boulio wrote:Do you understand why gc have fears of unilateral intervention?you seem to ignore the gc fears and concerns about third party actions.Thats demonax point a just settlement for everyone.not just the tc.that's why I also said about double majorities for intervention and guarantees.
boulio wrote:Maximus it's plain and simple tc want turkish guarantees then the will be like everything else either passing a budget or approving a treaty or a federal investment by a other country DOUBLE MAJORITIES
Maximus wrote: Its absurd that the Tc's need the Gc's to sign a document that will allow Turkey to 'intervene' to maintain an unjust law and order in their favor in Cyprus. Its completely bonkers and destroys their credibility.
erolz66 wrote:Maximus wrote: Its absurd that the Tc's need the Gc's to sign a document that will allow Turkey to 'intervene' to maintain an unjust law and order in their favor in Cyprus. Its completely bonkers and destroys their credibility.
What I need maximus is to know that if we sign an agreement you will not after having signed it claim it was and is in effect unfair and unfairly imposed on you and you can and will unilaterally amend it to your desires and if necessary use violence against us to do so.
B25 wrote: Would they be the same agreements like the customs union you signed,
Viewpoint wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:then the ROC would have to rebuild your moms house...whats the big deal?
Ho thats real clever, you are financially bankrupt but lets humour you and say the "RoC" built her a new home, shes 80 and doesnt want to move back shes has all her friends and family in the North now. You have to be realistic, you are 10 arent you?
All of Cyprus has suffered from the past and the present situation, I've always said that, Vp, and numerous times I've stood up for the Tc but you can't base a Republic on more human right violations. Property rights are equal to the freedoms of religion and freedo of speech. You can't forbid an ethnic groups freedom of speech just like you can't forbid an ethnic groups right of property. The pseudo states administration wants to usurp all of these rights away from the GC, get it through your thick cypriot head, man!!
Look the majority of TCs support the return of property rights but your ideology that everyone should go back is ridiculous, the majority of people will get the right to their old properties whereby they get rent or the current occupiers are given a time frame to vacate, but some will have to accept compensation and some alternative available land options. You really need to understand that we are not trying to usurp anything, division occured and everyone is trying to make the best of things, its not only GC properties that should concern you we have lost land in the south, the ironic things is that you claim to be more advanced than us yet we cannot get our rights back without residing in the south for 6 months but you have access to a property commission to get compensation or restitution. Now before you get all hot and bothered I do not support the return of property rights for TCs in the south as I feel many TCs will double dip which I am 101% against. My head maybe Cypriot (Turkish) but it aint thick, dont listen to what your people drum into you the majority of people living in GC property were told to move out in 6 months believe me they would, you have to understand this, now how long will it take you to build my mothers house so that we can sell it, no one from my mothers side who come from the south want to go back, 40 years of peaceful living in the north is enough time to make them forget the south, plus they have nothing to go back to, homes demolished fertile land unused.
Oceanside50 wrote: Property rights encompass full rights to ones property.
erolz66 wrote:boulio wrote:Do you understand why gc have fears of unilateral intervention?you seem to ignore the gc fears and concerns about third party actions.Thats demonax point a just settlement for everyone.not just the tc.that's why I also said about double majorities for intervention and guarantees.
I absolutely understand why GC have such fears. I think solutions can be found that address both such fears but I do not think they are along the lines of 'there will be gc police a tc police and a federal police'. Such suggestions seem to fundamentally misunderstand the TC fears I talk about and do not address them at all. These are thorny issues and full of contradictions (the idea of sovereign integrity and external guarantees for the implementation and non subversion of agreements is inherently a contradiction at one level). Which is why they can only be dealt with with honesty and realism and thus why revisionist beliefs about things as black and white as the 1960 treaty of guarantee concern me.
erolz66 wrote:Oceanside50 wrote: Property rights encompass full rights to ones property.
Here we get to the thorny issue of 'just settlement'. Whilst I can understand a perspective that says 'just' re property just means everything goes back to the pre 74 owners I do not think this necessarily is a 'just' settlement. Let me give a personal example. In 1964 my Aunt's husband was taken from his place of work (Barclays bank) in broad daylight and in public by an illegal GC militia (set up and run out of the interior ministry of the RoC) and he was murdered and his body dumped in a well in Ayia Napa (his body was finally recovered and returned some 30+ years later by the CMP). I do have to say he was not an extremist, not a member of tmt, just an ordinary Cypriot doing his best to support his family. In 1974 my Aunt was given a property that was GC prior to 1974 as 'compensation' for the loss of her husband. The history of this property is know, in that whilst it was GC owned prior to 74 it was never a GC home. From the time it was built until 74 it was never the GC owners home and was used exclusively as an income generating rental property from when it was first built to 1974. My Aunt has lived in this house from 74 to the present day. For her it is a 'home' with all the emotional attachment that implies. It is where she raised her three children, without a husband. What is more it represent not just 'home' for her but in a very real and palpable way it represents 'security' and the absence of 'living in fear' that marked the 10 years of her life prior to 74 from the point her husband 'disappeared'. So I have to ask is it 'just' that she, now in her 70s should be forced from this home so that it can be returned to the pre 74 GC owners ? Even if there were some mechanism for compensation for her if she were to be forced to leave this property, which is far from clear anyway given that it was not given to her in exchange for property lost but in exchange for a husband and father lost, is not the most 'just' thing in a scenario like this that the GC owners receive monetary compensation for the lost property that was only ever an income source for them pre 74 and never a home so that she can be allowed to live ut the remainder of her life there for who it really is a home ?
My belief is a 'just settlement' would require a humanistic and compassionate case by case approach to issues such as these that is not compatible with a simple 'everything must return to pre 74 owners' approach. Can you understand why I think this ?
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