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moving to cyprus

Postby sizzler » Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:51 pm

Hi, Can anybody provide some information re moving to Cyprus from Canada. My family is originally from Cyprus and I once lived there 17yrs ago.
I am looking for information re jobs, cost of living, schools benefits etc.
Also what is availble to single moms.
I would appreciate any feedback I can get.Thanks for your time.
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Postby Aris » Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:52 am

I've never been to Canada, so i don't know how it compares with Cyprus, but here is a comparison between Cyprus and Florida (i lived there a couple of years).

Jobs: Usually lower salaries are given in Cyprus (with the exception of some off-shore companies that pay really good) but you get more vacation days :) Of course it all depends on what kind of job you will be looking for. So if you want give us some more info.

cost of living: Cyprus is not cheap, but it is generally cheaper than western europe and US. Compared with Florida, food is about the same price, things like cars, electronics, home appliances etc are much more expensive, but services like doctors, lawers, car mechanics etc are much cheaper. Here you pay more taxes, but you pay less for insurance (always compared to Florida).

schools: public schools are ok, better than most US public schools and you can also send your kid to privade schools like "English school" or "American academy".

About single moms I really don't know if there are some special benefits, but i don't think you should expect much. How old is your child?

By the way, I assume that you have Cypriot citizenship (I think canada allows double citizenships)
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Postby Noname75 » Mon Sep 22, 2003 1:46 am

Hello sizzler!

Cyprus has changed a lot during the last 2 decates that you were in Canada.
If i was you I would go to CYprus for a couple of weeks and investigate things, and see how i like it there. I have friends and family members that lived abroad and they came back, and others that they find Cyprus way too small for their taste and they prefer to live in big cities like Athens, London and New York. It all depends on the kind of life you are after.
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moving to Cyprus

Postby sizzler » Mon Sep 22, 2003 2:14 am

Thanks for your input re the big changes in Cyprus. I did just return from a three week visit there but I was very limited in getting around and really getting my teeth into finding out more information. I.e Jobs, wages, benefits etc .Other than how expensive cost of living seemed from a tourist point of view and basic things like cost of travel, clothing and merchandise what i'm really trying to find out is the daily grind of things like work and making ends meet and things that you would only kind of learn once you've been there.Living in Canada I am a little out of the loop on that kind of Information.Do you live in Cyprus?
For someone who works in administration in the medical/dental field what is the average daily wage etc. I would appreciate any input you could provide.Thanks for taking the time to reply to my posting.
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Postby Noname75 » Mon Sep 22, 2003 2:28 am

I am afraid the only place you could get a good wage for that kind of job would be the public sector and work in a hospital, but there is a lot of competition for that. Except if you have some very special qualifications that they really need ...

In the private sector even most nurses are either easter european or asian, and thats becouse they costs less to the clinics.

I would expect that in the private sector the avarage monthly salary would be around 550 pounds.
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Postby sizzler » Mon Sep 22, 2003 5:23 pm

Thanks for the input, when you see ads re jobs in Cyprus are they basing that on a 40hr been told that schools are done at 1.30pm and with the siesta etc are jobs based on split shifts etc. Do you know of any other benefits for single parents re housing etc.
Thanks again :)
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Postby Noname75 » Mon Sep 22, 2003 6:53 pm

Most schools are done at 1:30 but they are trying to change that and make it later. Is what they call "whole day school" (exact translation from Greek - oloimero sholio). Some schools already changed to this new system.

The time schedule depends on what kind of job you are doing. For example people that work at shops have a break between 1 and 3 (1 and 4 in summer), while others that work in companies might have less break (but finish earlier). Occupations like nurses work 7-8 hour shifts (night shift is longer).
If you work at a clinic that doesn't close then you might work shifts. If work for a doctor, then probably you will work from 8am to 1pm and then from 4pm to 7-8pm and probably saturday mornings also.

What do you mean by "benefits for single parents"? Financial support, or something else?

Have a look at these links: ... ws.html#02
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moving to cyprus

Postby sizzler » Mon Sep 22, 2003 7:52 pm

Thanks for the links-they were certainly useful.Re benefits-I was told that if you are a refugee you can claim refugee status.I was living in Cyprus in 1974 when the war erupted with the Turks(I was five) and we left and went to England to live until I was 17.Again I returned and worked for three years before moving to Canada.My mother has refugee status-does this mean I can apply for that and also that there is some kind of a housing fund availble.How does this work? If I am ineligible for that what about subsidized housing for single parents with young kids. Does any savings you may have abroad effect that.Hitting you with lots of questions.Sorry!!!
Once again I appreciate all the help. :)
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Postby Noname75 » Mon Sep 22, 2003 9:25 pm

No problem :)
I am glad if I can help, although I just tell you what I know. I am not an expert on the field or anything ! Eventually you will have to ask people that deal with people like you (refugees that are coming back).

If you are refugee then you will have some benefits, maybe housing also ... but I assume there will be a lot of red tape for this (like everything else!). So it might take you some time. You might also have some benefits because you are coming back to Cyprus. So you should investigate these 2 things (refugee - back to cyprus) because i doubt you will get much help because you are a single parent.
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Postby Aris » Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:47 am

Hey ! After your last email I made some research and I think I found a site that will be very useful for you

Check this out:
Overseas and Repatriated Cypriots
Thats an official site.

You can also check out the official website of Cyprus for more general info:
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