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Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:53 pm

Flying Horse wrote:
Your pedant has failed on this occasion.

CYPRIOTS remember to be CYPRIOTS.

In other words, not Turkish Cypriot, not Greek Cypriot, not Greek, not Turk.

Mutually Cypriot. As it should be. The title is fine.

Now you have centred on Cypriot, you might work out why your general statement was extraneous.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:06 pm

if Faith is everything, then the title says it all...

the Cypriot way is to be Loving

...and there is one God.

Years Lucky, as my translation goes, Years Many!
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:12 pm

I too think the title is fine. There were many TCs in that Church welcoming the GC pilgrims. Even an Imam.

All Cypriots remembering being Cypriot.

Nothing wrong with this and it is a small step forward. A few more steps like this and we might just get there.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Cap » Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:59 pm

Paphitis nailed it.
RW nailed it.
Flying Horse nailed it.
Milti nailed it.

According to GiGs, we're all idiots and somehow there must be a 'Greek' connection to it somewhere.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:09 pm

Well, somebody's an idiot (if you think that's what it boils down to), because I certainly didn't mention ethnicities once. Not Greek nor any other. Who mentioned Greeks and who mentioned ethnicities? Check your posts. Therein you might find find your idiots ...
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Cap » Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:21 pm

On numerous occasions. indirectly.
I just got used to it.
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Flying Horse » Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:35 pm

Ah well, I mentioned ethnic backgrounds. Woop di doo.

Give me a dunce cap.and sit me in a corner for seeing a beautiful thing.

On this occasion, I'd prefer to be the idiot ;-)
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:19 pm

Cap wrote:Paphitis nailed it.
RW nailed it.
Flying Horse nailed it.
Milti nailed it.

According to GiGs, we're all idiots and somehow there must be a 'Greek' connection to it somewhere.

...and there is a Greek connection; if there is Universal Truth, if Love is an infinite power and a gift to us as Human beings, aren't these the notions that make us "Greek"?

this spirit that can never die, many claim it (as a possession, exclusive to "them"), this is not for Freedom, for Liberty but unworthily taken, without Grace. and, at the apex, Cyprus is, the crossroad of Continents and Religions, it is refreshing, i think, that without the elite, people feel compelled to express their willingness toward Goodwill, and toward Joy, toward all men (read: People), regardless.

today what candles that were, are extinguished, a single flame will be the source of all the unity a flame can make, lit. quite frankly i am happy that i come from the most socialised culture in the world, be it my religion, my origin, or my country, "purity" i can't really tell you about, as i said many times before, i don't know, my village is called "mixed", and in my church the guests, "strangers", are always given the best of seats a church has to offer.

anyway, i love my Oracle, my OP, my lady called girl, but here is my two cents worth...
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:53 pm

Cap wrote:Paphitis nailed it.
RW nailed it.
Flying Horse nailed it.
Milti nailed it.

According to GiGs, we're all idiots and somehow there must be a 'Greek' connection to it somewhere.

is there a pun to the nail it comments this being Easter week?
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Re: Cypriots remember to be Cypriots.

Postby Cap » Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:57 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Cap wrote:Paphitis nailed it.
RW nailed it.
Flying Horse nailed it.
Milti nailed it.

According to GiGs, we're all idiots and somehow there must be a 'Greek' connection to it somewhere.

...and there is a Greek connection; if there is Universal Truth, if Love is an infinite power and a gift to us as Human beings, aren't these the notions that make us "Greek"?

this spirit that can never die, many claim it (as a possession, exclusive to "them"), this is not for Freedom, for Liberty but unworthily taken, without Grace. and, at the apex, Cyprus is, the crossroad of Continents and Religions, it is refreshing, i think, that without the elite, people feel compelled to express their willingness toward Goodwill, and toward Joy, toward all men (read: People), regardless.

today what candles that were, are extinguished, a single flame will be the source of all the unity a flame can make, lit. quite frankly i am happy that i come from the most socialised culture in the world, be it my religion, my origin, or my country, "purity" i can't really tell you about, as i said many times before, i don't know, my village is called "mixed", and in my church the guests, "strangers", are always given the best of seats a church has to offer.

anyway, i love my Oracle, my OP, my lady called girl, but here is my two cents worth...

An Ancient Greek connection RW.
You can't connect the modern Greek Golden Dawn reality, to the ideals of the ancients.
If that was the case, planet earth would be baptized 'Ancient Greek'
There is no continuity with the modern Greek state. Only a stubborn sense of entitlement.
Hell, the Italians should do the same and demand direct ancestry to Julius Caesar simply because the Colosseum is located in Rome, modern day Italy.
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