditions, such as heart attack, liver failure, loss of sight or limbs and many more.

Do what I did, appoint your own very personal diabetes specialist on call 24/7, your own self, learn the Glycaemic values of foods, avoid the high rated ones and stick to the low values and the occasional medium value, as an example, potatoes, rice, melons fried foods are all high and will spike your blood levels very quickly, if you are a man and single get your self a younger... woman and tell your self you are doing this in order to control your disease by having daily doses of a good healthy and enjoyable exercise !!!

Once more I emphasize that I have no medical credentials but my observations are based on MY OWN research and the ensuing good results that have proved that Green Tea Leaves, quails eggs, onions, garlic ( avoid when taking the.. enjoyable exercise mentioned above, unless she too is a diabetic ) fresh vegetables, NO BEER, unless you are in Cyprus on a holiday and its very hot.

There are many foods to avoid and many that are good for you, but I don't want to bore you, it would only be of interest if you too are in the!

Sex is the best exercise a diabetic can take if he can get it on that is !!! I'm allergic to Viagra, so having researched I have discovered something, TOP SECRET, that is far more potent than Viagra. :lol: :lol:
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