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Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby B25 » Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:40 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:As suspected, the Turks occupying our country and churches pulled another propaganda stunt!

....the image we send abroad, as the liturgy was broadcast on TV, is false and it is a picture that shows Turks as being democratic. ... 232-69.htm

Of course, some will always be fooled.

Is anyone really surprised, this is typical Turkish Propaganda, they would not do anything that was right, as long as there was something in it for them. They may have fooled the Turkish c*ck suckers amongst us, but that's all.

Lampron na tous kapsi.

If he wanted to give the key back to the legal owners, he could have done so 40 years ago, why now???
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:38 pm

kurupetos wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
...and there is a Greek connection; if there is Universal Truth, if Love is an infinite power and a gift to us as Human beings, aren't these the notions that make us "Greek"?

indeed, a question for Gig, how does this square with "Greek", the GD, if "Greek" in the Modern world means Christian?

What are you talking about? Avoid limiting the field just because some are so narrow-minded that they let their own prejudices flow.

GIG, if these people represent the majority of the Cypriots, we do deserve worse than occupation of half of our country (IMO). :x

If Cap, repulsewarrior, Paphitis or anyone else wants to be a Turk we can send them to Moscow and Putin can get them circumcised (see video below). :twisted:

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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:13 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:why can't it be emphasized that peoples rights need to be protected, rather then rip away peoples identity?

Its easier to create a generic identity in which everybody can fit. At least it's easier for the Zionists and their control plans. :wink: :evil:

you sound like a midget hitler

You sound like a fool. Just because you don't agree with me you pull out the "fascist" card.

If you cannot discuss, bugger off to your nearby McDonalds. :wink:

Multiculturalism is the wave of the future, actually you are seeing it develop today in Cyprus and the European Union. There is always resistance to change, especially among the older generations, which I suspect you belong to. There are no Zionist plans and control on identity as you say. Look around you mate and you will see the changes in society among Cypriots in the past 40 years. Your assumptions are that people can't make their own decisions and they need to be told what to do.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Cap » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:23 pm

GiG, Yialousa... all products of multicultural societies. Britain gave them the best quality of life and education the world had to offer.
English is their first language.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:43 pm

Cap wrote:GiG, Yialousa... all products of multicultural societies. Britain gave them the best quality of life and education the world had to offer.
English is their first language.

good point cap. isn't it ironic, products of immigration are against helping others achieve the same. The Mexican/Americans are usually the most against legalizing the illegal Mexicans.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Cap » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:55 pm

Like most, I.m also against illegal mass immigration.
Quality immigration, no problem.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:56 pm

Cap wrote:GiG, Yialousa... all products of multicultural societies. Britain gave them the best quality of life and education the world had to offer.
English is their first language.

No, actually, English is not my first language. Nor was my education entirely British. It was one part ... of four. Quality of life? How do you measure that one?

As for multiculturalism: you seem to know something I don't. Have I ever expressed an anti-multicultural sentiment? I am most pro-multiculturalism - what I disapprove of are racists like you and apartheid-seeking Turkey and those who seek to change a foreign society instead of integrating.

And what does any of this have to do with being Cypriot and accepting the authority of Turks over us, as your thread details support?
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:30 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
And what does any of this have to do with being Cypriot and accepting the authority of Turks over us, as your thread details support?

I suggest you lie down and have a rest sweetheart! :lol:

Cypriots spit on all of you - Greeks and Turks! Cypriots are EXTREMELY racist!
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:02 am

...indeed, don't think i forgot what happened last Easter, or the one before that. this is something different i think, a part of a movement, and if it has a benefit, it is that relatively ordinary people made the effort and succeeded, despite the threats, the recognition, that we may share as Cypriots. indeed, it was used (there is no escape from the interlocutors), who cares, if Goodwill continues because it is people, Cypriots, who dare(, it is against "their" will).

frankly, i don't think it is possible to fly Greek flags from one end of the island to the other without any other flags. i personally do not think it is a good idea, because it is as a Cypriot i feel i can take care of this island as its Steward, better. i wonder if there is any of us on this forum that remembers a Cyprus without a Cypriot Flag; some of us may. i remember the early years, and '74, there was so much hope (in the Modern world), i recognised and respected my neighbours, and they i have learned continue to respect me, we were successful as Cooperators, we were as dwellers most socialised; i have the fortune of having as neighbours, good neighbours, Turks too, one hundred years and more that way, our lives were the trees that we cared for and the land we were close to: my village, "they" call(ed) "mixed" because not just white it made sense the wedding dress in red. (and, to be militant, i say, i respect and recognise that there are Armenians, Maronites, and Latins whose love for Cyprus is still alive, as great as mine, and living through the relics they care for.)

...if the Archbishop is welcome to say, i am an Archbishop, an Archbishop is in your Mosque, i can only believe, a Cypriot way, one God perhaps, and even if the population is overwhelmingly Greek not just Greek, but believers in the power of Love. i can imagine the Cypriot Flag which flies higher everywhere, Cyprus being a colourful place, and Cypriots a colourful People, with many Flags.

...we have only to wait to next Easter to see what happens(, again/next).
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Maximus » Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:45 pm

B25 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:As suspected, the Turks occupying our country and churches pulled another propaganda stunt!

....the image we send abroad, as the liturgy was broadcast on TV, is false and it is a picture that shows Turks as being democratic. ... 232-69.htm

Of course, some will always be fooled.

Is anyone really surprised, this is typical Turkish Propaganda, they would not do anything that was right, as long as there was something in it for them. They may have fooled the Turkish c*ck suckers amongst us, but that's all.

Lampron na tous kapsi.

If he wanted to give the key back to the legal owners, he could have done so 40 years ago, why now???

Because he now wants to set a good example.

"We have to give a good example to the Middle East," Atalay told The Associated Press. "This is our gift to the Middle East."

He is a propaganda Merchant. Where are all the other keys? Idiot. ... ders-wage/
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