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Is the recognition of the TRNC just around the corner?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Eric dayi » Sun Dec 04, 2005 10:16 pm

Birkibrisli wrote: Eric,I will ask you to please read my reply to bg_turk above.
You are having a go at me but you are perfectly entitled to do it.
I say things that hurt you deeply.I wonder if you realise what I say hurts me too.And drains me emotionally.I will just say this:I am not abandoning
my own nationality,I am trying to find it.I don't know about you,but I was born in Cyprus.My nation is the Cypriot nation.The one that does not exist because our ethnic origins(Turkishness and Greekness)have gotten in the way.If that makes me a traitor to Turkey i will be very surprised.You cannot betray a country that is not your own.

You know what Birkibrisli, you remind me of the African Americans we see in the movies who try to rub off their “blackness” with a wire brush. Like them you are tired of being labelled a “n**ger”, a “towel head”, a “Turk”, a “Muslim terrorist”. But no matter what you do, no matter where you go and no matter who you speak to, you’ll never change who you are and who you were born as, they won’t let you. You cannot be what you are not, It just doesn’t work that way. Yu were born as a Turkish Cypriot and you will remain a Turkish Cypriot till the day you die.

The difference between you and me is that I admit to being a “Cypriot” but I also admit to being a Turk whereas you are ashamed of your nationality and your own nation. You criticize your own people in almost every one of your postings. You never criticize what the “other side” is doing to your own people in Greece and in South Cyprus.

You talk about the Turks not being democratic and claim that the Greeks are. You claim Greeks can change but the Turks can’t, let see if what you claim hold any water.

In Greece only “genuine” Greeks are allowed to stay outside of Greece for as long as they want to without losing their nationality. The minorities are stripped off their nationality if they stay away for longer then what the Greek law allows them to. This “law” has been in effect since the independence of Greece. Is it the same in Turkey?

The Highest Court in Greece has at the beginning of this year, in the 21st century AND as a EU country, has reinforced a LAW that does not allow Turks to call themselves Turks. They must be known as Muslim Greeks. The Greeks had a chance to change, did they? Nope, they didn’t.

Has anyone with a Turkish background ever been a PM in Greece or Cyprus, or do they even stand a chance of becoming one? Nope, never. But in Turkey, they’ve already had THREE PM of Kurdish origin. Ataturks right hand man was a Kurd.

In Turkey the Laws are being updated very rapidly to give the minorities more rights, maybe not fast enough you might say or maybe not even enough is being done but the main thing is that it’s happening. What about in Greece, oh yeah, I just remembered…..there are no minorities in Greece, how could I have forgotten the OFFICIAL claim of the Greeks that everyone is a Greek in Greece.

The Turks living in South Cyprus who have a “Cypriot passport” and are “officially” “Cypriots”, are not allowed to vote in any elections, by LAW.
Although the Greeks are trying to make us all believe that we all “Cypriots” and there is no “difference” between us, they have a LAW that forbids any Greek Cypriot selling his/her land to a Turkish Cypriot. In other words, a “Cypriot” is not allowed to sell land to a fellow “Cypriot”. This “LAW” was passed in 1974 and has this year been magically “found” again all dusted up in the bottom of a draw. They had the chance to change this “LAW” to make it fair for any “Cypriot” but they didn’t did they?

The Cypriot Constitution which was agreed on in 1960 is being chopped and changed without the Turkish Cypriots agreement. All the “LAWS” are being changed for the benefit of the Greek Cypriots.

The 1960 Cypriot Constitution states that 30% of the Government must be made up of Turkish Cypriots, has any Turk living in the South been offered this job or even given the chance to apply for it? Nope, and it will never be allowed either.

Do the Turkish Cypriots have the same human rights as the Greek Cypriots? Nope, they haven’t.

What happened when a GC married a TC in the South not very long ago? As far as I know, they are living happily ever after in the KKTC after their life was made a living hell in the “democratic” South Cyprus.

Why is Athens the only EU city without a Mosque, any ideas Birkibrisli?

The list goes on and on and on but why am I telling you all this, you know all it all, don’t you? Of course you do but because of your shame you will not criticize any of it.

Birkibrisli, I feel sorry for you because you are a lost soul who has fallen for the lies of the Greeks hook, line and sinker. You swallowed your pride with the lies and now you are trying to wash it down with by taking others with you on your journey to nothingness filled with the most horrible pain imaginable.

BTW, hainligin Turkiye’ye karsi degildir. Bu hainligin tum Turklere ama ondan daha muhim olarak kendi kendine hainliktir. Senin Turk’lugunu Kabul edip etmedigin benim zararima degildir, yalniz senin zararinadir.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:00 pm

sorry to interupt eric dayi. i dont think that birkibrisli has denied his turkish ethnik backround. he is as proud for his as i am for mine. the fact is that we also have some things in common as cypriots. and in addition to that, start viewing ourselfs as cypriots doesnt mean that we will loose our ethnik backround. on the contrary. accepting the cypriotness is a step towards peace, and through peace is how we are going to respect each others ethnik backround and therefore preserve it .

as a concequence your nice remarks concerning greece even though are not far from the truth are really far from birkibrisli , as i never understood that he intends to become greek (and to be honest i hope he doesnt).
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:22 pm

cypezokyli wrote:sorry to interupt eric dayi. i dont think that birkibrisli has denied his turkish ethnik backround. he is as proud for his as i am for mine. the fact is that we also have some things in common as cypriots. and in addition to that, start viewing ourselfs as cypriots doesnt mean that we will loose our ethnik backround. on the contrary. accepting the cypriotness is a step towards peace, and through peace is how we are going to respect each others ethnik backround and therefore preserve it .

as a concequence your nice remarks concerning greece even though are not far from the truth are really far from birkibrisli , as i never understood that he intends to become greek (and to be honest i hope he doesnt).

Cypezokyli, I just cannot believe that you continue to bother answering to this person above, after all the nonsense and all the rubbish that he keeps posting in the forum, especially his last one above. It is a waste my friend, of your and Birkibrisli’s time.
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:03 am

cypezokyli wrote:sorry to interupt eric dayi. i dont think that birkibrisli has denied his turkish ethnik backround. he is as proud for his as i am for mine. the fact is that we also have some things in common as cypriots. and in addition to that, start viewing ourselfs as cypriots doesnt mean that we will loose our ethnik backround. on the contrary. accepting the cypriotness is a step towards peace, and through peace is how we are going to respect each others ethnik backround and therefore preserve it .

as a concequence your nice remarks concerning greece even though are not far from the truth are really far from birkibrisli , as i never understood that he intends to become greek (and to be honest i hope he doesnt).

cypezokyli, you need to read back a few posting on Birkibrisli, it was him who said that we should aondon our Turkisness and become "Cypriots". He said that the only thing in our way to becoming a "unique Cypriot" nation is our "Greeksness and our Turkishness." He also said that he is trying to fing his nation.

He said: "The short answer to "am I really a Turk" is :no.I am a Cypriot of Turkish background.Both my parents were born in Cyprus to TC parents,though no doubt,given that I am from Paphos,there would certainly be some mixed blood down the line."

Now you tell me that he is not denyinh his background and his Turkishness.

I didn't say anywhere that he intends to become a Greek, I said that I feel sorry for him for denying his background and wishing to become something he is not and that is "just" a Cypriot. I am sure you yourself know that there is no nation as "just Cypriots", there are Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. I am sure you are just as proud being a Greek as I am proud of being Turkish, and I don't think you would agree to give up your Greekness would you?

The reason I mentioned about the things in Greece is only because of what he said about the Turks and Turkey and KKTC. If you read his previous postings, also in other threads, you'll know what I am talking about.

Kiefeas, of course it's rubbish because it's all against Greece, am I right? If you think what I said is all rubbish and lies then you are wellcome to disprove anything I've said. You wished they were all rubbish and lies but they are not are they?
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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:17 am

eric dayi is there a difference between turkish cypriot and cypriot of turkish backround?

when i am asked which country do you come from , i always reply cyprus.
then (if they know where cyprus is) they ask are you greek or are you turk? i reply that i am cypriot
so for them in order to be clear they ask, what language to you speak: then i say greek. i dont and cannot say cypriot bc such a language doesnot exist, it exists only as a greek (and if i am not mistaken turkish as well ) dialect.

so in that respect I, like birkibrisli dont answer that i am greek. as for the mixed blood...i also dont believe in the existance of pure nations. not to mention that i am not really fond of the idea of "nation" being used as an excuse to harm people.
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Postby zan » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:40 am

cypezokyli wrote:eric dayi is there a difference between turkish cypriot and cypriot of turkish backround?

when i am asked which country do you come from , i always reply cyprus.
then (if they know where cyprus is) they ask are you greek or are you turk? i reply that i am cypriot
so for them in order to be clear they ask, what language to you speak: then i say greek. i dont and cannot say cypriot bc such a language doesnot exist, it exists only as a greek (and if i am not mistaken turkish as well ) dialect.

so in that respect I, like birkibrisli dont answer that i am greek. as for the mixed blood...i also dont believe in the existance of pure nations. not to mention that i am not really fond of the idea of "nation" being used as an excuse to harm people.

This is where different experiences paint different pictures. When I tell people I come from Cyprus they say, oh! You must be Greek then.

My youngest son has a Greek Cypriot boy in his class. I have to tell you that this is a private school in the suburbs of London only to make you understand that these were not uneducated people. The first time I met this boy I was excited that my half TC son would have a Cypriot friend to play with and was planning to invite him to play at our house, they were six at the time. I excitedly told this young boy that we too were Cypriot but Turkish Cypriot. Do you know what the first thing that came out of this six-year-old boy’s mouth was? “You stole our land”……..
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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:03 am

hey zan, are you in the UK?

as for the small is sad, ifa kid at home learns to hate tcs (or any other when it comes to that matter) . but thats were you can make a difference zan. i would say invite him, or encourage your kid to play with the gc. my stereotypes broke when i actually met tcs. it could also work for him.
if the two stay away the most probable thing happening is that your kid also creates stereotypes out of reaction. while if they meet it could be that one day they come in a position to say: you know what? how about screwing the politicians and keeping our friendship?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:20 am

Hello everyone,and Eric dayi,

Kifeas is wrong to say we should not bother replying to Eric.This is what we are here for.We either smash our keyboards and vow never to post another message about Cyprus anywhere,or take every opportunity to study the minds of those who are responsible for the mess we are in.

Eric dayi exhibits all teh attributes of an ultra nationalist with chauvenistic and racist tendencies.His mind is already made up,and when he reads posts he looks for evidence to support his opinions.If he can't find them he invents them by misinterpreting things said.

Nowhere in any of my post have I ever denied being a TC.Being of Turkish background is for me like having the olive skin,the hazel eyes,and the height that I am.I am deliberately downplaying my ethnic origins and chosing to highlight our common traits as Cypriots.To eric dayi and his fellow ultranationalists (and need i say there are Cypriots of Greek background like him?)that is betraying yourself or your nationality.
(Unless you always praise your side and put down the other,you will be accused of this;it is part of the fascist ideology that comes with being an ultranationalist-u/n)

I see GCs and TCs as equal victims in this tragedy.I feel for anyone who has gone through the same pain and suffering as I have,nomatter their background.To eric dayi and his band of chauvenists this is also being a traitor.One must only blame the other side,they are the bad ones,they are evil,we are innocent victims terribly wronged (another trait of the racist u/ns)

Ultra nationalists are blind to reason or factual evidence.They only see what they want to see.No matter what scientists say about our common gene pool or the DNA,no matter how many mixed marriages they know about or can imagine,they insist on the purity of their "blood",ignoring the scientific fact that everyone's blood is exactly the same.(Suggesting that you might have mixed blood is another red rug for them,it offends their supremist tendencies.)

They justify everything they do(even murder and rape) by saying the other side is doing even worse things.For them two wrongs will make one right.They have no compassion for anyone except their own,and you are a traitor or someone to be pitied if you show any feelings for the suffering of the other side.That is a sign of weakness in their blind u/nationalistic delusions.

I can go on forever but I might save some ammunition for another occassion.Let there be no mistake about this.The solution of the Cypro will depend on the struggle between the ultra nationalists with racist and chauvenistic tendencies and Cypriot patriots with humanistic and democratic tendencies.And since the battle will take place on EU land i have no doubt as to who will emerge the victors.It is not going to be easy to fight these dinosaurs because their weapons are fear and intimidation,if not outright brute force.But the power of ideas,humanity,love,hope and compassion can not be suppressed forever.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:22 am

Hello everyone,and Eric dayi,

Kifeas is wrong to say we should not bother replying to Eric.This is what we are here for.We either smash our keyboards and vow never to post another message about Cyprus anywhere,or take every opportunity to study the minds of those who are responsible for the mess we are in.

Eric dayi exhibits all teh attributes of an ultra nationalist with chauvenistic and racist tendencies.His mind is already made up,and when he reads posts he looks for evidence to support his opinions.If he can't find them he invents them by misinterpreting things said.

Nowhere in any of my post have I ever denied being a TC.Being of Turkish background is for me like having the olive skin,the hazel eyes,and the height that I am.I am deliberately downplaying my ethnic origins and chosing to highlight our common traits as Cypriots.To eric dayi and his fellow ultranationalists (and need i say there are Cypriots of Greek background like him?)that is betraying yourself or your nationality.
(Unless you always praise your side and put down the other,you will be accused of this;it is part of the fascist ideology that comes with being an ultranationalist-u/n)

I see GCs and TCs as equal victims in this tragedy.I feel for anyone who has gone through the same pain and suffering as I have,nomatter their background.To eric dayi and his band of chauvenists this is also being a traitor.One must only blame the other side,they are the bad ones,they are evil,we are innocent victims terribly wronged (another trait of the racist u/ns)

Ultra nationalists are blind to reason or factual evidence.They only see what they want to see.No matter what scientists say about our common gene pool or the DNA,no matter how many mixed marriages they know about or can imagine,they insist on the purity of their "blood",ignoring the scientific fact that everyone's blood is exactly the same.(Suggesting that you might have mixed blood is another red rug for them,it offends their supremist tendencies.)

They justify everything they do(even murder and rape) by saying the other side is doing even worse things.For them two wrongs will make one right.They have no compassion for anyone except their own,and you are a traitor or someone to be pitied if you show any feelings for the suffering of the other side.That is a sign of weakness in their blind u/nationalistic delusions.

I can go on forever but I might save some ammunition for another occassion.Let there be no mistake about this.The solution of the Cypro will depend on the struggle between the ultra nationalists with racist and chauvenistic tendencies and Cypriot patriots with humanistic and democratic tendencies.And since the battle will take place on EU land i have no doubt as to who will emerge the victors.It is not going to be easy to fight these dinosaurs because their weapons are fear and intimidation,if not outright brute force.But the power of ideas,humanity,love,hope and compassion can not be suppressed forever.
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Postby Alexios » Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:39 am

According to people on the ATCA forum you are a Greek Birkibrisli.Come on mate admit it, you are one of us pretending to be a Turk..:))) You want ENOSIS like we all do anfd your ultimate aim is to rid Cyprus of all Turks..!!!:)))) I know it because also according to ATCA i am a paid secret agent...:))))
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