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Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby erolz66 » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:26 am

Finally Boulio to try and answer your question as fully as I would like I do want to say something about my views on how the TRNC / TC community should behave (morally and tactically) whilst it is trying to negotiate a settlement. Below are some snipets from a discussion on a Cyprus based forum from 2006 (some of them in response to our very own viewpoint)

erolz on a different now ended forum in 2006 wrote:I think we [TC community] should always strive to do anything and everything that increases the chance of finding an agreed settlement that does not undermine out ability ot survive seperately in the mean time. I believe this is true regardless of how the othert side reacts in kind or not to such moves.

erolz on a different now ended forum in 2006 wrote:Leading by example is exactly what I advocate my community does. Not just piecemeal and then wait fort reciprocation but wholesale and consitently reagrdless of what the Greek Cypriot side may or may not do in itself. It is for Greek Cypriot to argue the same in their side. However the strenght of my argument for my side to do so does not depend on such similar action from Greek Cypriot side in my view but exits indpendent of theirt actions or lack of them.

erolz on a different now ended forum in 2006 wrote:I am pertfectly aware that bringing the same philopsophy to the return of Varosha ia a lot more controversial. Yet still I believe it is what we should. There is an argument that Varosha is a useful bargaining chip. I do not accept this because in 30+ years it has been managed to be bargained fort exactly nothing so far. You may claim that it will be bargained fort something in the futurtte, but to date that has not been the case. A bartgaining chip that you can not cash is valueless in my view. On the other hand giving it back unilatertaly and without condition will accrtue very rteal value fort the Turkish Cypriot community, intertnationaly if not with the Greek Cypriot community or leadership (though one would hope it would bring some credit there too). At another level I just hate tpo see anything useable laying unsed.
You say that if we return it now the Greek Cypriot side will undoubtedly ask for 'more' in any futurte settlement than if we do not return it now. This may be true but we do not have to accept such demands do we? In any case for me the basis of any settlement on 'territorty' is not and should not be based on 'what we currently contrtol' but on what we legaly owned pre 74 and what is necessary to ensure the 'funtionalability' of any area we are to contrtol in the futurte (be it as a sperate state ort as a federtal component state). I think we have valid grounds to argue that northern component state must be bigger than what we owned communaly in 74 if we are to have signifcant returtn of Greek Cypriot to this federal state and if such is necessarty to esnure such a state is 'viable' - prtovidjedj of course we arte willing to compensate for any such increase in teritory. So to me the amount of territory we should be willing to 'settle' in any negotiated settlement is not a function of 'what we contrtol now' andj thus djoes not change if we give back varosha now or not. Our requirtments as a community territory wise remain the same if we give back varosha ort maintain it - as far as I am concerned. Again I realise that this is a 'radical' view fort a Turkish Cypriot and a minortity one - and I hold it none the less.

erolz on a different now ended forum in 2006 same thread as a proposed letter to north newspaper wrote:Time to lose the ‘mountain flag’

Is it not time for us to remove the mountain flag? Our president Mr Talat says we are extending the hand of friendship out to the Republic of Cyprus. Yet this massive and provocative symbol is not compatible with this claim, at least in any way I can fathom? Further I cannot see any benefit for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and it’s people in the maintenance of this symbol. It is clearly provocative and intended to be so in my opinion. Even if the intent is not provocation, the result clearly is. It brings us in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus no benefit, but can and is used against us to argue that we are not sincere in wanting a negotiated settlement. When I manage to bring friends from the UK to visit Northern Cyprus for the first time, it conjures up an impression of a ‘stalinesque’ totalitarian regime, that is not a true of fair reflection of the government or people here. In short it is embarrassing to have to make excuses for its presence. When I engage in discussions with Cypriots from the south on bicommunal online forums such as [edit] and try to convince the Greek Cypriot posters there that in the main both the administration and the people of the North are sincere in wanting to find a fair negotiated and agreed settlement in Cyprus, and they respond with a ‘live’ picture from their flat in South Nicosia, of a huge and illuminated Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus flag, it does not make this task very easy.
This flag brings us no benefits, is not compatible with claims of seeking a settlement and extending a hand of friendship to our Greek Cypriot compatriots and actually does us harm in terms of image and sincerity, with Greek Cypriots and with the world. So I call on Mr Talat to remove it, unless of course the reality is that it is not within the power of the democratically elected government of the people of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to remove it, but some other ‘power’ as is said to be the case by some?

The above are all from a single thread from a now 'dead' forum and I am going to post a link to said thread, even though in the past just mention the name of said other forum has earned me a ban from this one. I post it because really the above need to be taken properly in context of the thread discussion Hopefully the fact that said forum is now 'dead' as far as new membership and new posts goes and remains only as historical record will save me from a ban here, but if not it would not be that much of a burden to me to be honest. Who know maybe even some of those like BillC and B25 who like to paint me here as a 'TMT supporting apologist Turk thief' will like to peruse said thread and my posts there from 7 odd years ago. ... asc-0.html
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby MrH » Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:06 am

Through the eyes of the Greek Cypriots, ANY Turkish Cypriot (even the most liberal form - for example Mehmet Ali Talat) were/and are all an Obstacle to peace as WE WILL NEVER ACCEPT the so-called Minority Rights that you are asking for. A solution to the Cyprus problem will either be one based on the original foundation as EQUAL Partners to a new state or Complete Partition - which will probably work better. After so many pointless years arguing this on this forum and elsewhere, and ALL the failed attempts in seeking such a unitary or BBF solution for OVER 40 YEARS, surely everyone would have got the message by now.

Here's a secret...the TRNC is here, alive, in motion and has not been forcefully dissolved by any other country in this world since 1983 (more than the lifetime of some of the people on this forum!). Wake up all and smell the coffee, the Cyprus issue has already been resolved where it's only problem was on the 15th July 1974 when the Greek Junta destroyed the dream of GRADUAL integration with Greece by getting itchy feet. Turkey sorted it out then, and has since been here to always take care of the island's security matters. If you don't believe, cross over to Girne and demand that it the "Republic of Cyprus".

"Obstacle to Peace".....YOU ARE PERFECTLY right...if it's the kind of peace back in 1963 that you are asking for.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby Maximus » Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:21 am

MrH wrote:Through the eyes of the Greek Cypriots, ANY Turkish Cypriot (even the most liberal form - for example Mehmet Ali Talat) were/and are all an Obstacle to peace as WE WILL NEVER ACCEPT the so-called Minority Rights that you are asking for. A solution to the Cyprus problem will either be one based on the original foundation as EQUAL Partners to a new state or Complete Partition - which will probably work better. After so many pointless years arguing this on this forum and elsewhere, and ALL the failed attempts in seeking such a unitary or BBF solution for OVER 40 YEARS, surely everyone would have got the message by now.

Here's a secret...the TRNC is here, alive, in motion and has not been forcefully dissolved by any other country in this world since 1983 (more than the lifetime of some of the people on this forum!). Wake up all and smell the coffee, the Cyprus issue has already been resolved where it's only problem was on the 15th July 1974 when the Greek Junta destroyed the dream of GRADUAL integration with Greece by getting itchy feet. Turkey sorted it out then, and has since been here to always take care of the island's security matters. If you don't believe, cross over to Girne and demand that it the "Republic of Cyprus".

"Obstacle to Peace".....YOU ARE PERFECTLY right...if it's the kind of peace back in 1963 that you are asking for.

Veto's for the TC's is a no go.

Partition has happened both geographically and politically, however, the geographic must be returned to the RoC's control and Turkey must respect Cyprus sovereign integrity. The state of affairs in the occupied areas is one of a Turkish occupation, by majority Turkish nationals and other carpetbaggers who already have a Turkish state in Anatolia or where they once came from.

This is why I say those TC who cannot live in a democratic EU Cyprus should depart from the island and those that can will just get on with it. Separation works, just end your illegal occupation and the problem is practically solved.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby MrH » Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:54 am

Hi Maximus, I understand your explanation if the past had been sincere; if no killings had happened in 1963 and 74 and if the Greek Cypriot Administration had acted proper since 1983 instead of rejecting every thought out plan by the UN for a BBF, but Turkey's departure can now only be secured via one method - and that's with a Comprehensive settlement. Anything short, as we all should know, will and has always fallen flat on its face. Turkey will never leave unless a Comprehensive settlement is reached and we all know whjat happened to the former Yugoslavia in terms of a Conflict Federal system and with what Russia has now done with Crimea - they are clearly not a good example for the Greek Cypriot outlook for Cyprus. Do you not agree? The idea and continued chant by your administration about Turkey illegally occupying northern Cyprus unless it's said by the Turkish Cypriots will, and has always dissolved in thin air. It's only the Greek Cypriots who say such a thing and never the UN, Britain or any other nation....."Occupation" is not a term Britain (with the Falklands as a bad operation that Turkey can use against them) or the rest can ever afford to officially accuse Turkey of and if you know politics your will agree. The Greek Cypriots need to start thinking of other methods as the old record has been played far too many years now and its actually becoming laughable. It's from the Turkish Cypriots that Turkey can be pushed and not from anyone else. I would either concentrate your efforts on an acceptable BBF similarly to the former Serbia/Montenegro scenario or a two Cypriot state formula if you wish to have Turkey's control limited. Anything else is futile.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby Maximus » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:32 am

MrH wrote:Hi Maximus, I understand your explanation if the past had been sincere; if no killings had happened in 1963 and 74 and if the Greek Cypriot Administration had acted proper since 1983 instead of rejecting every thought out plan by the UN for a BBF, but Turkey's departure can now only be secured via one method - and that's with a Comprehensive settlement. Anything short, as we all should know, will and has always fallen flat on its face.
Turkey will never leave unless a Comprehensive settlement is reached and we all know whjat happened to the former Yugoslavia in terms of a Conflict Federal system and with what Russia has now done with Crimea - they are clearly not a good example for the Greek Cypriot outlook for Cyprus. Do you not agree?

the idea and continued chant by your administration about Turkey illegally occupying northern Cyprus with it being said by the Turkish Cypriots will, and has always dissolved in thin air. It's only the Greek Cypriot who say such a thing and never the UN, Britain or any other nation....."Occupation" is not a terms Britain or the rest can ever afford to official accuse Turkey of and if you know politics your will agree. The Greek Cypriot need to start thinking of other methods as the old record has been played far too many times now and its actually becoming laughable. It's from the Turkish Cypriots that Turkey can be pushed and not from anyone else. I would either concentrate your efforts on an acceptable BBF similarly to the former Serbia/Montenegro scenario or a two Cypriot state formula if you wish to have Turkey's control limited. Anything else is futile.

Just keep it simple.

Everything that has been channeled towards finding a comprehensive settlement since 1974 has fallen flat on its face because the Turkish Cypriots endorse the occupation and want to be separate from the GC's! It also seems that they prefer living in a Turkish society. This is not Cyprus. Perhaps Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots should concentrate their efforts on adhering to the UN resolutions and separate themselves from the problem, instead of being a big part and major of it.

No one will recognize the "TRNC", especially in the wake of what is happening in Ukraine / Crimea. Crimea is not even trying to gain independence.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby Lordo » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:42 am

of course not, they want to join russia my little blind friend. kabish.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby Maximus » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:54 am

Lordo wrote:of course not, they want to join russia my little blind friend. kabish.

Are you going to give me a medal Bordo?

You are basically in agreement with me but the situation in Crimea is vastly different to the situation in Cyprus. I think the TC's would prefer to live in a Turkish society and want to join Turkey (this is not Cyprus). They should therefor separate themselves from the problem and stop being a major component of it by endorsing an illegal occupation. Waiting on the GC's to accept Turkey's and the TC's terms to solve the problem is also futile. Separation will work for everyone.
Last edited by Maximus on Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby Lordo » Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:13 pm

agree with with you in what way maximobullagimou. now you are being stupid. when did terkey ever ask for trnc to be recognised. you are doing such a fine job handing the north to them why would they ask for independence. onwards and upwards my braindead friend. onwards and upwards.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby Maximus » Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:20 pm

Lordo wrote:agree with with you in what way maximobullagimou. now you are being stupid. when did terkey ever ask for trnc to be recognised. you are doing such a fine job handing the north to them why would they ask for independence. onwards and upwards my braindead friend. onwards and upwards.

Bordo mou, my single brain celled amoeba friend. What you are saying is that the TC's would prefer to live in a Turkish society and be a part of Turkey.

So, go to Turkey, do not bring Turkey to Cyprus to create and maintain problems if you are not looking to establish an independent or otherwise parallel state.
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Re: Eroglu is an - "Obstacle to Peace"

Postby MrH » Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:07 pm

by Maximus » Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:32 pm

MrH wrote:Hi Maximus, I understand your explanation if the past had been sincere; if no killings had happened in 1963 and 74 and if the Greek Cypriot Administration had acted proper since 1983 instead of rejecting every thought out plan by the UN for a BBF, but Turkey's departure can now only be secured via one method - and that's with a Comprehensive settlement. Anything short, as we all should know, will and has always fallen flat on its face.
Turkey will never leave unless a Comprehensive settlement is reached and we all know whjat happened to the former Yugoslavia in terms of a Conflict Federal system and with what Russia has now done with Crimea - they are clearly not a good example for the Greek Cypriot outlook for Cyprus. Do you not agree?

the idea and continued chant by your administration about Turkey illegally occupying northern Cyprus with it being said by the Turkish Cypriots will, and has always dissolved in thin air. It's only the Greek Cypriot who say such a thing and never the UN, Britain or any other nation....."Occupation" is not a terms Britain or the rest can ever afford to official accuse Turkey of and if you know politics your will agree. The Greek Cypriot need to start thinking of other methods as the old record has been played far too many times now and its actually becoming laughable. It's from the Turkish Cypriots that Turkey can be pushed and not from anyone else. I would either concentrate your efforts on an acceptable BBF similarly to the former Serbia/Montenegro scenario or a two Cypriot state formula if you wish to have Turkey's control limited. Anything else is futile.

Just keep it simple.

Everything that has been channeled towards finding a comprehensive settlement since 1974 has fallen flat on its face because the Turkish Cypriots endorse the occupation and want to be separate from the GC's! It also seems that they prefer living in a Turkish society. This is not Cyprus. Perhaps Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots should concentrate their efforts on adhering to the UN resolutions and separate themselves from the problem, instead of being a big part and major of it.

No one will recognize the "TRNC", especially in the wake of what is happening in Ukraine / Crimea. Crimea is not even trying to gain independence.

Hi Maximus, I have to admit that I liked your posting above, but would like to express one small, significant factor, that we are not really looking for a Turkish Society - trust me on that! In essence, the Turkish Cypriot side has always said that, as the unitary "Cyprus" republic state failed to work from 1960-63 for reasons that I will not get into surrounding security and certain safeguards sensitive to the TCs, we are seeking a NEW Cyprus based on a "Federal" structure. I know the Greek Cypriots strongly believe in what you have said above - mostly due to the fact that they are the current majority people - but I am certain you would be shouting the same as we are if you were the minority Partner peoples. Therefore, unless a New Federal "Cyprus" is formed based on two Constituent states which Safeguard their security concerns and are not overridden by the Greek Cypriot majority should you suddenly adopt a very pro-nationalist government, partition is looking pretty much the flavour. If we take the "Israel" state of today as an example, what should the country look like and where will it be in terms of a UN agreement? I am suspecting that it will eventually be a TWO State formula and that Israel will have to give up some of its existing territory to the Palestinians - which is what you may have to do with the TRNC if you continue to reject a BBF, otherwise we'll be discussing the same end in 2020 and beyond! What do you thing?
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