Kikapu wrote:So what are you saying, Paphitis, that the Australians knew all the time where the MH370 crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean from the moment it happened due to their excellent radar system and that they never went to look for survivors for over a week just so not to give their knowledge away, but instead wasted another week trying to find this phantom 12m x 24m floating debris in the area of the "Roaring Forties" before realising that any sort of phantom recovery in these part of the planet was going to be virtually impossible due to heavy winds and seas most of the time, so they came up with the idea that the flight MH370 had in fact crashed about 600 miles further north than originally believed due to MH370 using more fuel because it was flying much faster than originally believed, therefore using more fuel, when in fact, it most probably used more fuel because it was flying at much lower altitude at normal cruising speed, but never mind, because now the seas there were more favourable for locating the phantom plane and the signals from the phantom Black Boxes?
No if you go back and read my posts I said that it is VERY likely that Australia and the US knew where MH370 crashed early on the piece. I think it is unlikely they knew about it exactly at the time it happened because I seriously doubt they were monitoring aircraft or ships in the area. They really only look at things of interest to them and I doubt a B777 would have sparked any kind of interest or curiosity. Then they started to search in the Southern Indian Ocean and progressively moved into the Indian Ocean and less than a few hours after the Chinese picked up a signal which has now been dismissed, ADV picks up a credible and consistent signal 300nms away and maintains it for 2 hours and 20 minutes. I never said this absolutely but I put it out there as a very viable proposition.
The reason of course is that Australia and the US would be keen to protect their capabilities in light of recent media focus, and the phone tapping affair of Chancellor Merkel and Indonesian Government Officials.
It has nothing to with the seas. They will look for this thing in the roaring fourties if there are credible leads there, not a problem. In fact the RAAF and RAN have done many SAR missions in very difficult seas and nearly all the way to Antarctica. wrote:Then the Aussies wasted another 2 weeks looking for more phantom debris in the new area and finally launched the pinger locater 4 weeks after knowing where the MH370 crashed, just in time to get 4 phantom pings after the Chinese got 2 pings, just before the batteries on the Black Boxes went dead, just so to make believe they have in fact found the crash site hence the Black Boxes!
If my theory is in fact true, and let's be very clear, it is only a theory but a far more viable theory than anything you or Pyro have come up, then they would know the coordinates, probably searched the area earlier on and detected the signal. They would just hold on to that until the time is right. The reason as i said before, is that Australia and the US do not want to reveal too much about the surveillance and espionage capabilities they do possess. The same thing with those images they released. They looked awful and very grainy. The stuff on Google Earth is better.
Kikapu wrote:Wasn’t that a lucky break?
I agree it could even just be a very lucky break as they were searching along the Inmarsat Southern Corridor. In fact the search area is right on that corridor.
I will never doubt the capability of the ADF (RAAF and RAN). This country has never ceased to amaze me. I know what they are capable of and I know they always believe they can achieve the unachievable. Seen it so many times.
I do believe they can perform miracles. Got the best and most expensive toys to help them out too!
Kikapu wrote:Now, tell me my friend, was the above ever discussed on the CNN accusing Australia for not coming to the aid of a crashed passenger jetliner when they knew where the jet had crashed and not try to rescue any possible survivors, because any competent panel discussing the MH370 would have also known what you know, that the Aussies knew all along where the MH370 had crashed and that they would have been quiet disgusted with Australian government, as they should, for them playing games with the lives of any possible survivors.
Well, did they discuss all this on CNN?
No it was not discussed on CNN but the Malaysian Government did plea with the US and Australia to make data from Pine Gap available. I don't believe they ever did that at any stage. It was discussed by many early on in the piece. Many people voiced disbelief that this plane can simply just vanish like that, and maybe it didn't just vanish and they knew about it all along. Very difficult for the US or AUS to just come out and say we know where it is when there was no Transponder, ADS-B or ACARS.
But somehow, they found some signals which they believe to be consistent and now they have found an oil slick which they are investigating.
The Bluefin-21 is being launched tonight according to Angus Houston.