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Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Maximus » Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:37 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
every chance they get they have to stick it to us this how peace is to come about?

Yeah, i thought that was appalling thing to say. At least he gave the keys back to our church.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:43 pm

Kyriallaison... !!!

Did the bugger say that...!!!

That he was there as the rep of the Mufti of ( somewhere called ) " turkish republic of nor.... " (you'll all the rest) .

Is that right...???
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Maximus » Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:45 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Kyriallaison... !!!

Did the bugger say that...!!!

That he was there as the rep of the Mufti of ( somewhere called ) " turkish republic of nor.... " (you'll all the rest) .

Is that right...???

yes, that's right. He said something like that.

He and his "Turkish republic" in Cyprus have a lot of keys to give back.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:35 pm

Maximus wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
every chance they get they have to stick it to us this how peace is to come about?

Yeah, i thought that was appalling thing to say. At least he gave the keys back to our church.

The patronising "key-giving" was a propaganda stunt to pave the way for their promotion of that shitty band which is slated to play there. That this perverted pseudo-holy man further insulted Cyprus with his proclamation of political allegiance to Turkey should be highlighted by our government in the EU.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Maximus » Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:22 pm


I think some of this was a propaganda stunt too and he 'forgot' to be Cypriot!
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:39 pm

...i don't see it the same way, the mayors are not running for President, they don't seek to present themselves as anything more than confreres with an idea, and they realised it, despite the authorities, and threats, because it had popular support. whether this guest said, i am a Mufti, a Mufti is in this church, or not, begs a meaning anyway, it is quite incredible that in this church and on this Holiday such a thing could happen, the words seem pretty plain in that sense. although it is easy to place a political sentiment to it, it is not the first time recently, that our religious leaders (as Cypriots) have joined to express the same Joy, and it is likely that it is not the last.

(i don't get why a Greek Constituency cannot exist, where we define Bicommunal to mean representation as an Individual, our Freedom, and representation as Persons, our Liberty. i don't get why Bizonal is such a dirty word, one Cyprus, one Flag above the rest does not exclude a Cyprus with many parts, and their distinctions; what of communities, their return as they were forced to leave, as communities, at least for some: Justice Seen i'd say. what of the National Assemblies (Greekness, Turkishness,etc.) if they offered service island-wide? what of a single Sovereignty, what with no 'Border' to cut in two, but many parts to make up a zone (enclaves you say)? geographically, and politically, imagine the choices one can take.)

...have you read my manifesto?
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:28 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Maximus wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
every chance they get they have to stick it to us this how peace is to come about?

Yeah, i thought that was appalling thing to say. At least he gave the keys back to our church.

The patronising "key-giving" was a propaganda stunt to pave the way for their promotion of that shitty band which is slated to play there. That this perverted pseudo-holy man further insulted Cyprus with his proclamation of political allegiance to Turkey should be highlighted by our government in the EU.

Do you think the EU officials may have a laugh at our expense?

We turned this into an ethnic issue because of your Greeko Enosis Turko Taksim bullshit!

Yes the man still have out of kindness and it is a small step.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:48 pm

Maximus wrote:GiG,

I think some of this was a propaganda stunt too and he 'forgot' to be Cypriot!

Max, these imams/muftis are nothing more than Turkish civil servants - paid by the Turkish state. Of course he is schooled to use Turkish propaganda wherever possible. It says a lot about the Greek Orthodox priests that they turned the other cheek.

The idiots are those who think the Turks have a place in Cyprus. British colonialism brought them here.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:01 pm

Can anyone place a date on this Pathe News reel?

The silent ones were quite early on ...
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Flying Horse » Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:13 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Can anyone place a date on this Pathe News reel?

The silent ones were quite early on ...


It's says underneath in the script.
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