Lordo wrote:i like it when assholes cant help but show their assholeness.
so boulio you are a clever gc chap are you not. so if the enclaves were self imposed why were we held at checkpoints for upto 6 hours in the midday sun by your brave eokamen. why were your brave men stopping material coming into the enclaves including baby milk.
will you remain an asshole all your life or will wake up one of these days. self imposed indeed. sometimes we had to go through 20 check points to go from one place an another. we must have furking imagined them you assholes.
..."it" happened, according to boulio in a sense, (derived from a credible source (the UN)). can he be faulted and demeaned, for that; Lordo? and as you say erolz, it was the eoka extremists that 'made' a tc, so in a sense the gc, as you call them, got what they were looking for; terror, that without the terror, neither could survive. can't we assume that these extremists, wherever they were (do not represent us as Persons), and with such intention are Criminals? can we agree that we have learned, better, that at least we are changing, even if there is a lot to learn. (where is the link to the Canadian guy, i know you can be helpful, where is that too, i'll read it,) isn't new thinking what is necessary?
i suggest a BBF is not a dirty word, that it has been manipulated, like enclaves, to serve unworthy purposes. i maintain that "Greekness" is important, "Turkishness", and the identity of Cypriots having Maronite, Armenian, Latin, roots are as important, because as Cypriots, it is our ethnosphere that is important. i suggest that within a Republic, at another level of government, (being Bicommunal), National Assemblies may represent its electors within Jurisdictional Territories, (being Bizonal), as a Constituency, for the sustenance of their distinct identity, as "a Person". (this is what we (as Persons and as Individuals) want; isn't it?)
can we agree that what is lacking is a Greek Constituency, (read: here lies "the birth"), that with one, the Republic is Free to represent its Citizens without discrimination, or distinction, because Greeks, as Greeks, like Turks and others, have self representation, as such.
...sadly Lordo, Turkey and Denktash, are not blameless, not unlike Greece and Makarios, and, the other interlocutors, the "we" you are referring to is not entirely relevant to "them".
i don't doubt it happened, (your particular "it". (my particular "it"),) and yet in the larger scheme of things, here we are, regardless, as Cypriots we can elect to be masters of our own destiny, or we can submit. our choice, to raise one flag, the Cypriot Flag, above the rest, or not, and to act accordingly. dialog is important. and, with the Information Age, our dialog, is also important. i say, what is one (as in the case with Solomon) should not be divided.
makes me wonder how many crossings are 'normal', if 20 million is 'controlled'?